Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 07:53 pm
lizwitch;18103 wrote:
Boy oh boy - it is already working - the EURO will be and is already taking shape as the international exchange medium - have you looked at exchange rates recently - the american dollar's value has plunged - every dollar is now worth half a Euro and it is dropping like no body's business. We are all about to watch our way of life change - and it will make the great depression look like a walk in the park - remember katrina and the city as the authorities bailed and the city became every man for himself since our government was uninterested for three freakin days before sening help in - well that will be nationwide and you and your loved ones are not immune - the elite wealthy our leaders will not suffer the consequences which is why they invests overseas and change that dollar they make off of your dead friends - and your victims - and turn it into gold - and off to some land in some foreign company where some foreign government will protect them from any trials or problems or international prosecution for the theives and war criminals they are - and you and i and every other american will be left here to fend for ourselves - no money, no economy, a bunch of people who will hate our guts for what our govenment did to them - and then you will see just what everyone is talking about....

Your preaching the same Apocalypse that fanatics for generations have be preaching. When our Dollars is not worth a Dolalr in USA is when there will be real problems. Global Market Currency does not change the price of anything.

Look at it this way. The united states has been avoiding the print of money based on inflation for the last ten years Ironically enough that is about the same time the EURO was being proposed.

Why do you think that is? So that if there ever was a power struggle between the Euro and the dollar we could easily run our printinjg presses into overdrive (Just catch up with inflation) At the stage and time if it were to happen today we could print 5 dollars to every Euro and our dollar would not drop in value.

Simple Math 1 euro = 2 dollars 2 dollars is less than 5.

Now of course your NWO response would be "Only the rich will have those dollars"

To which my response would be, "How often do you buy on the global market?"

Whew I am sleepy I just saved us ten minutes of conversation.
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 07:55 pm
lizwitch;18103 wrote:
Boy oh boy - it is already working - the EURO will be and is already taking shape as the international exchange medium - have you looked at exchange rates recently - the american dollar's value has plunged - every dollar is now worth half a Euro and it is dropping like no body's business. We are all about to watch our way of life change - and it will make the great depression look like a walk in the park - remember katrina and the city as the authorities bailed and the city became every man for himself since our government was uninterested for three freakin days before sening help in - well that will be nationwide and you and your loved ones are not immune - the elite wealthy our leaders will not suffer the consequences which is why they invests overseas and change that dollar they make off of your dead friends - and your victims - and turn it into gold - and off to some land in some foreign company where some foreign government will protect them from any trials or problems or international prosecution for the theives and war criminals they are - and you and i and every other american will be left here to fend for ourselves - no money, no economy, a bunch of people who will hate our guts for what our govenment did to them - and then you will see just what everyone is talking about....
every dollar is now worth half a Euro and it is dropping like no body's business.
U.S. Dollar to Euro Exchange Rate - Yahoo! Finance

Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 07:57 pm
lizwitch;18105 wrote:
And divided we shall fall, brother!

From what i see here, you are the only one divided?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 08:00 pm
rugonnacry;18109 wrote:
Your preaching the same Apocalypse that fanatics for generations have be preaching. When our Dollars is not worth a Dolalr in USA is when there will be real problems. Global Market Currency does not change the price of anything.

Look at it this way. The united states has been avoiding the print of money based on inflation for the last ten years Ironically enough that is about the same time the EURO was being proposed.

Why do you think that is? So that if there ever was a power struggle between the Euro and the dollar we could easily run our printinjg presses into overdrive (Just catch up with inflation) At the stage and time if it were to happen today we could print 5 dollars to every Euro and our dollar would not drop in value.

Simple Math 1 euro = 2 dollars 2 dollars is less than 5.

Now of course your NWO response would be "Only the rich will have those dollars"

To which my response would be, "How often do you buy on the global market?"

Whew I am sleepy I just saved us ten minutes of conversation.

Wish it would sink in just as quick, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 08:02 pm

Damn dude PWNT lol The euro is worth a buck and a quarter. Amazing a 20 oz bottle of soda from a vending machine $1.25 (europe and Yes I have been there) 1 euro. 1 euro = $1.25 hmmm looks like we are on a pretty even tone here.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 08:28 pm
According to Lizzypooh were getting are ass handed to us? It may eventually happen, but not today, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 10:51 pm
rugonnacry;18109 wrote:
Your preaching the same Apocalypse that fanatics for generations have be preaching. When our Dollars is not worth a Dolalr in USA is when there will be real problems. Global Market Currency does not change the price of anything.

Look at it this way. The united states has been avoiding the print of money based on inflation for the last ten years Ironically enough that is about the same time the EURO was being proposed.

Why do you think that is? So that if there ever was a power struggle between the Euro and the dollar we could easily run our printinjg presses into overdrive (Just catch up with inflation) At the stage and time if it were to happen today we could print 5 dollars to every Euro and our dollar would not drop in value.

Simple Math 1 euro = 2 dollars 2 dollars is less than 5.

Now of course your NWO response would be "Only the rich will have those dollars"

To which my response would be, "How often do you buy on the global market?"

Whew I am sleepy I just saved us ten minutes of conversation.

That is why they just printed all new dollar bills then right? no more printing money? Wrong the federal reserve is allowed to print one dollar for every 10 cents that congress can levy tax on our income. And they do. The irs collects it for the federal reserve and the federal reserve by the way is owned by member banks - foreign banks none of which the us owns any stock in - isn't that lovely ? Not only that but no memeber of Congress or the senate or the executive branch may serve on the federal reserves or any of it's member banks board of trustees or as an officer of the bank that is how damned national our damned leaders are cannon fodder and we are nothing but a way to give them spending money. You just wait and see - too bad it will be no fun telling you I told you so but all of you guys will have the hardest time of all facing the truth because you guys are the ones that sacrificed the most and trusted them more than any of us - you trusted them with your life - and those of you with lives left will be slapped harder then any of us - so it won't be any fun whatsoever to say I told you so to any of our military. That will be the worst part -
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 11:01 pm

are you serious?

You are aware the NEW dollar bills 5's 10;s 20's and so on are made for anti counterfeiting right. and My previous staement about craeating more money for inflation was absolutely accurate.

Federal reserve Has that fail safe, so that one branc cannot be too powerful.

I told you so LOL YOu will never be able to tell me that without blatantly lieing.

Your Apocalypse Now New world order theory is nothing new has been preached for over a century, and yet we are still waiting for it.

You need to get it out of your head that I am in the military.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 May, 2007 05:56 pm
lizwitch;18098 wrote:
This on-going conversation is getting nowhere. Questions upon questions but no answers from you. With the amount of money we have spent on this war - every single freakin house in America could have gotten solar panels installed.

Sounds like another campaign slogan.

As of 2005 there were an estimated 124million housing units in the United States. I've checked on what it would cost top outfit my home with sufficient solar power capability to replace half the electricity it consumes in a year. It would take at least 10K. Do thew multiplication. That means it would take more than $1.245Trillion to outfit all freakin houses in the US with minimal solar power.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 May, 2007 06:03 pm
lizwitch;18098 wrote:
I'm sorry but I am not willing to kill for oil. This oil doesn't belong to us, get it? If the oil men running this country doesn't like the idea of us having to buy from other middle east countries or Canada or Cuba then tough ****.

People's lives are not less valuable then having a warm house or using an electric heater rather than a wood burning stove (which is what I use, by the way) People and government can do a lot more than they do to conserve - more money could be put into research for alternative energy. I can hang my clothes out to dry - I can walk up to or over a mile or ride my bike up to ten miles to go somewhere. I can use electricity efficient light bulbs and I can tele commute or buy a hybrid car. If I were a politician I would push for car makers and importers to only sell cars that get at least a certain amount of mileage per gallon. If I were a politician, I would require all landlords to pass an insulation standard for houses they rent and all hotwater heaters to be fuel efficient and I would do away with those regular light bulbs altogether and go for th good ones.

You missed the point of my posts. You say the basis of these wars is killing for oil. You have not provided a shred of evidence. I say you are either mis-informed of lying. You may think you are just lying to us, but you are lying to yourself also.

What's more you are most probably hypocritical.

Do you heat your home exclusively with coal or wood?

Do you drive or travel in an oil or gas or aviation fueled vehicle?

Do you use electric light?

If you answer no to the first question, then you are a hypocrit because no matter what you do, you are adding to the demand for petroleum fuels.

If you answer yes to the second question, then you are a hypocrit for the same reason, different mechanical contraption.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 May, 2007 06:09 pm
lizwitch;18098 wrote:
If I were a politician I would dump a bunch of money into public transit systems so people wouldn't have to drive - If i were a politician - I would push for bills which give more rights to bycylists then drivers - including wider and bigger lanes etc . If I were a politician - but the problem is our politicians won't do these things because they don't make all that money that way - they don't care if we have to fight wars for oil - everyone of them and their friends makes tons of money sending you all off to die in it - and then they get all that oil too - to sell at someoutrageous price that we won't be able to afford anyway - They think oil is some sort of resource we need to live or something - it is for our way of life but if you are willing to kill others so you can live a more convienient life and not have to chop your own wood or ride your bike to the store - or buy more expensive light bulbs to save electricity or turn off your television for half the time you spend watching it then I'm sorry but we totally disagree - I am a humanitarian before I am an American - and I am an American before I am a republican or a democrat - and my party loyalty or my job does not come before what I believe is right and know to be wrong.

So, become a politician and do rather than say.

When I worked in a major command headquarters the guys in the field used to complain about the guys in the HQ not being responsive to the needs of the warfighter. One guy said this over email to me. He just happened to be in the unit I had just left. I told him he had the best attitude to get things done at the HQ and we really needed his input. I asked him to come join the HQ team so we could really make progress.

He did, and didn't get a thing done in a two year assignment. He left the assignment early because he was frustrated.

Put up or shut up. If you think you can do a better job than the politicians we have or had, then run for office, don't complain and say if I were I would. That's just childish. I expect more from someone the age of my little (youngest) sister.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 May, 2007 06:16 pm
lizwitch;18098 wrote:
If I were a politician I would dump a bunch of money into public transit systems so people wouldn't have to drive - If i were a politician - I would push for bills which give more rights to bycylists then drivers - including wider and bigger lanes etc . If I were a politician - but the problem is our politicians won't do these things because they don't make all that money that way - they don't care if we have to fight wars for oil - everyone of them and their friends makes tons of money sending you all off to die in it - and then they get all that oil too - to sell at someoutrageous price that we won't be able to afford anyway - They think oil is some sort of resource we need to live or something - it is for our way of life but if you are willing to kill others so you can live a more convienient life and not have to chop your own wood or ride your bike to the store - or buy more expensive light bulbs to save electricity or turn off your television for half the time you spend watching it then I'm sorry but we totally disagree - I am a humanitarian before I am an American - and I am an American before I am a republican or a democrat - and my party loyalty or my job does not come before what I believe is right and know to be wrong.

The key is to live simply so that others may simply live.

Don't worry another decade of China manufacturing all of our goods and you'll get your wish.

You're a humanitarian before you're an American? Have you left the US for anythin and gone to any third world country or even our second world cousins in Europe? I really doubt it unless it was on a bahamanian cruise or some such.

Adventure and romance are someone having a near death experience a 1000 miles away. When it is happening to you, it ain't pleasant and your viewpoint will change.

You began one of your posts with the complaint that "everyone" on this site was mean and conservative and an old boy and wouldn't listen to your enlightening information. You know, when all about you are running around like chickens with their heads cut off and you aren't, maybe you just don't understand the situation.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 May, 2007 06:19 pm
lizwitch;18098 wrote:
So what is all this talk about freedom and fighting for my freedom - are you fighting for my oil or my freedom - and are you fighting or are you killing - and why are you killing? Did someone tell you that if we didn't kill saddam and install a democracy we would be cut off from the oil supplies all over the world or something - i just don't understand. Do you think you could answer the question.

Have you had any education or training in geo-political theory or reality? It doesn't appear so.

When someone frames a question based on a false premise you have no obligation to answer the question. You have an obligation to point out the fallicy of the premise. Using a false premise is a deliberate tactic in debate used to hide a lack of factual grounding in an argument.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 May, 2007 06:23 pm
lizwitch;18103 wrote:
Boy oh boy - it is already working - the EURO will be and is already taking shape as the international exchange medium - have you looked at exchange rates recently - the american dollar's value has plunged - every dollar is now worth half a Euro and it is dropping like no body's business. We are all about to watch our way of life change - and it will make the great depression look like a walk in the park - remember katrina and the city as the authorities bailed and the city became every man for himself since our government was uninterested for three freakin days before sening help in - well that will be nationwide and you and your loved ones are not immune - the elite wealthy our leaders will not suffer the consequences which is why they invests overseas and change that dollar they make off of your dead friends - and your victims - and turn it into gold - and off to some land in some foreign company where some foreign government will protect them from any trials or problems or international prosecution for the theives and war criminals they are - and you and i and every other american will be left here to fend for ourselves - no money, no economy, a bunch of people who will hate our guts for what our govenment did to them - and then you will see just what everyone is talking about....

Thank our buddy Billy C and his administration for that. Who made China our most favored trading nation? How many of our bonds does China hold?

Why did we let China buy and export our industrial base and middle class opportunity with it?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 May, 2007 06:24 pm
lizwitch;18105 wrote:
And divided we shall fall, brother!

So, get some education and come out of ignorance so we won't be divided.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 May, 2007 06:26 pm
rugonnacry;18109 wrote:
Your preaching the same Apocalypse that fanatics for generations have be preaching. When our Dollars is not worth a Dolalr in USA is when there will be real problems. Global Market Currency does not change the price of anything.

Look at it this way. The united states has been avoiding the print of money based on inflation for the last ten years Ironically enough that is about the same time the EURO was being proposed.

Why do you think that is? So that if there ever was a power struggle between the Euro and the dollar we could easily run our printinjg presses into overdrive (Just catch up with inflation) At the stage and time if it were to happen today we could print 5 dollars to every Euro and our dollar would not drop in value.

Simple Math 1 euro = 2 dollars 2 dollars is less than 5.

Now of course your NWO response would be "Only the rich will have those dollars"

To which my response would be, "How often do you buy on the global market?"

Whew I am sleepy I just saved us ten minutes of conversation.


Isn't that what Nazi Germany did before they had housewives carting wheelbarrows to buy loaves of bread?
Reply Wed 30 May, 2007 04:45 am
Liz is pure emotion. She's an emotional volcano. There isn't a shred of rational thought in anything she says.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 May, 2007 07:20 am
Lizzypooh's conviction comes know where near her words. Cat got her tongue.
Reply Wed 30 May, 2007 10:59 am
Drnaline;18412 wrote:
Lizzypooh's conviction comes know where near her words. Cat got her tongue.

I'm sick of arguing with you people. You don't base your comments on facts - you spin the subject to suite whatever it is you are saying instead of staying on topic - you guys make no sense - you have no sense - I like discussing politics with people with different views then I because I learn a lot that way and it makes my view broader - but you guys give me nothing - you have no substance to your beliefs - simple minded ridiculousness.
Reply Wed 30 May, 2007 12:43 pm
Lemme try to communicate with you on an appropriate level:

0 Replies

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