The Confederacy was About Slavery

Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 01:16 am
Setanta wrote:

.. the personal racism of so many people in the world-..-is so deeply ingrained culturally that it might ineradicable. Anyone who can look at that image of Mr. Obama as chimp and not see that it is racist, or allege that "it's just a joke," has it so ingrained in their subliminal consciousness as to suggest to me that it would never be rooted out.

This statue of The Spirit of Justice stood in the main hall of the Dept of Justice since the building was constructed in 1930. The bare breast hadn't bothered anybody until AG Ashcroft ordered it draped in 2003. That was the joke, not the breast.

The sickness is in the racing thoughts of those claiming to be shocked by imaginary "lasciviousness" or "racism". It's not in the statues or in the chimps. A healthy mind understands that.
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 02:01 am
I guess that pic was copyrighted so I try again. Maybe someone really thought it was indecent Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 03:12 am
The sickness is in the racing thoughts of those claiming to be shocked by imaginary "lasciviousness" or "racism". It's not in the statues or in the chimps. A healthy mind understands that.

The comparison of Industry with a bare breast at the Post Office and the Picture of Obama as a chimp have no commonality at all. Ashcroft being sensistive to the bare breast was a reaction that could be classed as one individuals understanding of what is indecent or not (and its at Aschrofts expense only). WHereas the photo of Obama as a chimpanzee offspring of two chimpanzees was a conscious effort at a racist depiction using a common stereotype from history. If you dont see the intended racism in there, I therefore think that you are what set was speaking of when he said "Ingrained racism".

"Its not the picture thats racist , its the peerson viewing it and claiming it as such that's what is the racsism", YOU SHOULD BE WRITING PRENUPS OR RESIDUALS CONTRACTS AS A BUSINESS..
failures art
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 03:54 am

You articulate this point well. It's good language to describe something that I have not been able to put into word prior to this: The notion that sensitivity to something like monkey photoshop of Obama is real racism, while the crafting of the same image is benign and harmless. I think you well describe the blind spot for many people.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 04:15 am
The situations are not analogous. A bare breast is not symbolic of centuries of institutionalized oppression and murder. I am not, however, surprised to learn that you don't get it.
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 07:04 am
I asked if the secession was legal and if the winner of the war was right ."

No.. you didn't..
You asked if it was legal. I answered that question. You then complained about why I didn't answer if it was right..

Ionus wrote:

Was it legal for the colonies to secede from Britain ? Was it legal for the South to secede from the USA ?

You will notice I dealt with the ONE question you asked.
parados wrote:


Was it legal for the colonies to secede from Britain ? Was it legal for the South to secede from the USA ?

In case you didn't notice, in both cases a war was fought.

You NOW ask if it was right.
Was there ? And was the winner always right ?

To which I responded..
You didn't ask if it was right. You asked if it was legal.

Let me make it clear to you since you can't seem to understand.
The wars were fought because someone thought the secession was illegal. Because something is legal doesn't make it right. Therefore when you asked if it was legal you did NOT ask if it was right.
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 08:01 am
Parados -
You have the patience of Job... a great and enviable attribute.
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 08:05 am
snood, use the ignore facility. This thread is a prime example of what its for.
You become your own moderator. Just give him a holiday for a while.
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 08:11 am
dadpad wrote:

snood, use the ignore facility. This thread is a prime example of what its for.
You become your own moderator. Just give him a holiday for a while.

Of course you are right. Its sometimes hard to do the adult thing - the anonymous bravery with which some people behave from behind their keyboards really rankles sometimes...
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 08:21 am
snood wrote:
Of course you are right. Its sometimes hard to do the adult thing - the anonymous bravery with which some people behave from behind their keyboards really rankles sometimes...

Or deliberate attempts to be offensive, because there's no real-world consequence.

Some people are just assholes. They spout racist, homophobic, misogynistic crap on the Internet not because the believe it, necessarily, but because it pisses people off and they have no other power in their lives.
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 08:47 am
DrewDad wrote:

Some people are just assholes. They spout ... crap on the Internet

Are you for real? Snood has posted he spent years as a homeless - drug addicted - alcoholic - schizophrenic - wandering - around - DC and now he blames his nausea at the time on the ......tomb of Gen. Robert E. Lee?

That's the sickest thing I've read on this thread so far but he's probably not accountable for the crap he posts. The second sickest is your approval of that crap. What's your excuse?
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 09:36 am
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 10:06 am
DrewDad wrote:
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 05:31 pm
WHereas the photo of Obama as a chimpanzee offspring of two chimpanzees was a conscious effort at a racist depiction using a common stereotype from history.
Are you following the crowd ? Others see it as racist so the object, devoid of human thought, is racist ?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 05:33 pm
A bare breast is not symbolic of centuries of institutionalized oppression and murder.
Tell the womens movement that....have you burned your bra today ?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 05:41 pm
No.. you didn't..
Yes. I did . You responded to the second question be commenting about the lack of it in the first . Now you come back with some gooblegook that puts more spin on it than a quark . Are you word limited in your posts ?

1st question : Was it legal for the colonies to secede from Britain ? Was it legal for the South to secede from the USA ?
Your reply : In case you didn't notice, in both cases a war was fought.
2nd question : Was there ? And was the winner always right ?
THEN you reply : You didn't ask if it was right. You asked if it was legal.

Are you to be restricted to your first post here or just me ?

The wars were fought because someone thought the secession was illegal.
They were fought because someone liked power . An illegal activity gets you into court....wanting power gets you onto a battlefield .
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 05:42 pm
the anonymous bravery with which some people behave from behind their keyboards really rankles sometimes...
Does that include famerman and setanta ? Does it include you ?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 05:45 pm
Or deliberate attempts to be offensive
Do you mean the abuse I have copped since joining ? From clowns like you .....

Some people are just assholes.
Yes, and I dont put much faith in you ever changing .

They spout racist, homophobic, misogynistic crap on the Internet
Whilst others are too afraid to do anything but be trendy and run with the pack...cowards like the safety of numbers...even from behind a keyboard...dont they snood ?
0 Replies
failures art
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 08:27 pm
electronicmail wrote:

DrewDad wrote:

Some people are just assholes. They spout ... crap on the Internet

Are you for real? Snood has posted he spent years as a homeless - drug addicted - alcoholic - schizophrenic - wandering - around - DC and now he blames his nausea at the time on the ......tomb of Gen. Robert E. Lee?

That's the sickest thing I've read on this thread so far but he's probably not accountable for the crap he posts. The second sickest is your approval of that crap. What's your excuse?

You know, snood pulled himself up and R.E. Lee fought to hold others down. I'm more than happy for the life snood enjoys now and the esteem he deserves to feel for where is life is. R.E. Lee this and that is peppered all over Virginia, and it is nauseating. It is not just snood who feels so.

Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 11:43 pm
@failures art,
R.E. Lee fought to hold others down
Have you asked him what he fought for ?

Robert Edward Lee (January 19, 1807 – October 12, 1870) was a career military officer who is best known for having commanded the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War. The son of U.S. Revolutionary War hero, Henry ("Light Horse Harry") Lee III, and a top graduate of West Point, Robert E. Lee distinguished himself as an exceptional officer and combat engineer in the United States Army for 32 years before resigning to join the Confederate cause. After the war, as a college president of what is now Washington and Lee University, Lee supported President Andrew Johnson's program of Reconstruction and intersectional friendship, while opposing the Radical Republican proposals to give freed slaves the vote and take the vote away from ex-Confederates. He urged them to rethink their position between the North and the South, and the reintegration of former Confederates into the nation's political life. Lee became the great Southern hero of the war, and his popularity grew in the North, as well, after his death in 1870. He remains an iconic figure[8] of American military leadership.


R.E. Lee this and that is peppered all over Virginia, and it is nauseating
Jealous ?

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