It is not that Obama has ruined the country. This has occured over many years and not the fault of politics alone. Philosophy,Psychology, Academia, Corpart fascism, and a loss of the free media. Many factors here.
Who does Obama give hope to? How does he do this? With mere words on transperency? Where is the change? Where is the accountability?
This forum ought to understand the law of the pendulum. It is a law of nature. The sun rises and the sun sets. There is a natural flow of peaks and throughs in us a human beings and in our organs as there is in society and economic systems. Obama will have one of the worst approval ratings. Because he had one of the best.
What Obama is providing is a false hope. A hope on taking from the middle and bailing out the Corp. Fascist and the poor and in the process crippling both.
There is no reward w/o effort. In anything. Spiritual or material.
My point is not about Obama or any other politician. It is if you like call it the Matrix. The sytem has become to complex and to convulited with an illusion that our lifes because of Big Brother being involved will result in less risk. But in turn it has turned out to be more risky.
A sytem where the individual concsience is/has been subjugated to the "Borg." The borg which consist of a bunch of so called experts w/o any real life experiences who can write a book as Gurdjieff said, "On how a fly gets a Pimple on it's rear end but know nothing about the fly." Let alone ever ponder the parts in relation to the whole.
A educational sytem composed of specialist who know a lot about very little never interacting w/one another to try to piece the whole together.
The noble prize not only in this case but in many other fields is a distraction. To give the media and Us something totally irrelevant to the main issue to keep us pre-occupied. Keep us glued to our TV screens listening to a media which long ago stopped breaking news and just became political entertainers. Where dissent is not tolerated and hard questions frowned up on.
Where brown nosing is the name of the game if you want an interview.
But what do you expect. Most of us had a roll to play in it. We drank the cool aid that everything was just fine. Now we are waking up to the realization that things are not as we dreamed. And it is in my humble opinion for the best to be awake. For only a sleeping man dreams.