scooby-doo cv
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 06:06 pm
Volunteer;17504 wrote:
What is your basis for this statement?

i think its common knowledge :thumbup: i tell you what,if geroge bush is seen as a great liberator,let him walk on the streets of baghdad to the adulation of the people :thumbup:
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 06:09 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;17387 wrote:
...the majority of the iraqi people dont want us troops on their soil,....

What is your basis for this statement?

scooby-doo;17510 wrote:
i think its common knowledge :thumbup: i tell you what,if geroge bush is seen as a great liberator,let him walk on the streets of baghdad to the adulation of the people :thumbup:

So, you made it up. What does the statement have to do with the like or dislike of President Bush?
scooby-doo cv
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 06:19 pm
Volunteer;17514 wrote:
What is your basis for this statement?

So, you made it up. What does the statement have to do with the like or dislike of President Bush?

watching non-american broadcasts from iraq :thumbup: they tend to give a more realistic view of the conflict
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 07:46 pm
Markx15 - your post is entirely correct. I remember the hotel being bombed by US forces as well and I remember the Spanish journalists boycotting their government because they refused to investigate the whole incident any further. They claimed that they asked the US Gov. about it and they said it was a mistake and they decided that it was sufficient. However, one of their most famous journalists was killed and journalists from all over were claiming (american journalists too) that the American government was in fact targetting them intentionally. The stories are plentiful and even congress was forced to address the issue a few times some years ago. It was this reason that the incumbents in Spain lost the election - they tried to blame it on the train bombings - but the truth is they used the train bombings to scare the people like the american people are manipulated and easily scared by claims of terrorists attacks - but the Spanish were not to be manipulated and their government saw the result of their actions or non-actions...unlike our government sees.

I remember reading all about this and many other incidents - so I hear you on this. Sorry so many others here can not hear the truth when the truth is told. They just assume make you wrong then believe something -like that because if they were to admit you were right then it would make them fooled - fooled by this and many other things as well - and no one wants to be a fool - so they just assume be a fool forever then face the truth and do something about it.

The American mainstream media is owned by 3 (count them - 1 2 3) corporations - munitions invested - war contracted - and defense contracted corporations - GE - one of the wars biggests contractors, for instances owns NBC and MSNBC and a whole sleu of cable stations as well - and it only takes a little common sense to figure what they say and don't say about the war - but people in this country - you have to forgive their ignorance as they are victims of a very well thought out and carefully choreographed plan to dumb down the American population so the so -called - leaders can take us all for a ride. They still think it's republicans versus the democrats instead of the people versus the politicians. The elite wealthy - the very smallest minority in this country is running and always has run this country - a country who claims to be a democracy and represented - ohhh puleease

The democrats and the republicans decided a long time ago that they drink from the same well - so they weren't going to spit in it. The system is set up for them and not for us. Yet as we sit in front of our propaganda boxes - called the television - and read those so called news papers censored by the same class of people and we learn all those things they call our history - we are taught patriotism - we pledge to the flag every morning of school for 12 years even our higher education system is set up to create thinkers to assist the polluters and the elites - to continue raping us and the earth and the earths people - knowing that when resources run dry - they will be the ones most likely to survive. It's sad, really - but my people are just victims - they sound indifferent and they sound ignorant - but it's not their fault.
Reply Sun 27 May, 2007 02:41 pm
lizwitch;17541 wrote:
Markx15 - your post is entirely correct. I remember the hotel being bombed by US forces as well and I remember the Spanish journalists boycotting their government because they refused to investigate the whole incident any further. They claimed that they asked the US Gov. about it and they said it was a mistake and they decided that it was sufficient. However, one of their most famous journalists was killed and journalists from all over were claiming (american journalists too) that the American government was in fact targetting them intentionally. The stories are plentiful and even congress was forced to address the issue a few times some years ago. It was this reason that the incumbents in Spain lost the election - they tried to blame it on the train bombings - but the truth is they used the train bombings to scare the people like the american people are manipulated and easily scared by claims of terrorists attacks - but the Spanish were not to be manipulated and their government saw the result of their actions or non-actions...unlike our government sees.

I remember reading all about this and many other incidents - so I hear you on this. Sorry so many others here can not hear the truth when the truth is told. They just assume make you wrong then believe something -like that because if they were to admit you were right then it would make them fooled - fooled by this and many other things as well - and no one wants to be a fool - so they just assume be a fool forever then face the truth and do something about it.

The unit that hit the hotel had either received fire from the hotel or it was being used as a spotting post. When that happened, the hotel became a legitimate target. The fact that journalists occupied the hotel did not give it special protection. This fact was probably one reason the enemy used the hotel as a base of operations. The sympathy of the foreign press also helped the enemy gain a foothold in the hotel from which to operate.

Great propaganda ploy.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2007 02:45 pm
lizwitch;17541 wrote:
The American mainstream media is owned by 3 (count them - 1 2 3) corporations - munitions invested - war contracted - and defense contracted corporations - GE - one of the wars biggests contractors, for instances owns NBC and MSNBC and a whole sleu of cable stations as well - and it only takes a little common sense to figure what they say and don't say about the war - but people in this country - you have to forgive their ignorance as they are victims of a very well thought out and carefully choreographed plan to dumb down the American population so the so -called - leaders can take us all for a ride. They still think it's republicans versus the democrats instead of the people versus the politicians. The elite wealthy - the very smallest minority in this country is running and always has run this country - a country who claims to be a democracy and represented - ohhh puleease

The democrats and the republicans decided a long time ago that they drink from the same well - so they weren't going to spit in it. The system is set up for them and not for us. Yet as we sit in front of our propaganda boxes - called the television - and read those so called news papers censored by the same class of people and we learn all those things they call our history - we are taught patriotism - we pledge to the flag every morning of school for 12 years even our higher education system is set up to create thinkers to assist the polluters and the elites - to continue raping us and the earth and the earths people - knowing that when resources run dry - they will be the ones most likely to survive. It's sad, really - but my people are just victims - they sound indifferent and they sound ignorant - but it's not their fault.

I agree with you about both parties.

Your point about big media ownership, while probably true, does not translate into an excuse for US Citizens or the citizens of most western countries to be ignorant of the truth about world events. This medium we are using is the reason.

Class conflict is a communist concept.
Reply Sun 27 May, 2007 02:47 pm
Thunderstorm coming, I'm off the computer.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2007 04:28 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
I'm sick of you ******** trying to be so **********, when it fact, you're just a bunch of ***********. ******* you.....all of you. Yeah...that's right -- ****** *******!!!!!!!:headbang: :mebeer: :devilheadbang: :cavt-126-asard: :banghead:
Reply Sun 27 May, 2007 04:38 pm
Pinochet73;17892 wrote:
I'm sick of you ******** trying to be so **********, when it fact, you're just a bunch of ***********. ******* you.....all of you. Yeah...that's right -- :mebeer:

Thunderstorm is past. Having a bad day Pino? Sorry, tomorrow will be better. Stay hydrated after the beer and take a couple vitamin M.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2007 06:27 pm
Class conflict is a communist concept.

No, class conflict is a concept, it was considerd necessary for the communist design, but it is something natural to capitalism, you see you need to have diferent classes to have conflict.

Volunteer, I ask you, as you said that the presence of terrorists in the hotel made it a legitimate target, how many civilians is it ok to kill? Do you believe they had anything to do with these radicals? One more question, why don't we have at least an estimate from the army about civilian casualties? Is it perhaps because these men(and women) are under orders to fire at anything that moves?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2007 08:00 pm
**** ** **** ***** ***!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2007 09:37 pm
F*CK Pinochet is running off
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 02:46 am
The unit that hit the hotel had either received fire from the hotel or it was being used as a spotting post. When that happened, the hotel became a legitimate target. The fact that journalists occupied the hotel did not give it special protection. This fact was probably one reason the enemy used the hotel as a base of operations. The sympathy of the foreign press also helped the enemy gain a foothold in the hotel from which to operate.

Great propaganda ploy.

It was a great propagnda ploy - the story you tell. From what I understand the us military raided that same hotel hours earlier - went threw every room - stole cameras and film and harrassed journalists - they made no arrests.

When they did bomb the hotel and killed the spanish journalist and the spanish journalists demanded that Spain's government investigate this - the US claimed it was an accident -

There are too many stories of the American military targetting journalists and detaining and killing them...too many to believe that it was an accident or that there was an enemy there - it is the same excuse they used when they bombed the red cross building - bombing a building to get an enemy who may be staying at the hotel is hardly acceptable...they just raided the place but didn't find anything except a lot of unembedded journalists telling the truth - sometimes the truth sounds like the enemy to those who are committing the crimes or complacent enough to believe the liars and follow orders.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 02:55 am
Volunteer;17889 wrote:
I agree with you about both parties.

Your point about big media ownership, while probably true, does not translate into an excuse for US Citizens or the citizens of most western countries to be ignorant of the truth about world events. This medium we are using is the reason.

Class conflict is a communist concept.

I agree - there is no excuse for ignorance but the misinformation that this free medium hosts and the very overload of counter truth operations and psyops - have caused even greater confusion. It's not easy to realize that everything you ever thought was true was a lie - the very history you learned, the patriotism you felt right along with other emotions was a man made tool to use against you latter if you were to find out the truth - that the leaders you vote for aren't on your side - that you don't have a free press - well not a diverse and independent one acting as the watchdogs for the american people - the whole freakin carefully crafted and skillfully orchestrated concept of democracy, free world, the american dream - glorification of war "heros" and wars etc is nothing but a bunch of lies, propaganda and you are nothing but a sucker - and a fool or were - is not easy to swallow or face - or accept - it's a choker.

Don't confuse democracy or freedom with capitalism
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 08:27 am
"No, class conflict is a concept, it was considerd necessary for the communist design, but it is something natural to capitalism, you see you need to have diferent classes to have conflict."

Yeah....and it's a hog-chit argument made by Commie elitists. The truth is people prefer capitalism because it's based on the concept of economic freedom. Democracy is political freedom. MAN CRAVES INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM OVER AND ABOVE MINIMAL, STATE-SPONSORED SECURITY (eg, the welfare state). People prefer to be FREE, dammit, and not owned and controlled by the frig'n government. Marxist propaganda is nothing but a massive heap of platitudes. DEATH TO MARXISM.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 10:38 am
People prefer capitalism because it brings wealth, more so for few. I prefer individual political freedom to a mock economic freedom, a democratic socialist party would garuntee both.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:04 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
markx15;17908 wrote:
Volunteer, I ask you, as you said that the presence of terrorists in the hotel made it a legitimate target, how many civilians is it ok to kill? Do you believe they had anything to do with these radicals? One more question, why don't we have at least an estimate from the army about civilian casualties? Is it perhaps because these men(and women) are under orders to fire at anything that moves?

That is why sympathy for terrorists is such a self-deluded concept. These people (the terrorists) don't care how many innocents are in the line of fire.

In their eyes, the more the better because they can gain from the death of innocents. They gain by the initial physical protection provided by the innocent; they gain by the death of the innocent when the innocent is a collateral casualty because the local populace sees the conflict and the person who is resisting the terrorist as the agressor, they gain from the international attention gained in attention to their cause and in the propaganda against the people who resist; they gain in the chaos created when relatives and friends of those killed follow their emotions and add to the chaos.

Their mode of operation is to hide behind innocents in the hope that people who care about life will hesitate or decide not to shoot because of the possibility the innocent will be killed. Is this thought process good or evil.

Our forces are not under orders to fire at anything that moves. That would be an illegal order.

If you are as I believe, a child under the age of 20; then you need to get some books and learn about warfare, the laws of war, and read the United States' Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Or go to:International Law - Council on Foreign Relations

Or: Uniform Code of Military Justice - UCMJ


Or: Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, 75 U.N.T.S. 31, entered into force Oct. 21, 1950.

Or: International Humanitarian Law - First 1949 Geneva Convention

Or: UN Convention on the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces (I)

Or: Geneva Conventions - Wex

You will understand then that what you suggest is not appropriate and would not be carried out by our soldiers.

Now, if you break down the command structure of a platoon or company and have an isolated unit they may obtain a common, and wrong, mode of operation similar to their enemy. This situation is termed a breakdown of military order and discipline. This is not a situation any commander wants.

Rules of Engagement (ROE) are almost always in favor of protecting innocents in the line of fire. Military necessity is only one factor our troops must use to determine what they do for an operation and how they accomplish an operation.

Read the laws of war and look at the elements of those laws and you'll understand it isn't a cut and dried situation in which someone can order someone to do soemthing and they do it. Illegal orders should not be followed, period.

If you read the Cornell Law link and review the 1977 protocols, you'll see the justification used by Terrorists for saying their mode of behavior is legal under the law of war. You'll also gain a better understanding of why we are in our present situation if you look at the sponsors for these protocols and bump that knowledge against your knowledge of the primary and secondary actors in today's conflict(s).

Do you not fight a bully who's trying to kill you because the bully holds one of your freinds in front of him and tells you you'll have to go through your friend to get to the bully? No, you do you best not to hurt your friend, but you defend yourself.
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:12 pm
lizwitch;17957 wrote:
I agree - there is no excuse for ignorance but the misinformation that this free medium hosts and the very overload of counter truth operations and psyops - have caused even greater confusion. It's not easy to realize that everything you ever thought was true was a lie - the very history you learned, the patriotism you felt right along with other emotions was a man made tool to use against you latter if you were to find out the truth - that the leaders you vote for aren't on your side - that you don't have a free press - well not a diverse and independent one acting as the watchdogs for the american people - the whole freakin carefully crafted and skillfully orchestrated concept of democracy, free world, the american dream - glorification of war "heros" and wars etc is nothing but a bunch of lies, propaganda and you are nothing but a sucker - and a fool or were - is not easy to swallow or face - or accept - it's a choker.

Don't confuse democracy or freedom with capitalism

That's why hard copy rocks! You can't change hard copy. You can only hide or destroy it. Any changes are self-evident. The Bible is Hard Copy!

That's why a common basis of knowledge and values imparted by a universal educational system is critical to the health and continued life of a nation.

When everything goes, then nothing is wrong and eventually, all is chaos as you describe.

The chaos you describe is one result. The loss of the ability to defend oneself, loved ones, and one's nation or the nations of allies are other results.

What is the definition of a nation?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:21 pm
Volunteer;17998 wrote:
That is why sympathy for terrorists is such a self-deluded concept. These people (the terrorists) don't care how many innocents are in the line of fire.

In their eyes, the more the better because they can gain from the death of innocents. They gain by the initial physical protection provided by the innocent; they gain by the death of the innocent when the innocent is a collateral casualty because the local populace sees the conflict and the person who is resisting the terrorist as the agressor, they gain from the international attention gained in attention to their cause and in the propaganda against the people who resist; they gain in the chaos created when relatives and friends of those killed follow their emotions and add to the chaos.

Their mode of operation is to hide behind innocents in the hope that people who care about life will hesitate or decide not to shoot because of the possibility the innocent will be killed. Is this thought process good or evil.

Our forces are not under orders to fire at anything that moves. That would be an illegal order.

If you are as I believe, a child under the age of 20; then you need to get some books and learn about warfare, the laws of war, and read the United States' Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Or go to:International Law - Council on Foreign Relations

Or: Uniform Code of Military Justice - UCMJ


Or: Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, 75 U.N.T.S. 31, entered into force Oct. 21, 1950.

Or: International Humanitarian Law - First 1949 Geneva Convention

Or: UN Convention on the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces (I)

Or: Geneva Conventions - Wex

You will understand then that what you suggest is not appropriate and would not be carried out by our soldiers.

Now, if you break down the command structure of a platoon or company and have an isolated unit they may obtain a common, and wrong, mode of operation similar to their enemy. This situation is termed a breakdown of military order and discipline. This is not a situation any commander wants.

Rules of Engagement (ROE) are almost always in favor of protecting innocents in the line of fire. Military necessity is only one factor our troops must use to determine what they do for an operation and how they accomplish an operation.

Read the laws of war and look at the elements of those laws and you'll understand it isn't a cut and dried situation in which someone can order someone to do soemthing and they do it. Illegal orders should not be followed, period.

If you read the Cornell Law link and review the 1977 protocols, you'll see the justification used by Terrorists for saying their mode of behavior is legal under the law of war. You'll also gain a better understanding of why we are in our present situation if you look at the sponsors for these protocols and bump that knowledge against your knowledge of the primary and secondary actors in today's conflict(s).

Do you not fight a bully who's trying to kill you because the bully holds one of your freinds in front of him and tells you you'll have to go through your friend to get to the bully? No, you do you best not to hurt your friend, but you defend yourself.

I don't think he asked you how terrorists feel about how many civillians and innocent people are okay to kill to get the so called target - I think he asked you what your opinion is on that subject? It was not the terrorist who bombed the hotel it was the American military. Terrorism is defined as those who kill innocent civillians for political causes - wouldn't that make the us military terrorists then? I think that was the point he was trying to make but you gave him a lesson on terrorism which I don't think he needed nor asked for. Perhaps you should just answer the question.
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:25 pm
lizwitch;18004 wrote:
I don't think he asked you how terrorists feel about how many civillians and innocent people are okay to kill to get the so called target - I think he asked you what your opinion is on that subject? It was not the terrorist who bombed the hotel it was the American military. Terrorism is defined as those who kill innocent civillians for political causes - wouldn't that make the us military terrorists then? I think that was the point he was trying to make but you gave him a lesson on terrorism which I don't think he needed nor asked for. Perhaps you should just answer the question.

I did answer the question. The issue is not if it is OK to kill or harm non-combatants. Making that the issue allows the terrorist to dictate your thought pattern. Under international law, the issue is the loss of non-combatant status protection when an unlawful combatant takes refuge in a protected environment or behind a protected person.

Put the situation in local terms. If the police are returning fire to a criminal's location, that location happens to be a news network's offices, and some employees of the network are killed or injured.

Who is at fault, the police or the criminal?
0 Replies

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