no sorry not 4,100. Or even 41 oh oh, which is my tag. Walter is there all right, a lot clearer than in my avatar
Maybe the links to Xmas all over the world would be a good seperae topic? Steve -- you want to do the honors (I can have the links duped to that).
Steve, I visited the railroad museum in York many years ago. I can still picture, in my mind's eye, some of the trains on display. Been to York twice.

York (old version) is a good place to visit.
But it floods regularly now. Seems every year the River Ouse decides to ouse out of its banks and into all the riverside properties.
Cathedral is magnificent, most impressive in England.
Haven't you spotted Walter yet on the bus in the lt museum?. Keep panning left. Hurry up nearly the end of his shift.
I lived in Darlington for a while (Stockton to Darlington first passenger railway 1825). My friend lived in Stockton. But I went visiting by car, it was much easier.
Light W
Sounds like an excellent topic to post, but I'll leave it you to phrase the subject. Be pleased to participate though.
I've had a word with Yo Yo about carrying off my Xmas competition entrants, it won't happen again.
(He's hoping for a new cello for Christmas, I didn't think that was very subtle).
We have to pick a category and "Links to Christmas Livecams Around the World" is a good heading.
I did that last year on .... what is that site called ... .
So, this year someone else :wink: might start.
Walter, have two doves now appeared flying round the top of your tree?
First it was you
Then you and tree
now you, tree, two birds...
Christmas tree and peace doves - I like this symbolism. (I photo of Carter behind me would be too difficult.)
Walter you are so clever!
I've searched a bit and can't find any good holiday lights webcams for Washington state. Sorry!
Golly, 409 posts and the thread appears to be pooping out!
Back to the subject, if you had the money and your friends and family decided to move tomorrow, where would you move to? I know this has been answered before but based on all that has come before, what city is the most attractive (yes, even within the good ole USA).
Somewhere up the coast from Santa Cruz. (Actually, I'm thinking right now of a ranch house a professor I know has -- between Santa Cruz and Davenport, perched on a hill where all you can see is his heathlike surroundings, and Highway one and the ocean about a mile distant. Can't see any other houses, and on weekend mornings he does the three mile or so walk, cross country, all on his property -- which he and the Odwalla juice magnates bought for very little money in the 70s -- to Davenport for breakfast. Probably the only piece of land in the area that won't be developed in the next couple of decades, because the people that own it don't care about the money -- which'd be millions of dollars at this point. He made a guest house out of a giant wine barrel. Very interesting guy, and I covet his house like few things in the world.)
Also wouldn't have to quarantine the animals.
I would like to remain here, with my Weeoing Beech, but have the climate of Long Island, on the water in Summer, with the people of SF.
That not to much to ask, is it?
France, definetely. And since it must be a city: Paris.
No fair, jeanbean -- at least a second choice if the notion hit you to move (besides being entrenched where you're at).
Santa Cruz -- aaah, that was just on Hwell Hauser's itinerary on one of his KCET treks.
And the City of Lights, Walter -- yes, that sounds appealing, hanging out at Maxim's and Moulin Rouge.
Musée d'Orsay, Louvre, Versailles, Fountainbleau ... only doing in culture, LW! :wink:
Hi, Mr. Wizard. In Florida, right where I am now in the Daytona Beach Area. In Virginia, Nelson County which is rural but has access to major cities and is near Charlottesville, a university town. Of course, my extended family lives there, also, and that's a big incentive.
P.S. no spelling errors found
Walter, What is your attraction to Paris? Jobs, climate, museums, restaruants, people, and/or culture? c.i.
This is terrible, I seem to have missed this thread. Oh, no, 409 posts...
well, I'll jump in at the end, but plan to read the whole thing.
I love where I live now, in north north California. I would just drag some more of my friends and family up here with me. I lived "behind the redwood curtain", about three hundred miles north of San Francisco, right by the coast.
Great air, light, and the weather appeals to me, that is, under 70 degrees on summer days and over 30 or so on winter nights. If I want hot sun, I drive inland a bit.
People are friendly here. Your voice can matter in something civic, you can be a bigger fish in a small pond, should you wish. Not too much traffic, although people here complain and I just chuckle, being from Los Angeles myself.
I do love cities, and would sate my city needs with flights near and afar (and trainrides) if I could afford it, and given the premise, I could afford it.
So, I would live here and go meet friends in places I still haven't been to...London, Paris, Vienna, um, Kyoto, Sevilla, Oslo...
Oh, if I have to move, then I'm in Lucca in Tuscany. Or is it Rome. Lucca. Rome. Lucca.