It's always a problem on threads like this that really good people will somehow be missed. So I'm not going to introduce A2Kers who have already be introduced, I'm going to add a few more.
.. apart from cavfancier. He deserves another mention, if anyone does. One of my all-time favourite A2K people, who died (far, far too young!) a little over 5 years ago. Hugely talented, very funny & warm & a mine of information on food, especially. I can't say enough in praise of cav. It broke our hearts when he died. Here's a remembrance thread for him on the 5th anniversary of his death, if any of you new folk are interested.
And now for a few other introductions , in no particular order.
edgarblythe. Edgar is a writer, a worker & one of those salt of the earth people. I have the greatest affection & respect for him. Don't be deceived by his unassuming manner. He is worth paying attention to. He is very wise & insightful, with passionate political convictions.
ehBeth. One of our terrific Canadian contingent (& a passionate one!) She's sharp, clever, funny & a personal friend to many. I suspect Beth has met & befriended more A2kers that just about anyone here. And everyone she's crossed paths with just loves her! She's gotta have something going for her to have so many fans out there!

Oh & she indulges in belly-dancing, is a wonderful cook, reads up a storm & is wonderfully wise when giving advice to those who need it, too.
littlek. Just about the most honest & straightforward A2Ker I know of. No bullshit, no ego "issues", what she says is what she means. Her range of interests (& expertise) is broad. She's often surprised me by being so knowledgeable in areas I had absolutely no idea she had any interest in at all. (like evolution? I had no idea, k!

)When k speaks, people around here listen. With good reason.
Endymion. Endy is a poet & writer, also with very passionate political commitments. He is extremely talented (though he doesn't big note himself at all. Not in the slightest. Actually he has every good reason to.) & tends to come & go on this board. When Endy posts some of his new writing, check it out. I think you'll be glad you did.
realjohnboy & nimh. Both have an incredible knowledge of politics in just about any country you could name. They live, eat & breath politics. They are like walking political encyclopedias! And as for nimh's graphs & charts, well they have to be seen to be believed.
tsarstepan. The tsar knows so much about film, books & the media it makes the mind boggle. How does he find the time to watch all that, read all that, pick up all that information? Incredible. On top of that, he's downright lovable & lots of fun! Make sure you join in on one of his "silly"/not-so-serious threads when you're in the mood.
OK, I'll bet you I'll think of a few more, just after I've posted this! That's the way things usually go, yes?