Gautam said a very important thing about TWC.
It also has to do with taxes.
In the First World Countries (FWC) you have Third World ghettos. In the TWC we have First World ghettos.
These people have private streets (you have to show your ID to a private cop, of you're not "known"), private medicine, private schools.
They feel their taxes go to service other people. So they are less willing to pay them, or to accept new ones.
At the same time, the people who use taxes the most, are the ones less capable of paying a high amount.
Thanks Guatam. I will look forward to it! Uhhh, my Bombay is quite different... it is a bay, but not quite so hot or crowded as its namesake in India.
Sri Lanka is no longer a good place to live? What about Arthur C. Clarke - should I be worried about him?
I have been working with people who 'escaped' from Sri Lanka for the past decade or so. They started coming to Canada in fairly large numbers about 20 -25 years ago - not willing to bring their children up in a country with so much strife. The sectarian violence has followed them here - Tamil Tiger gang wars are a huge concern here right now. Some of my friends in their 50's have fond memories of a beautiful country, but would not consider returning because of the dangers of travel there.
No TWC's on the list and where they might appear -- search the entire list and find out. I would say that the Ten Most Livable Countries is more important than the Ten Cities as it does give one the option of choosing rural or urban living (okay, so anyone should do their own investigation of the local criteria).
Denmark on any of those lists? If i had to leave Canada, i might consider it.
Number 15, ehBeth and here's a link to the top countries and lowest countries on the list:
BTW, Clarke has money and lives in a very ideal area of Sri Lanka (on the coast) with an Indian family who are extremely close.
Thanks, grandVizier! Denmark it is.
Here's the cities as compiled by a survery at EIU:
Most liveable cities
October 4 2002
1. Melbourne Australia
2. Vancouver Canada
3. Perth Australia
4. Vienna Austria
5. Toronto Canada
6. Geneva Switzerland
7. Zurich Switzerland
8. Adelaide Australia
9. Brisbane Australia
10. Sydney Australia
11. Copenhagen Denmark
12. Dusseldorf Germany
13. Frankfurt Germany
14. Oslo Norway
15. Montreal Canada
("Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen!)
Yeah, but as you've noted LW, these are cities -- vile dens of iniquitous depravity (sadly, i'm getting too old to enjoy iniquitous depravity any longer). Personally, were there no other considerations, i'd move to Finnland--lots of trees, cold weather. Couldn't ask for more.
Take your skies or snowboard!
Give me depravity, give me dance, give me light opera, give me baroque chamber music, give me life.
but don't give me Vienna, where everyone smokes and takes their dogs into restaurants.
Better'n Korea, where they smoke their dogs in the restaurant.

Now you're getting nasty. Wouldn't that make a place more unlivable, giving new meaning to a leash law?
I think Greece is dangerous because of the flying plates!
Yeah, that was kind of over the top--they actually do it out back.
Seconding ehBeth's 'depravity' criterion.
How would we have ever known, B? We are SO surprised!! But I will make a third.