I would be very surprised if not; it seems a preliminary clearing to me, but I've not seen the plans. I don't read the LA Times any more because of the reading fee past x number of articles, so I've probably missed all sorts of info.
I once interviewed with the Corps of Engineers, not then knowing much about it, later becoming not the Corps best fan by a long shot. It was a strange interview by one guy in a large basement, no one else in the whole room; he liked my creds and said I was first on the list. He wasn't creepy, but the room was, and it was also a long drive. That was in a recession, when people were being laid off and I hadn't worked in a land arch office except as a part time student before then.
Luckily, I got the opposite kind of job quite near where I lived, part time at first but worked up to a lot of project management; the guy with that one is still a long time friend, and I learned by leaps and bounds. Stayed for seven years before I opened my own small office downstairs, with his being fine with it. I thank my lucky stars I didn't push for that first depressing job.