Your ignorance of the issues of the focus of the Civil war seems to be guided by beliefs other than scholarship . You have even tried to apply some "Aryan spin" to an issue that most all Civil War historians (including the beloved Shelby Foote) agree upon unequivocally .
The State of SOuth Carolina began the war (Lincoln was trying to hold the Union togethre even as the states seceeded ).
It was the state of SOuth Carolina that declared war on the Union a month after they opened fire on the Union troops in Ft Sumter..
All the issues of the seceeding states concerns had to do with slavery (as I attempted to explain above). In fact, Virginia, because it was broken into the Hill state of the WEst and a "asouthern plantation slaveholding state of the east and tidewater" actually split into two separate states over the slavery issue. West Virginia was entered into the Union.
If the issue was "political power', , not as I propose a sneaky maneuvering to retain slavery as the institution of agriculture, They surely applied such a strategy with little planning. Lincoln bent over backwards to retain border (read slave holding) states in order to maintain a map that had a convenient buffer distance from a southern potential enemy(All this was maneuvering that occured before Sumter)
Lincoln walked on eggs to take no precipitous action against slavery inorder to maintain the border states in the Union.
In a summary, the war was based upon the maintanance of a map, the shape and size of which determined the resolv e that Lincoln maintained going in.
As he said, considering the entire issue of slaveholding in the border states
"I think, to lose Kentucky is nearly the same as to lose the whole game. Kentucky gone, we cannot hold Missouri, nor, I think, Maryland. Those all against us, and the job at hand too large for us. We would as well consent to separation at once, including the surrender of this capitol"
Slavery underlay all these issues ALL OF THEM.
Quote: They leagally seceeded and foriegn countries had no right to station troops on their soil...THAT in itself is an act of war.
Another nugget from the Hogswallop contingent. "Legally seceeding" was only settled by the war itself(Seems you were wrong on that point also). As Dr Foote said , before the War it was 'The United States ARE" and after the war we say "The UNited STates IS".