@Region Philbis,
Go watch a Marathon some time.
Stand at the 22 mile point.
The elite runners come by faster than you can get your iPhone to capture.
Someone yells "Here they come!" and too suddenly they are right in front of you
and gone..... .
They will be done by the time runners like me reach the Halfway point.
Stand there and watch for another three hours, the elites have already finished, toweled off, eaten a snack, changed and are in a taxi headed downtown for lunch, here in front of you are thousands of men and women who seem to running but oddly.....there is a similar cadence to the whole group. They are moving forward, but it is a measured movement, being spooned out, a little for this mile, a little for the next mile..... .
Later, maybe an hour later , more runners stream by, but they aren't running; they are double-timing. They are doing the same kind of woof-woof----woof-woof-pacing, trucking along the way civilians do when they are in a crosswalk and the light has already changed.
Only they have been doing it for about four and half hours and they are going to do it for about another hour.
If someone asked you at that point if the first group and the last group were from the same species, I think you'd agree with me that there should be some testing done.
Joe(hmmmmm , seems like the same DNA, but still..... .)Nation