Introductions about someone else for the new folk

Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 12:46 am
dlowan wrote:

dadpad wrote:

Mame wrote:

dadpad - reasonable, funny, a bit quirky - good all 'round bloke.

reasonable? WTF? Thats like average, tan or beige. what happened to... You have a large penis and I want sex with you badly like you Pm'd me last week? Ok well I guess its better than unreasonable.
thank you mame

Reasonable is a really cool thing to be, roo-brain!

Also your man when it comes to wood and all manner of practical things, a great husband and father, kind and warm, damn fine fella.

Oh...apparently has a large penis.

Yes - he keeps it in a jar in the shed....according to Mumpad!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 04:08 am
It's always a problem on threads like this that really good people will somehow be missed. So I'm not going to introduce A2Kers who have already be introduced, I'm going to add a few more.

.. apart from cavfancier. He deserves another mention, if anyone does. One of my all-time favourite A2K people, who died (far, far too young!) a little over 5 years ago. Hugely talented, very funny & warm & a mine of information on food, especially. I can't say enough in praise of cav. It broke our hearts when he died. Here's a remembrance thread for him on the 5th anniversary of his death, if any of you new folk are interested.


And now for a few other introductions , in no particular order.

edgarblythe. Edgar is a writer, a worker & one of those salt of the earth people. I have the greatest affection & respect for him. Don't be deceived by his unassuming manner. He is worth paying attention to. He is very wise & insightful, with passionate political convictions.

ehBeth. One of our terrific Canadian contingent (& a passionate one!) She's sharp, clever, funny & a personal friend to many. I suspect Beth has met & befriended more A2kers that just about anyone here. And everyone she's crossed paths with just loves her! She's gotta have something going for her to have so many fans out there! Wink Oh & she indulges in belly-dancing, is a wonderful cook, reads up a storm & is wonderfully wise when giving advice to those who need it, too.

littlek. Just about the most honest & straightforward A2Ker I know of. No bullshit, no ego "issues", what she says is what she means. Her range of interests (& expertise) is broad. She's often surprised me by being so knowledgeable in areas I had absolutely no idea she had any interest in at all. (like evolution? I had no idea, k! Surprised )When k speaks, people around here listen. With good reason.

Endymion. Endy is a poet & writer, also with very passionate political commitments. He is extremely talented (though he doesn't big note himself at all. Not in the slightest. Actually he has every good reason to.) & tends to come & go on this board. When Endy posts some of his new writing, check it out. I think you'll be glad you did.

realjohnboy & nimh. Both have an incredible knowledge of politics in just about any country you could name. They live, eat & breath politics. They are like walking political encyclopedias! And as for nimh's graphs & charts, well they have to be seen to be believed.

tsarstepan. The tsar knows so much about film, books & the media it makes the mind boggle. How does he find the time to watch all that, read all that, pick up all that information? Incredible. On top of that, he's downright lovable & lots of fun! Make sure you join in on one of his "silly"/not-so-serious threads when you're in the mood.

OK, I'll bet you I'll think of a few more, just after I've posted this! That's the way things usually go, yes?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 04:53 am
Thank you, k. And thanks, Edgar -- I'll take a look.

Hmm there's our SouthWest contingent. Dyslexia is an interesting guy in a Stetson. A lot of kidding but a lot of knowledge there. Lives with Diane, the Naughty Nun. Smile

Also in the SouthWest is ossobucco who I'm sure you've seen around -- she is very interested in art and land architecture and man oh man can she cook.

Ticomaya is also there; so is P Diddy, a politics guy.

Moving farther west is LightWizard who has done lighting in the film industry and has a great knowledge of movies. He doesn't come around as much as I'd like. Calamity Jane is also in the LA area.

Go up the coast and you'll find Boomerang in Oregon.

Straight middle of the country South -- shewolf, Chai2, edgarblythe, mac11 -- these are all Texans. Eva is in Oklahoma (where the wind goes whipping down the plain). I think Cow doc is in the midwest. Arella Mae (whose Paso Fino mare just had a lil bouncing baby mule) is in -- I'm blanking here -- Louisiana? Rockhead is in Kansas and an old friend of Ticomaya's.

Floridians include Letty and panzade, both musical.

North Carolinians are squinney and Bi-Polar Bear (who is currently posting as blueveinedthrobber while we attempt to get his main account working again). Bear is a bona fide rock star; he and squinney have been together a long time.

Farmerman is in Pennsylvania, in the Amish area.

New York/New Jersey A2Kers include Thomas, Joe Nation (who knows Eva from another life), kickycan and the seldom-seen Frank Apisa.

New Englanders are those of us mentioned by littlek (thanks, k!) plus rosborne is in New Hampshire. Dagmaraka is in Slovakia but was in New England before; she and littlek were roommates.

Ohio area folk are sozobe, and Setanta before he moved to Toronto to be with the lovely ehBeth. I think JPB covered the Chicago contingent.

More Canajuns -- Tai Chi and her brother, djjd62.

Moving over to Europe -- Izzie in England; McTag in Scotland. Francis is in, well, France.

Off to other continents -- I think our Aussie/Kiwi crowd is covered (this is shorthand for me saying, I need to get breakfast soon). We have some posters in China who are often looking for help with English. spidergal is in India -- I wish she'd come around more often.

Robert himself bounces around and I believe is in Costa Rica again.

I am missing about a trillion people and now blame low blood sugar. Wink
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 05:13 am
jespah wrote:

New York/New Jersey A2Kers include Thomas, Joe Nation (who knows Eva from another life), kickycan and the seldom-seen Frank Apisa.

I am missing about a trillion people and now blame low blood sugar. Wink

A likely story. I received a wonderful intro from da bunny. But couldn't pass up the opportunity to kvetch at being missed. I don't pass up kvetch opportunities.

Hey, jes, You missed me. Omitted me. Forgot all about me.

I'm pained. Hurt. Stricken.

How was that? Ok. Not one of my better efforts. No excuse here. My blood sugar is fine. Or maybe it isn't. I'll have to find out. Like I have nothing else to worry about. Now it's blood sugar.

Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 05:16 am
Another Canuck is Reyn who lives with his wife in the gorgeous Fraser Valley, Southern BC. Lovely man, always polite and classy, and famed for his News of the Weird items.
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 05:22 am
jlnobody - Artist, thinker - But I will let others do his intro.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 05:24 am
Some, such as wandljw, are rather quiet and may go unnoticed in a thread like this. Check him out. You will like.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 05:49 am
Ai yi yi -- but I was offering you an unparalleled opportunity to kvetch!

Sorry, love. I also forgot Mame (sorry), mismi (another Southern lady), OmSigDavid (another New Yorker)....
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 06:57 am
What you have been reading is the backslapping group who will turn on you if you disagree with one of their fellows.

Farmerman is not a geologist, he simply says he is but I suspect him of being a surveyors assistant. He loves to sneer and snort at religious people for no better reason then he is afraid. He is usually arrogant, condescending and wrong.

Setanta knows everything about history that he can find in google and can copy and paste. His posts show neither depth nor the intricacies we like to hear about history. His first response is usually where did you get this **** from ? It goes down hill from there.

Some like Failures Art take the percieved underdog every time without fail.

Edgarblythe likes to cheer others on in personal attacks without understanding the topic or being able to contribute to any significant degree.

Many of them here boast about who they have on ignore, being incapable of understanding they are fitting the very definition of bigot.

Several of these posters have in desperation attacked my nationality so we can add racists to the list.

Some are mentally ill, like JTT.

Most of those posting here are the "in"crowd and only like people who agree with them or dont argue with other regulars.

Thomas knows his stuff. Roger, Dyslexia are quite wry. Spendius is very well read and hated by the cliche but I always find the depth of his posts extraordinary. OmSigDavid never loses his temper or insults others and to my discredit I insulted him first once. However every other time in my posts I wait to be insulted before attacking. Then they complain like little cry babies that I upped the stakes. They want to keep insults on the level where they can win.

But you will find all this out and more....whatever this place is, it is never boring.
failures art
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 07:42 am
Ionus is an Australian who is very well versed in American politics and law. With saintly grace he never reduces discussion to childish insults or gender bating.

Green Witch
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 07:46 am
I guess I'm invisible here..... (sniff, sniff, walks away with head in hands)
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 07:58 am
@Green Witch,
Green Witch wrote:

I guess I'm invisible here..... (sniff, sniff, walks away with head in hands)

Me too. Don't despair, we can be invisible together
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 07:59 am
@failures art,
he never reduces discussion to childish insults
I am quite happy to engage in insults...I just like them to be the ones to start it.
Ionus is an Australian who is very well versed in American politics and law.
This argument is simple. Only fish can understand the battle of the Pacific because they live there. If you are USAian then clearly you already know everything about USA History, Law, Culture, in fact....there is nothing you dont know about the USA and are not entitled to be extremely bitter and irrelevant about if someone points out an alternate to your opinion.

Arty is a noble person who strives for high morals and defends the minority...even beyond reason.
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 08:00 am
greenwitch is the fairy at the bottom of your garden.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 08:03 am
@Green Witch,
I guess I'm invisible here.....
Cheer up. I like your posts, and those of many others who stay within the bounds of good humour and respect for others.
0 Replies
failures art
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 08:21 am
Ionus wrote:

he never reduces discussion to childish insults
I am quite happy to engage in insults...I just like them to be the ones to start it.

Ionus would never come into a thread unprovoked and mock A2K posters and make accusations about their ability to speak on a rage of topics. It's below him. Never oblivious to irony, this one.

Ionus wrote:


Ionus is an Australian who is very well versed in American politics and law.
This argument is simple. Only fish can understand the battle of the Pacific because they live there. If you are USAian then clearly you already know everything about USA History, Law, Culture, in fact....there is nothing you dont know about the USA and are not entitled to be extremely bitter and irrelevant about if someone points out an alternate to your opinion.

Ionus will absolutely never storm into a thread boasting authority on a topic and then get humiliated. It's very unlikely that you'll see him get schooled on a particular topic then hijack a thread into an insult exchange. He's quite the referee one might say.

Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 08:38 am
@failures art,
Ionus would never come into a thread unprovoked
Do you have to be provoked to post ?
mock A2K posters
Putting the good with the bad in the hope of someone defending you ? Exactly what I mentioned.
Never oblivious to irony, this one.
What ??? Very Happy
boasting authority on a topic
A quote would be appropriate here...you know, just as an example....
then get humiliated
Your ego is writing big checks again.
It's very unlikely that you'll see him get schooled on a particular topic then hijack a thread into an insult exchange.
No, it is quite likely when I have to debate with people who have no concept of being wrong or that another opinion might have credibility. Then out of fear they insult me and I give them better then I recieve..it is not my fault I am exceedingly generous.
I have had many expressions of approval at how I handle the bully boys here...it seems not all was roses in the garden and many felt some clowns here could do with taking aback.
Cheer up arty...I respect your values, I just think your methods have an other worldly quality.
0 Replies
failures art
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 09:09 am
I am quite happy to engage in insults...I just like them to be the ones to start it.

delusional self image
Ionus wrote:

What you have been reading is the backslapping group who will turn on you if you disagree with one of their fellows.

unprovoked insult
Ionus wrote:

Farmerman is not a geologist, he simply says he is but I suspect him of being a surveyors assistant. He loves to sneer and snort at religious people for no better reason then he is afraid. He is usually arrogant, condescending and wrong.

unprovoked insult
Ionus wrote:

Setanta knows everything about history that he can find in google and can copy and paste. His posts show neither depth nor the intricacies we like to hear about history.

unprovoked insult
Ionus wrote:

Edgarblythe likes to cheer others on in personal attacks without understanding the topic or being able to contribute to any significant degree.

unprovoked insult
Ionus wrote:

Many of them here boast about who they have on ignore, being incapable of understanding they are fitting the very definition of bigot.

unprovoked inaccurate insult
Ionus wrote:

Several of these posters have in desperation attacked my nationality so we can add racists to the list.

unprovoked inaccurate insult
Ionus wrote:

Some are mentally ill, like JTT.

unprovoked insult
Ionus wrote:
However every other time in my posts I wait to be insulted before attacking.

ironic declaration

failures art wrote:
Ionus would never come into a thread unprovoked and mock A2K posters and make accusations about their ability to speak on a rage of topics.

observation of irony

Ionus wrote:
Do you have to be provoked to post ?

Post to your hearts desire Io, but stop pretending like you're some victim you damn crybaby. If you put any thought into your posts you wouldn't get slaughtered by the farmermen, and the Setantas of the world.

The fact that you ironically declare that you don't like to insult first and then enter a thread by attacking individuals is the perfect illustration of how oblivious you are to the poor quality of your posts.

You've done well to introduce yourself in this thread. Razz

Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 09:12 am
@failures art,
If this exchange keeps up it will likely take over the thread you know.

It's up to you of course, and it's sure introducing some A2kers, but there're a lot of places to fight.
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 09:15 am
Farmerman is not a geologist, he simply says he is but I suspect him of being a surveyors assistant. He loves to sneer and snort at religious people for no better reason then he is afraid. He is usually arrogant, condescending and wrong.
Actually hes half ass right. I am now a retired rocknocker and Ionus (we call him ANUS) is just jealous of any sort of academic achievement and experience.
Weve dusted his ass so many times that he cant even recognize truth anymore.
Ionus was telling us once about "How we can compare DNA from a T rex to that of a chicken"

I think the fallacy of that is evident to everyone but Anus.

He has a self esteem problem which causes him to fire at anybody in range of his silliness and hes es[pecially difficult with anyone who is educated . Like even here in this post. I dont think anyone has made any disparaging remarks about Ionus"first". So, once he opens his own gates of nonsense I feel obligated to set the record strait.

Pwerhaps hes just lonely and any kind of attention will suit his needs for same.

AS far as disagreeing with Ionus, he seems to feel some ownership of accurate and correct information. As is mostly the case, sadly hes in grave error. People tell him of an incorrect statement and he goes ballistic and probably has a name for everyone who has disagreed with him in the past.
Nevertheless, he is fun to water, just like a draceana.

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