@Region Philbis,
Never happened to me when I ran at lunchtime. Hmmm, what a thought. I ran at the Santa Monica palisades, a place I know well over the years, including when a picnic bench and, if I remember, the people there, catapulted off the cliff. Anyway, in my time, there was a short fence.
I made paintings of my photos there, should post them, which would involve my getting my printer working.
Anyway, I left the lab, parked, ran, came back to work. I don't remember such a crisis and . . . I would. I probably smelled after my run. But, hey, I've no or very little sense of smell. Plus, I was senior.
I wonder now. The lab people did rise up re a guy from Guam who had poor hygeine, and that was delicately handled.
Hey, Gail would have told me.