Health and Exercise Goals for 2010

Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 06:56 am
It's the 18th of January, plenty of time for all those overly enthusiastic goals made in the heat of the holidays to have faded. Maybe they haven't for you.
But I know I need a big RESET button for this year.

Please list how you want to be on Dec 31, 2010.

Joe(I'll be back in a moment after I make my list)Nation
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Type: Discussion • Score: 11 • Views: 18,485 • Replies: 109

Joe Nation
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 07:13 am
On December 31, 2010
I will be wearing size 32 jeans (That's two sizes down)
I will have run 1100 miles. (That's a ten per cent increase.)
I will have improved my overall strength and flexibility by the use of both weights and yoga.
I will have a clearer mind through the use of brain exercises. (Wait until you see the log entries on that one.)

And I will be joyful in the life which my I am living.

Joe(ready set go, see you tomorrow)Nation
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 07:22 am
@Joe Nation,
Good idea, Joe -- thanks for starting this thread!

I have five exercise goals for 2010 -- or nine, depending on how you count.

  1. Run all five races in the New York Road Runners' Half Marathon series, and arrive within the time limit.
  2. Run the 2010 New York Marathon, and arrive within 5 hours.
  3. Run enough shorter races in New York to qualify for the 2011 Marathon
  4. Run a couple of shorter races in Boston with Jespah and the Greater-Boston gang.
  5. Make my muscles stronger and more elastic -- but how do I quantify this?

Next steps:

  1. Make it to the starting line for the Manhattan Half Marathon next Sunday, become a very faithful believer for three hours, and pray hard. I'm out of shape and can't do much about it at this point. The chances I'll have to drop out are greater than 50:50. But why the hell not try?
  2. Manage not to forget that I need to sign up for the 2010 Marathon. Watch out for the special instructions they said they'd send out.

That should be it for now.

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Joe Nation
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 07:29 am
See you Sunday.

There's a flexibility test in Bob Glover's Runner's Handbook that I've been meaning to take and then use as a reference through out the year. Let me go find it and I'll copy it here.

Joe(As long as no one squeals to Coach Glover on me.)Nation
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Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 09:01 am
My exercise goals for 2010 include:

*Work out at least 2 times per week, preferably 3.

*Focus on strength training and increased flexibility. Supplement with cardio.

*Join hospital-based fitness facility and enroll in warm-water therapy sessions.

*Get comfortable in size M (misses 10 - which is a marked improvement from the tight size L/14 I was wearing three weeks ago).

I started the tri-weekly workouts on Jan 4 and have gone from a tight 14 (I only own one pair of slacks) to a comfortable 12 (I have 1 pair of jeans and 3 dressier slacks in 12) in two weeks. Most of my wardrobe is size M/10. I'm trying to get back to comfortably wearing everything in my closet by the time it's time to put the stretchy sweat pants away for the winter.
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Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 09:08 am
To exercise e/o day for 45 minutes on a small trampoline to some mindless disco music. My goal is to NOT stop moving for at least 45 minutes. I get very sweaty, so I'm getting my heart rate up, for sure.

Then 1/2 hour stretches on a mat and relaxation, listinening to classical guitar music. I feel very good afterwards.

Benefits? From size 10 to an 8. From 139 to 123 pounds. And most of all, sleep better and anxiety is down.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 09:12 am
@Joe Nation,
Hey thanks!

I was wondering if there was a new one but never put together the time to do a thorough search and didn't want to start another one if one was already out there.

First, goals from last year and how I did (comments in red):

My goals for 2009 are:

1.) Find and regularly attend a single good gym. I've been bouncing around a bit, have active memberships to two -- each one is imperfect in its own way but having two active memberships is stupid, so I want to either commit to a single imperfect one or find a third, more-perfect one and cancel memberships to the other two.


2.) Consistently exercise no less than three times a week.


3.) Work up to running 2 continuous miles at a good pace (6-7 mph).

Should have separated this into two goals. 3A: Run 2 continuous miles, is done. 3B: "at a good pace (6-7 mph)," not yet. Fastest continuous two miler was 5.7 mph so far.

4.) Do my best to stay healthy (including using Advair at the first sign of breathing issues).

This has gone way, way better this year. I missed very little workout time due to illness.

5.) Feel confident/ the way I want to look for my 20-yr HS reunion in late 2009.

This was pretty good, could have been better but it always can, right?

Goals for 2010:

1.) Run two continuous miles at 6 mph (at least).

2.) Set weight goal for June, achieve before workout partner leaves (sob).

3.) Biggie: find new workout partner or keep myself to current workout routine* after workout partner leaves in June (double-sob).

4.) Sit less.

5.) Do more incidental exercise, not just gym exercise -- play soccer and basketball with sozlet more often, etc.

6.) After June weight goal passes, (and is hopefully achieved) set new weight goal for December (which may just be maintenance).

That's it I think.

I don't want to do races because I really worry about injury. I've gone this long with regular treadmill running (including fast interval training, up to 9 mph) and weight lifting without getting hurt, the only problems I've had are with outside running and even walking.

*Four days a week
Day 1: Warmup with medicine ball, elliptical for 30" and weight routine A
Day 2: Interval training, 2 miles total (on treadmill)
Day 3: Warmup with medicine ball, elliptical for 30" and weight routine B
Day 4: Run for two miles, continuously (on treadmill)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 10:33 am
Do mental health goals count?

This year I've resolved to manage my depression like a responsible adult.

Part of this is making sure I get plenty of exercise and avoid the bad habits that creep in to sabatoge my health.

For me, managing my depression keeps me fit and healthy. It took me a long time to understand that.
Joe Nation
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2010 11:19 am
Mental Health absolutely fits here. I may have to go back and make a few additions.

Joe(especially more talking to my constant companion, Captain Sabotage.)Nation

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Region Philbis
Reply Sun 24 Jan, 2010 06:34 am

rebooted my push-up program on the 1st.
started w/ 20... now up to 36.

it's funny how, if i do, say, 34 one day, the next day i don't feel a thing
until i get to #34... at which point i try adding 2 more...
Reply Sun 24 Jan, 2010 08:15 am
@Region Philbis,
1) Hmm. I think I said six 5Ks this year. No matter what, I really can't start running until around April or so.
2) Get back to pre-surgery fitness levels by April. This is gym time and strength training.
3) Don't know if I'll make goal this year, but I hope I do. Goal is 146. Weighed myself this morning and I was about 186 but that number is deceptive. Currently I'm a medium, will see about getting down to a small.
4) Start walking again soon (this week or next, I think, health permitting).
5) Return to the gym no earlier than 2/1. Might be as late as 2/15 given some health issues going on right now.
6) There is no #6.
7) Continue to write about what I do.
Reply Sun 24 Jan, 2010 11:08 am
# 7 helped me last year with an exercise program. My goal was to exercise
daily in whatever form there was available, and I pretty much stuck to it -
at the beginning I wrote about it daily and this certainly did help me to resp.
push me to do it.

I extend that goal for this year, I feel healthy, could lose 10 lb. and probably
will, but there is no rush - the "feel good mood" that comes through exercising
is quite enough for me.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Sun 24 Jan, 2010 03:59 pm
@Joe Nation,
Got in the first of five half marathons for this year. Just got on the road and chugged those 10 minute miles out for 2 hours and 15 minutes or so. No pressure other than from myself. \

Right about eight o'clock last night my brain, or something else within me, began to try to convince the rest of the portions of my mind that we should skip the Sunday 13.1 Mile Half-Marathon.

After listening to a bunch of them for about an hour, I decided to write them down.

Here they are in no particular order.

1 too cold
2 too early
3 too tired
4 not trained
5 feel kind of uneasy
6 running shorts dirty
7 Don't really need this particular race
8 Already have the shirt
9 Who's going to know?
10 train might be screwed up
11 maybe lose tag strip
12 tiniest tickle in chest maybe rapid onset pulmonary emphysema
13 will miss taking picture of sunrise from rooftop.
14 Thigh muscles still feel a little tight from long 4 mile Friday run.
15 running in Florida was flat, today there will be hills.
16 Can't find the right shirt
17 Can't find Gloves
18 Can't find the right hat
19 Can't find good socks
20Can't find pins
21 the shirt I waa going to wear is too small
22 I'll be too tired to watch the Jets' game today @2pm
23 one shoe feels funny
24 so does the other one
25 I'catch a cold from being in the cold for two and a half hoursm
26 I'll catch a cold from all those other people.
27 maybe the swine flu
28 or the bird flu
29 or both the swine flu and the bird flu - known as the 'when pigs fly' flu.
30 alarm clock might not go off
31 Hangover (start drinking now)
32 It's the Lord's Day.
33 need to get an early start on my Valentine's cards
35 tights are itchy.
36 Out of mint lip balm
37 been meaning to scrub bathroom floor.
38 need to do laundry
39 need to put away laundry from last week.
40 need to make separate lists for all my Facebook Friends.
41 need to go through High School yearbook. And then search each name on Facebook.
42 send 122 Friend requests
43 Need to wait for responses.
44 Need to resend Friend requests but add on a witty, personalized message to each one.
45 need to check if Turbo Tax has updated the State software yet.
46 need to respond to each of the 149 emails which came in last week.
47 need to make shopping list from weekly menu.
48 Need to make menu for the week.
49 ought to use Sunday morning to meditate
50 must write Blog entry.
51 need to take evocative photo to illustrate points
52 it might rain
53 It might snow
54 it might sleet
55 It might be windy
56 it might sleet and snow and create blizzard conditions beyond the endurance of common men.
57 I might lose a glove.
58 I've heard you are not supposed to run in a month with five Sundays.
59 not supposed to run in a month with two As in it.
60 I'm out of milk.
61 I need a shave
62 there's a chance of an attack of killer bees
63 I should make out a birthday card or two.
64 back up battery in alarm clock are iffy.

And the best reason for NOT running the Sunday Race?

65 Still haven't finished the Friday Crossword puzzle.

PS: Ran it. Chugged around Central Park with a bunch of very nice people. Not my faster effort, not my slowest. 2:15 something


Joe(he's a happy dog now)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Jan, 2010 04:23 pm
Goal #1 is missed: I did not run the Manhattan Half Marathon today. Partly it was because I ran a 6-mile round in Central Park on Friday in a slow 1:19 h, which would have been barely enough to get me to the finish line before they close it. Partly it was because developed serious muscle soreness on Saturday, making me question if I was ready for twice the distance. Partly it was because I spent Saturday evening solving a tricky but interesting programming problem. When I finished it, I looked at my watch and saw it was 2:15 am on Sunday. If I was to run the Half-Marathon, I'd have to run it on three hours of sleep or less.

So there goes goal #1.
Reply Sun 24 Jan, 2010 04:36 pm
Well, that hurdle is o'er..

(glad you solved the problem)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Jan, 2010 04:48 pm
For 2010:
1. Gym with my man Rhys 3 times a week.
I put together a new program and it seems to be working well.
2. Run 3 5-kilometer races.
3. Do at least one 5K in under 25 minutes.
Region Philbis
Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2010 02:39 am
3. Do at least one 5K in under 25 minutes.
nice one.
i myself wouldn't mind breaking the 26-min mark this season...
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Joe Nation
Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2010 07:20 am
So there goes goal #1.
We give points and partial credit.

Joe(So now it's just Goal #1 with an *)Nation
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Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2010 04:09 pm
I've decided to do a "60 in 60" with my yoga, practicing one type or another every day.

I'm on day 12 (I think)

day 6 made me really question the value of doing this, and I almost just stayed home.
I didn't and I'm glad.
Problem was that I hadn't given enough thought as to what types I would do, and how many in a row, etc. I hadn't mentally prepared myself I think. Also, it depends on the teacher. On day 4 there was a substitute for the regular kundalini yogi, and there's something about her methods that don't mesh well with me. I think that's what made me despondant of day 5, and disparing on day 6. Now, I try to have a plan B, even if it means going to a different location (there are 5, but I really especially like 2 of them. 1 is ok, another I don't like the aura, and the 5th I've never been to)

Yesterday was a kind of breakthrough for me, experienced some really great openings, and I'm really benefiting in non-physical aspects as well.

I know by the time day 60 comes, I've have gone through a transformation.

I keep this in mind....

The result of change is disappointment, if the change is not sustained.
Sustaining change leads to enlightenment.
Enlightenment is maintained through practice.
~ Guru B.K.S. Lyengar


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Joe Nation
Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2010 04:22 pm

Joe(waiting to hear all the results)Nation
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