I'd keep a house in Sydney - not necessarily this house, but a house near here. We do have a good life here.
I'd have a second house somewhere in Europe, possibly Provence or thereabouts, and Ireland is ranking well. I find the culture, history and diversity of Europe fascinating, as someone who comes from the New World.
Yes, c.i.
Well, actually I love some of the not so touristic arroundissements and suburbs of Paris because of really all you have noted above, without >job< . (Climate is no problem, same as here where I live.)
Within 1/2 hour you are in the nicest countrysite, 30 mins more, you are on the seasite. (Not on a Friday afternoon, of course.)
Unfortunately I have to add what my wife just said:
we stay here.
Gee, osso -- could you narrow that down to one city? Bear in mind, it doesn't mean forever! It really should be a city on the list but that's not mandatory. I'd move to Osaka, Japan. I once was offered a position there when I worked for Mitsubishi and at the time, I turned it down! Family and friends, again. But if they would move with me, I'd do it.
Stop and think how much influence those close to you have as far as where you live!
Walter, WOW! You're a mind reader: Your answer showed up before my question.

It just so happens that Musee d'Orsay is also my favorite art museum in Paris. I especially love the impressionist paintings section, and Degas' ballerina sculpture. c.i.
I guess I'd choose SF.
That's where most of my family moved, in 60's.
I really miss my family.
Actually, we love it here, and worked hard to get here.
Plus, most of my family would want to live in NYC. My husband and I would take a pass.
Other choices (assuming Boston's off the table for us), in no particular order:
* Seattle
* Portland, OR
* San Francisco
* New Orleans
* Philadelphia
* Wilmington, DE
Let's qualify this as one city within the U.S. and one outside.
My inside U.S. city would be Honolulu (since Carmel doesn't really qualify as a full fleged city, but Carmel/Monterey would be my second choice and, hey, jeanbean -- San Francisco would be my third).
I suppose if I had to choose one specific city in the world it would be Oslo, Norway.
For inside the US I'd probably chose Austin, TX although I hear It's grown quite a bit since i was last there.
I might consider Santa Fe... if it had to be a "city"... LOL, hardly a city, more of a town. I like Tucson, too. The heat would get to me, but I'd go visit..... YOU!
He specified USA. I'm just trying to follow directions and think I should get some extra points on this!!!
(already did my inside, though I guess Santa Cruz ain't a proper city so I'd have to say San Francisco or New York, so's doing my outside. love London -- prob'ly because i've never seen the winter there. and Amsterdam! how I forget Amsterdam?)
Outside? Oy, if I went where the most family is, it would be Tel Aviv. If I went for safety (but still have some family there), it would be either Stockholm or Siena, Italy.
oooh, Siena is very nice. very much like Florence, too -- bigger city, more to do...
Show me the money, Lightwizard, and I'm off tomorrow to Hawaii. Any city will do. Preferably not Honolulu and not the big island, but anywhere else will suit me just fine. I'll settle for a little grass shack, not too far from the ocean. I don't care if there's not another soul there. My only family is my daughter, and she's ready to come with me right now. As for my friends, they're welcome to visit anytime. So if you're taking a poll, I'll leave it up to you pick a city in Hawaii. I love them all.
Well, Honolulu would include Waikiki, probably on the other side of the canal (I've been in a friends apartment there).
These are cities (say 100,000 or more like the survey), one inside the U.S and one outside, Piffka. I fudged with Carmel/Monterey as I don't really think it qualifies. One might follow the survey herein to make their choice. If they now don't live in a city of 100,000 (I don't, but the Orange County density is such that you're really living in Anaheim/Santa Ana and its suberbs -- except for Laguna Beach which is stuck down behind some 1,000 ft. hills on the coast).
I would think the survey included suburbs.
And somehow the vision of Raggedy in her grass skirt doing the hula on the beach makes me smile. Aloha Oui! Sorry, Jes.
And with a few Blue Hawaii's,

I can surf any wave in my sky blue bikini.

Just show me the money.
After being here 20 years, I am convinced that my friend was right, when he told me upon my arrival, "You will find out that when you leave New York, you ain't goin' nowhere".....But since you're asking for a hypothetical move, make mine San Francisco. In all my travels, I've never spent time in a more bountiful place than SF. Perfect weather, all the advantages of a big city, and most of all the warmth of the people. Even newcomers seem to fall under the spell. It was the most idyllic 4 months of my life. Atlanta,Ga., and Athens, Ga., are my respective runners-up.