Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 10:23 am
Brazil's big enough to have influence over the U.N., if it gets it's G-4 buddies or someone else involved.
Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 10:30 am
The diference is we don't/can't overstep the UN, can/do you?

Why don't/can't you? To answer the question again, we made it, we finance it, we house it, we use it to our advantage. If you would like to reep such benefits you can always take over the finance obligation?
Excellent point, but does one nullify the other?

You tell me? Depends on your intension of the statement i was referring to which was: "Hell you can find american money in just about every dictatorship during the Cold War. " What was the insinuation, America finance's dictatoships?
Also spreading democracy is a self-apointed objective, what is your excuse for promoting tyrants?

Self appointed yes. America will take forceful issue with those who do not believe in individual freedom. Always have, always will. I don't know which tyrants you refer to but given what ever situation you are talking about, i assume you would of made a different policy change for this percieved support of tyrants?
I think you misunderstood what I meant when I said "swing votes". What I was trying to say is that the US puts tremendous pressure through economic-military threats, there is no democracy in the UN if you control the voters.

So your saying America does not have the right to act on it's own interests, isn't that one of the key elements of a democracy? I think the last part of your statement is wrong. What we do is a perfect example of how democracy works. The shining example appears to be us. We know it and we use it to our advantage, show me the crime in that and we'll talk about letting up so some of the less fortunate in the game can have a play? So if that statement were true then could you also say there is no democracy in the US because the vote majority is controlled by the democrats? Sounds silly to me?
It is your game, you won that option in the Cold War. I play only what I can't avoid, and yes there are billions of people forcing me to play, because without mininmal cooperation I would not be able to sustain myself.
So we bought and paid for it, it is ours right? "play only what I can't avoid" Your cutting yourself a little short arn't you? Billions of people? Who are they? Minimal co-op is what is required to live in a civilized world. You get no pass from me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 10:35 am
Reagaknight;13159 wrote:
Brazil's big enough to have influence over the U.N., if it gets it's G-4 buddies or someone else involved.
If 80% got some kinda corruption rap, what chance do you think they'd have to get there **** together in the UN? Kofi and his boys were corrupt enough, the UN don't need any more help, LOL.
Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 02:07 pm
"The easier question is who didn't think he had WMD's?"
Who didn't think he had WMD's was Joseph Wilson who went to Nigeria to see if they were selling uranium to Iraq. He reported that they were NOT selling anything to Sadam. But did they listen? Nope. War still goes on.
Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 05:16 pm
So just because you have more money and greater military power you can do as you wish? Grow up. You seem to be quite good at applying your philosofies in a one on one sense, but your country as a whole can act as it wills? What are your interest anyways, money? power? american citizens? I can see the first two easily, what about the third? What are the priorities surronding your policies? Did you know that the USA's biggest military base outside it's borders is in Qatar, guess what their form of government is. I can't prove that the USA finances dictatorships, but there sure are convinient to American interests. Capitalism is the predominant form of market, you won that fight, using all means possible. I just can't understand which is more important profit or people?
Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 05:19 pm
In the future I will refrain from discussing american policies as I am greatly out of my depth. You can find me in the religion-philosofy section.
Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 06:05 pm
IM-A-DEMOCRAT-BABY!;13184 wrote:
"The easier question is who didn't think he had WMD's?"
Who didn't think he had WMD's was Joseph Wilson who went to Nigeria to see if they were selling uranium to Iraq. He reported that they were NOT selling anything to Sadam. But did they listen? Nope. War still goes on.
Wilson didn't go to nigeria, he went to Niger. Who did Wilson report this too? The government or the New York Times? Wilson did not deny the Iraqi's were there negotiating something. There are two products exported out of Niger. One is camels, the other is yellow cake. Which do you think Saddams cronys were there to purchase. Have you ever read Wilsons Congressional testimony? Read it and then tell me who the liar is? The first question is who sent him to Niger. His first story was Cheney, the story pretty much goes south from there.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 07:56 pm
"So just because you have more money and greater military power you can do as you wish? Grow up."

Actually, not doing so is a rather modern idea. Force has always been a powerful human impulse, and always will be.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 10:47 am
markx15;13205 wrote:
So just because you have more money and greater military power you can do as you wish? Grow up. You seem to be quite good at applying your philosofies in a one on one sense, but your country as a whole can act as it wills? What are your interest anyways, money? power? american citizens? I can see the first two easily, what about the third? What are the priorities surronding your policies? Did you know that the USA's biggest military base outside it's borders is in Qatar, guess what their form of government is. I can't prove that the USA finances dictatorships, but there sure are convinient to American interests. Capitalism is the predominant form of market, you won that fight, using all means possible. I just can't understand which is more important profit or people?
So just because you have more money and greater military power you can do as you wish?

To answer the question, Yes. When in human history has this ever not been so? How does what you interpret of us differ then what you do as a person yourself? Do you not try and use all power that is at your means? I don't understand why you seek to limit us? From a point of the losing side. In other words, you do not think what we do is fair, but all practicality says nothing in this life is fair! You wish the playing field to be equal even though the whole thought of the game is to have an unequal advantage? I think your being a little intentionally naive?
Grow up.

If i need to grow, you need to step up?
You seem to be quite good at applying your philosofies in a one on one sense, but your country as a whole can act as it wills?

It does better then yours wouldn't you agree?
What are your interest anyways, money? power? american citizens? I can see the first two easily, what about the third?

What about the four and fifth and on down the line. We have many interests. Most of then worth while. Where do you say we as American citizens should cut it off?
What are the priorities surronding your policies?

Life, Liberty and the persuit of happyness. We would like to have the first two as a world wide standard but you are the only one responcible for the third.
Did you know that the USA's biggest military base outside it's borders is in Qatar, guess what their form of government is. I can't prove that the USA finances dictatorships, but there sure are convinient to American interests.

I believe i asked this before. What in our policy would you change and why? You object to us having a base in Qatar? Do you object to why is was put there in the first place? In 2001 we started using the soviet base there and plum wore it out, hence the building of a new base.
I can't prove that the USA finances dictatorships, but there sure are convinient to American interests. Capitalism is the predominant form of market, you won that fight, using all means possible. I just can't understand which is more important profit or people?
The answer is both, an answer you as well cannot deny? Why do you get up in the mourning and go to work? For the people right? How do you help those people, working for a profit!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 11:03 am
markx15;13206 wrote:
In the future I will refrain from discussing american policies as I am greatly out of my depth. You can find me in the religion-philosofy section.
That would be a sad day for that to happen. How do you propose getting indepth if you will not participate? I understand and see much on your insights in all the forums and i appreciate them. We do draw lines at certain issues. This is one of them. You need not exclude yourself from the discussion. My intension was not to do so. But to level the playing field, kinda what you were asking for IMO. Your argument as i saw it was of a high position, what i think i proved to you was that position wasn't as high as you thought it was? Apology if i offended.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 12:40 pm
Oh don't worry, I am very hard to take offense. I am not well versed in politics, truthfully I am quite repulsed by the whole issue. You see what I meant is that in your pursuit of happiness many times the US tends to create dificulties for the countries also trying for the same. I think your politicians focus to much outward and not enough internally. I can see many US corporations profiting absurd amounts while there are those who cannot sustain themselves or their children. Your are right though, I over-estimated my own opinion, considering many interests that your country pursues as wrong. Yes I work for a profit, so do you I guess, but that profit is only so I can sustain myself and continue to provide service to whoever. I see that lost in many americans, brazilians as well, they work for profit as if it was in itself the goal, to me it is what you can use to attain something, if it isn't a tool what else can it be?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 12:43 pm
I believe i asked this before. What in our policy would you change and why? You object to us having a base in Qatar? Do you object to why is was put there in the first place? In 2001 we started using the soviet base there and plum wore it out, hence the building of a new base.

I was just pointing out that there are bigger issues in the minds of the one directing the US military that to spread liberty and freedom, your biggest military establishment outside of the US is in a country where there is still a monarchy instated, why?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 12:45 pm
It does better then yours wouldn't you agree?

Maybe for some individuals, but do you profit from this? By you I mean your common american man/woman.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 12:50 pm
To answer the question, Yes. When in human history has this ever not been so? How does what you interpret of us differ then what you do as a person yourself? Do you not try and use all power that is at your means? I don't understand why you seek to limit us? From a point of the losing side. In other words, you do not think what we do is fair, but all practicality says nothing in this life is fair! You wish the playing field to be equal even though the whole thought of the game is to have an unequal advantage? I think your being a little intentionally naive?

I believe history shows that using brute force does achieve happiness for the general populace, how many empires do you see that have resisted the tides of time? If force doesn't work in the long run, shouldn't we try something else? And once again history is plagued with nations trying to conquer well-being for themselves, never achieving something truly worthwhile, was that maybe because they tried alone? Is there any country that has attempted to unite others for the equal well being of all involved? Not to my knowledge, perhaps that is why we are yet to achieve an end to some of the most common forms of physical suffering. Maybe we need to learn how to share?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 02:39 pm
Drnaline;13163 wrote:
If 80% got some kinda corruption rap, what chance do you think they'd have to get there **** together in the UN? Kofi and his boys were corrupt enough, the UN don't need any more help, LOL.

Politics at home don't matter if you're big enough and have friends in high places. Hell, corruption can get you higher up.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 05:11 pm
Pinochet73;13095 wrote:
The war is lost because America isn't tough enough to fight protracted counter-insurgencies. We, the American people, are great, but fighting counter-insurgencies isn't our strongsuit. We're good at many other things, but not this. We lack the unity, patience, and tolerance for bloodshed that counter-guerrilla warfare requires. Sorry. We're finished there. It's just a matter of when and how we get out. We can't win this or any other counter-insurgency. This is too much.:no:

PS: America's youth should boycott this war. It's a lost fight (not cause, but FIGHT). The way we're prosecuting this war is not worth their precious lives.

Oh please, its not the soldiers fault, but the medias fault. I bet if there was no televisions or internet, this whole war would be going just peachy right now. It's another war that the press ruined, the first being Vietnam. Imagine if World War Two were completely televised to everyone? Two thirds of the deaths as a result of World War 2 were civilians. So many US soldiers died it was horrifying. People are here whining and acting like 2,000 soldiers is an insane amount of dead, and that it is the worst thing possible. I understand, even one dead solider is a lot, but 2,000 is nothing in comparison to previous wars. If all fot hatw as televised it too would have been ruined.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 06:37 pm
For the record, it's been over 3,000 for quite some time. Where have you been? Also, would this insignificant number matter more to you if one of them were your brother or son? How about father?

The war is lost because America doesn't have to will to fight it to win it. Your arrogance doesn't match our tactical outcomes. We are not winning, and there's absolutely no sign that things will change for the better.

America cannot stomach counter-insurgencies. She's not built to do so.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 07:46 pm
Ask Israel how to do it, they have a long history of conquer.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 11:50 am
the war is a disaster,the majority of the iraqi people dont want us troops on their soil,when you dont have the support of the people you cant win the war.
Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 05:59 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;17387 wrote:
...the majority of the iraqi people dont want us troops on their soil,....

What is your basis for this statement?

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