hebba, Do you live in Copenhagen? I visited there many years ago, and can still remember much of that city. I remember seeing the clock in city hall, and Charley Chaplin's figurine on the top floor of the building adjacent to Tivoli Gardens. Is the main pedestrian street called "Strogent?" c.ii.
It is funny that, on one hand, you are extolling the virtures of not having to go more than a short distance to everything, thereby necessitating little need for traveling.
On the other hand and at the beginning of the thread, I'm pretty sure there were derogatory remarks made about Americans who have never traveled beyond their state, finding, one hopes, happiness in their backyard.
It is interesting. Of course, we have chosen to be where we are and they were possibly only planted. I'm glad, however, that a lot of people like where they live, and don't want to move.
I'm on my way to the big city of Seattle this day. I am glad to be close enough to connect with all it has to offer, yet thilled that I do not live in its mildly polluted, commuter clogged traffic and extremely noisy environment. I've found every city to be like that and a little goes a long way with me. We will take a ferry.
glad you like the Avatar Walter, took me a lot of time fixing it up!
I don't see New Labour or New Britain! I see Santa plastered onto the front and I thought it said STEVE to the left. Is it my eyes or my monitor?
Piffka -- now cut that out!

Those whose thinking reveals they are stuck in a rut hasn't anything to do with extoling the virtues of living in one's community where they have put down roots. It's accepting and being tolerant of those from other countries who are just as convinced they are where they want to be and aren't considering a "geographic." It's one of the dictums in AA, you know, that geographics seldom work because, guess what, when you get there -- you're there! Many people I have known come to my area thinking it is greener pastures (they come from all over the world). They're not all convinced it is all that green for many reasons but hopefully are at least making a decent living. Whether weighing making more money makes up for the cost of living and whether the environment is really any better -- that is the question. I just get very disturbed when someone claims everyone in the world wants to come here and that they are always going to be better off. Not true.
On the original double decker bus that I photographed, I had Steve41oo as the number of the bus, and New Labour New Britain under Santa's feet. (It was a problem getting him to stay in that position long enough to take the photo btw).
But unfortunately when I reduced the photo to size for an avatar, the print became a bit too small to see.
I leave it to you to expand it and enjoy the political slogan in its full glory.
My thanks to Walter H for driving the bus btw. You can just make him out in the driver's cab. :wink:
Steve, Your avatar reminded me of the Transportation Museum in Covent Garden where they display the double decker busses from the very first to the latest. Is that museum still there? I must revisit the UK again soon, or I will not recognize London.

Great bus, Steve. I think I'll borrow that for the Wizardxmasmobile, it that's okay. I sure would like to see some of those in my neighborhood. Actually, in Laguna Beach they have these little tram busses that they put a Santa on the front a decorate it with lights -- they are really great, tooling around the little beach town. You're getting me into some semblance of the Christmas spirit and one thing I love to do on the net is visit all the other cities on livecams, especially Tivoli Gardens (at least, they had a livecam last year).
BTW, anyone have links to livecams that are Christmas displays in their cities?
Cool idea re. light displays but no time to look now.
(Lightwizard, I wasn't trying to be judgemental, just noticing it.)
Moving towards a place where more money can be made doesn't appeal to me. I like the roots of long term habitation better, perhaps because of the excessive changes of address I had as a youngster -- my father was an officer in the Air Force. We moved a lot until he retired when I was 11.
Piffka,I hope it wasn´t ME making derogatory comments about Americans.
Cicerone,I do indeed live in København.
The street you refer to is called "Strøget".
Naw, Boss, that was me . . . damned 'Mericans, always makin' problems fer everone . . .
Sorry, piff, I wasn't intimating you were being judgmental I was just being serious to poke fun at your noticing that! It is true that one should show the strength of their convictions in wanting to move to Montreal or Sydney or wherever and just do it! I was also interested in pointing out how we get roots in an area and they are so difficult to pull up. I admire my friend Tony who works in construction in Stockholm and then comes back to the states to visit with the idea now that he may move back to the Newport Beach. But the only reason he could really give was the climate!
It doesn't look good for new construction in the area right now -- it's becoming stagnanted even in the very high end housing which there has always been a demand for (ocean view property). We all gathered at my friends house on the water in Newport -- she happens to be an immigrant from Hong Kong who came here in the 50's and inherited her money. She worked for the Mariott running the employee kitchen and if she had exclusively relied on just that income, she certainly wouldn't be living that well (she also married into money). Tony and his wife looked for property a block from the beach on the peninsula and it was 1.15 M for a two story, two bedroom on a 25 x 100 ft. lot. I did a lot of lighting in beaches houses in the area as well as inland and there haven't been any new projects started in the area in the past year. I told Tony not to buy that property as it is over inflated right now and could drop as much as 20% in the next few years. The point is, his wife is Swiss living in Sweden and he has lived there more than in the U.S. I really haven't figured out if he has any good reason to move back (other than it's nice to have old friends living nearby -- always!) So I have an invitation to visit Stockholm now!
I'm going to be the first to admit that I am pretty entrenched here and wouldn't be able to give all positive reasons why.
Hebba -- I think it was I, actually. I do look down, a little, on people who stay in one place and don't ever have the curiosity to know what is further afield... and yet, I most appreciate my own home field. You know? OK, signing off.
Glad you liked the bus. I have a confession to make. It was entirely the work of Walter, I am far too ignorant to edit photos and produce avatars. :wink:
CI you probably wouldn't recognise London. I don't recognise it. The skyline has changed a lot recently...and that's not including the new giant gherkin.
Transport museums....will find out more and post some links. The national railway museum in York is really good. Also a fascinating collection of cars at the national motor museum at Beaulieu. (hope I got the spelling right).
my special Xmas gift (yet to be determined) for the first person to give the number of the bus that Walter is driving.
(Hint, go to
http://www.ltmuseum.co.uk/ and click on panorama)
I thought you said 4100, but when I looked at the Panoramas I somehow got carried off by Yo Yo Ma and an advertisement for Apple Computers. That was a fine gift!
I think I didn't have the right software. Maybe I need to buy an Apple Computer???