Yaknow what? You are probably the poorest supporter of your position I have ever met on A2K. Your arguments are illogical and childish.
Quote:Homophobic ? Does that still work where you are ? Why dont you admit you are heterophobic ?
As a heterosexual, how could I be heterophobic? This is nonsensical, the type of retort a teenager would come back with.
Yes, homophobic is still a valid thing 'where I am,' because so many of you obviously are. You make it quite clear that you are, so why deny it?
All other adults in our society do not have the right to marry the person they love.
Sure they do. Any adults in our society who love each other should be free to marry each other; and, except for gays, they generally are.
Quote: I am not validating their relationship. That is up to them.
And the state - that important part, the part with the rights and all.
Quote:You dont even know what you are arguing against. Anyone who has been foloowing this thread must be wondering what you are going on about. Before you have another hissy fit, READ WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE !! Is that emphasis enough ?
I did read the entire thread; nothing in there discounts what I've said at all.
Quote:Your suspicions, along with your guessing and your betting, are incorrect. But it was an excellent example of bigotry on your part.
You don't know what the word 'bigot' means.
Quote:You have given a fine example of an uninformed tirade against anyone who disagrees with you. Your support of anything so you can hide in the pack is shameful to intelligence.
Supporting gay marriage is hardly 'hiding in the pack.' I really have no personal dog in this fight; my marriage is unaffected by how this turns out. Instead, I CHOOSE to put myself forward and engage mouthbreathing ******* bigots like yourself, because I believe in Equality.
Quote:The days in which people could be openly supportive of homosexuals without thinking, and not be castigated for it, because others were afraid of being called names, like bigot, are long gone. Wake up to the modern world you live in and get with the times...there is a grey area inbetween fagot and bigot....you are just scared of it.
You couldn't be more wrong. Gay marriage and gays in general are mainstream now, bro. Support for gay marriage is at it's highest levels ever. It's against the law to commit hate crimes against Gays in the majority of states and soon on the federal level. You obviously ARE afraid of being called a bigot, because you rail so hard against it. If you aren't afraid, then admit it: admit your bigotry and own up to it.
I predict you will not, and instead will continue to insist that people should be unEqual - but of course, you support Equality. Unconvincing in the extreme.
Tired of arguing with you, Bigot, so instead I will let it go with this: the march of Equality is not going to stop, and it's going to go right over you and your fellow bigot's objections. Get used to gays and gay marriage, because - like other equal rights issues - it's a'comin, and not going anywhere.