What about the famous Literary Expatriates in Paris in the 20's-30's? From the website:
"Innumerable artists, writers, and intellectuals have found exile in Paris over the years: the list includes figures such as Marx, Heine, Turgenev, Hemingway, Strindberg, Rilke, Oscar Wilde, Edith Wharton, Gertrude Stein, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Djuna Barnes, and of course, Anais Nin, and Henry Miller.
"While the tradition of literary exile extends back to the Classical period, the condition of expatriation has become pervasive in the twentieth-century. Displaced writers of the twentieth-century have largely converged upon a half-dozen great urban centers, presumably finding in them a range of experience and stimulation conducive to the production of great literature. Paris, more than any other location, has been the preeminent city of exile since the mid-nineteenth century."