Which is why not picking a particular person for a jury based on any number of characteristics is a matter of strategy, not bigotry.
The adversarial system has it's drawbacks, but its far more realistic than pursuing a fantasy that totally objective justice is obtainable in a courtroom.
It has been proven time and time again that individuals bring personal biases to decision making. Few, if any of us, are able to completely disregard these biases in a jury box.
Lawyers on both sides don't have an unlimited number of challenges. They can't simply say NO, until they get the precise jury they want. If they could, there would never be agreement and no trial would move forward.
Some people just want to endlessly perpetuate the notion that racism is powerful force in America. It suits their world view and their politics. It provides them with a sanctimonious club to wield.
America has a duly elected black man as president. How powerful can racism still be?
One of, if not the, most popular and respected women in America is black. How powerful can racism be?
Off-handed bigoted comments, let alone racist rants are a public death sentence in America. How powerful can racism be?
Does racism exist in America? Of course it does, but so does murder, robbery, rape and tax cheating. So does anti-Semitisim, sexism, and the abuse of animals. So does stupidity, sloth, and depravity.
To paraphrase an old SNL bit, "Racism has been berry berry good for the Left."
It doesn't want to lose it now or ever.