lizwitch;18098 wrote:I'm sorry but I am not willing to kill for oil. This oil doesn't belong to us, get it? If the oil men running this country doesn't like the idea of us having to buy from other middle east countries or Canada or Cuba then tough ****.
People's lives are not less valuable then having a warm house or using an electric heater rather than a wood burning stove (which is what I use, by the way) People and government can do a lot more than they do to conserve - more money could be put into research for alternative energy. I can hang my clothes out to dry - I can walk up to or over a mile or ride my bike up to ten miles to go somewhere. I can use electricity efficient light bulbs and I can tele commute or buy a hybrid car. If I were a politician I would push for car makers and importers to only sell cars that get at least a certain amount of mileage per gallon. If I were a politician, I would require all landlords to pass an insulation standard for houses they rent and all hotwater heaters to be fuel efficient and I would do away with those regular light bulbs altogether and go for th good ones.
You missed the point of my posts. You say the basis of these wars is killing for oil. You have not provided a shred of evidence. I say you are either mis-informed of lying. You may think you are just lying to us, but you are lying to yourself also.
What's more you are most probably hypocritical.
Do you heat your home exclusively with coal or wood?
Do you drive or travel in an oil or gas or aviation fueled vehicle?
Do you use electric light?
If you answer no to the first question, then you are a hypocrit because no matter what you do, you are adding to the demand for petroleum fuels.
If you answer yes to the second question, then you are a hypocrit for the same reason, different mechanical contraption.