Quote: That is such a non-fact. It means nothing since the population of slaves was alredy as high as the population of slaveholders and that the only freedom afforded to slaves was the freedom to procreate. BAnning "importation" of slaves assukmes that slavery would die? No, the border slave states saw themselves as "feedstock" centers for providing new slaves via birth.
I said that it was a non-fact because whoever started that line was
WRONG. In 1820, the only thing relevant in this specific topic was the Missouri compromise which allowed Mo to keep slavery but outlawed slavery at the southern Mo Boundary. It was hassled over and finally adopted (But was repealed anyway in the KAnsas Nebraska act of the 1850's.
The actual slave importation language was very specific
IN 1808Congress banned the importation of slaves FROM AFRICA only. There was still importation from the Carribean . SO, unless Ive missed something , Im not sure where you and High Seas were coming from on this. As the cotton industry demanded workers, the slave trade grew in the early 1800's and as CI said, there were more slaves than citizens in the South at the outbreak of the Cifil War.