Occom Bill, electronic mail, has apparently clothed himself in magical dress--The righteous apparel of the truly tolerant, really American, objective, non-judgemental anti-racist. That makes him impervious to any attack. Of course, electronic mail, Occom Bill probably does not know the definition of "racism". That word, is used as a weapon to any and all arguments about racism. Thomas Sowell, a brilliant African-American scholar, states that "the most straightforward meaning of racism is a belief in the INNATE inferiority of some race or races".
Sowell indicates that to some, EVERY adverse judgement of the performance of a selected list of any racial or ethnic groups is racism. Sowell continues--"Thus, even sweeping denunciations of whites, "Anglos" or perhaps, Jews. may be exempted from the charge of racism.
So you see, electronic mail, Occom Bill would not agree that the Black Population of the US are fed up with busing to help Black kids achieve. I am sure that Occom Bill would chalk up the abysmal performance of black kids in the school to many factors but "racism" would be one of the most important.
I am sure, electronic mail, that liberals would never agree that beginning with the Great Society, Billions have been poured into the ghettos in US cities with little or no result in achieving scholastic gains. You see, electronic mail, the real reason that there are no gains is not the dysfunctional ghetto life style aided byt the left wing that insisted that "racists" have kept black people down and that they most accept the help of their liberal friends if they want to make it in society.