Gay Marriage Vote Passes in DC City Council

Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 06:03 am
@Diest TKO,
Marriage still exists

We know it still exists. Panda bears still exist. Marriage is dying though. If the last couple to get married appear in your newspaper you can say marriage still exists. Bridal shops are closing all over the UK. And their last customers are in it for the "SPLASH" and not for the marriage. The cost of average weddings in UK is of the order of £20,000. That's not marriage. It is starring in your own drama. With legal agreements at the ready for the split up. Which is another drama to star in. The kids can shift for themselves and play supporting roles in more dramas as objects similar to those two dogs might have a grip on with their teeth.

0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 07:10 am
spendius wrote:

Are you physically incapable of conversation? I mean seriously. In a thread talking about same sex marriage, you really can't just talk about the actually topic? Are you so incapable of proper etiquette?

It seems that in a thread about donuts, you'll try as hard as you can to talk about bagels.

Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 07:19 am
@Diest TKO,
If people support the same thing for different reasons, then why in the **** am I supposed to take you seriously when you group all of women together as to why they would support this?
Are you familiar with the word people ? Here is a definition :
Definitions of people on the Web:
(plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively;
You see now ? Remember when you had to draw the circles to logiocally work out what was a part of what ? Remember that the circle called people had men circles and women circles inside it ? Well take the female circle, and draw another circle inside of that. We will call this the women who support homosexuality circle. Now do you see ? Below is my original statement :
Ionus : You know why so many women support homosexuals ?

You simply do not understand this topic.
You have identified the problem, you have attributed it to the wrong one of us.

Those statistics were contrary to your claim of +50%.
I am certain someone as clever as you will be able to prove that...I would hate to think you made it up. Can you show me where I claimed that ? I am certain if you were wrong you would apologise rather than be thought of as arrogant AND stupid . By your standards :
Again, you seem to just be making this up as you go.
You're the one making **** up.

Please leave your power induced orgasms in the bedroom.
I want the law to apply equally for all citizens!
You do ? Marriage for Mulims and Mormans ? Many wives and one husband ? After all, why shouldnt a woman marry a man if she wants to...who cares if he is already married. If men can marry men and women can marry women then why not ? Next time you have a daisy chain at your house, get all the men to marry each other. Lovely !!

There are not enough children for the heterosexual parents who want them and you want to give them to homosexual parents ? What will that teach them about relationships ? Daddy loves Daddy ? Mummy loves Mummy ? Perhaps you are saying children dont learn from their parents ?

you show me a measurable way that we could see how all married couples are affected negatively by this.
You are dumb beyond belief !! You are proposing change, you have to gurantee the safety of the changes, you have to come up with a way of accurately measuring damage to allay peoples (remember the big circle ?) concerns. This called engineering and you dont build a bridge and hten ask someone to prove it isnt save. That is your job before you sign off on it. Do you see now ?

Precious Ionus,
You think you are a heterosexual ? Thats the spirit !!
Diest TKO
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 07:24 am
Philis wrote:

Gay marriage right out of our own capital city. Is this the peoples wish?

In DC? Most certainly. Nationally, it's hard to say. I don't think it was the people's wish for interracial marriage either when that came to pass. I think DOMA has it's day in court, and when that happens same sex marriage will be federally recognized.

Philis wrote:

I would want rights for gays , not marriage.

Do you see marriage as something that is not a right?

Philis wrote:

This is a union between man and woman.

In more recent history, sure. Marriage, and homosexuals marrying are much older than the religions that are claiming it is exclusively a union between a man and a woman. When you explore why you think it is only for heterosexual couples, many of the assumptions you have about the institution need to be challenged.

Philis wrote:

Don't think this US of A is going to go into the future like we were in the past. All past leading nations who "ruled" the world are gone and the US of A will go there too. Our time is limited.....sorry.

Sure, our time is limited. The USA isn't entitled to rule the world. I'm sure the citizens of Rome thought the old kingdom would still be tops in the year 2010 as well. The English empire fell too. Their not on top, but still a functional nation.

Philis wrote:

We have all seen the chaos out of DC and the absence of leadership in congress.

Yeah, but it's important to not forget that DC is a city with residents and communities just like any other. It's the Capital, but the nations politics and the local politics shouldn't be confused with each other (even if they overlap sometimes).

Philis wrote:

Why did they not face the issue and give gays the rights they deserve.....too much trouble, they can't handle the job, it was easier to just include them in a sacred union set aside for men and women.

Hard to read this statement. Can you rephrase?

Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 07:27 am
@Diest TKO,
Marriage, and homosexuals marrying are much older than the religions that are claiming it is exclusively a union between a man and a woman.
Is this your opinion ? The jewish religion goes back to Abraham about 2,000 BC.
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 07:48 am
Sorry if this is talking about bagels instead of donuts Diest - but no - I can't let this go by:

There are not enough children for the heterosexual parents who want them and you want to give them to homosexual parents ?

For the first time, the number of children waiting to be adopted dropped below 130,000 to 123,000 in FY 2008.

In the US there are 123,000 children legally free and waiting for adoption.
That's only in the US - that doesn't even include the children who are available for adoption in Eastern Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, etc.
There are most definitely NOT more heterosexual parents waiting for children to adopt than there are children available and waiting to be adopted.

What will that teach them about relationships ? Daddy loves Daddy ? Mummy loves Mummy ? Perhaps you are saying children dont learn from their parents ?

Do you think you can teach a child to be homosexual Ionus? Because if you do, that gives me some insight into why you might have such problems with gay marriage.
Diest TKO
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 08:13 am
Ionus wrote:

Marriage, and homosexuals marrying are much older than the religions that are claiming it is exclusively a union between a man and a woman.
Is this your opinion ? The jewish religion goes back to Abraham about 2,000 BC.

The Jewish religion is about as old yes. Like most things from this time, they survived solely by oral tradition. You'd be hard pressed to demonstrate that Jews condemned homosexuality that far back. Was Judaism even monotheistic at 2000BC? I believe the oldest Jewish text is only from around 1000BC. You'd be hard pressed to prove that same sex marriage was a no no in religious practice in a time when polygamy was a go go. The Romans first made same sex illegal until 350(ish) AD. Previously, it had not been an uncommon practice. Leviticus was only incorporated into the Torah in 400BC. Do the math. The condemnation of homosexuals comes in a time when they were well accepted and able to marry.

Same sex marriages where taking place in the Ming dynasty long before the First Vatican Counsel as well.

Judeo-Christian influence over the history of the world makes it seem like same sex marriage is a new thing, those who take time to learn the facts know otherwise.

Diest TKO
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 08:19 am
aidan wrote:
Sorry if this is talking about bagels instead of donuts Diest - but no - I can't let this go by...

At least you're actually talking about homosexuals. However, you are a woman, and therefore, this is just a part of your radical agenda and aggressive vie for power and primacy.

Good point about adoptions. I'd add that the AAP has studied children raised by homosexuals and they found they were just as well adjusted and showed no trending in terms of being more or less religious, nor did they exhibit homosexual behaviors any more than children raised by heterosexuals.

Simply put, being gay doesn't make your kid gay.

Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 08:20 am
@Diest TKO,
Are you physically incapable of conversation? I mean seriously. In a thread talking about same sex marriage, you really can't just talk about the actually topic? Are you so incapable of proper etiquette?

It seems that in a thread about donuts, you'll try as hard as you can to talk about bagels.

I hardly think that the above represents an adequate response to my post from which you have chosen one word to ride upon. It was 20 lines long.

I used "blimey" in dismay at your innocence in thinking that it is a conspiracy theory that women are not aggressively taking over when it is a fact.

The rest of my post was to provide a bit of evidence, and there are barrowloads of it, that it is a fact and nothing to do with conspiracy theories.

Your problem TK, it seems to me, is that you expose yourself to journalism and sound-bites from Lady media and after sleeping on them you wake up believing your own intelligence has worked them out and you then trot them out as if some great insight is being placed at our disposal.

Might I suggest that before retiring for the night you expose yourself to the writings of men of the world which have stood the test of time and whose names are household words and to be found in the index of every decent book on human affairs unlike the scribblers you are obviously aping and whose work is fit only for wrapping the china with for a removal as one might expect considering it is composed out of simple cliches and from a feminist and homosexual point of view.

Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 08:31 am

High Court reverses ban on Catholic Care’s anti-gay adoption policy
(David Ellis)
Other Catholic agencies have cut their ties with the Church or given up adoption

A Roman Catholic child-adoption society has won a landmark High Court battle that could allow it and other Catholic agencies to discriminate legally against gay couples.

Catholic Care, which serves the dioceses of Leeds, Middlesbrough, and Hallam, South Yorkshire, launched the legal action in an attempt to continue its work finding homes for children.

Catholic Care, which provided adoption services only to married couples in keeping with current Catholic doctrine, was seeking an exemption from the Sexual Orientation Regulations. The 2007 regulations made it unlawful to discriminate on the ground of sexual orientation in the provision of goods or services to the public.

The Government previously rejected appeals for an exemption for Catholic agencies but ministers gave them a 20-month transition period, which ended last year. Other Catholic agencies have already given up adoption or cut their ties with the Church.

Catholic Care argued at the High Court that it had achieved particular success in finding adoptive parents for “hard to place” children. The support after adoption, funded by giving from within the Church, also meant that its adoptions had a lower failure rate.

Mr Justice Briggs, sitting in London, allowed the charity’s appeal and ordered the Charity Commission, which made the original decision against Catholic Care, to reconsider. The Charity Commission was ordered by the judge to pay the legal costs of Catholic Care, which is linked to the Roman Catholic diocese of Leeds, unofficially estimated at more than £100,000.

Arthur Roche, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Leeds, welcomed the ruling. He said: “We look forward to producing evidence to the Charity Commission to support the position that we have consistently taken through this process that without being able to use this exemption children without families would be seriously disadvantaged.

“Catholic Care has been providing specialist adoption services for over 100 years. We have helped hundreds of children . . . as well as offering ongoing and post-adoption support to families.”

Jonathan Finney, head of external affairs at Stonewall, the gay rights charity, said: “It is clearly in the best interests of children in care to encourage as wide a pool of potential adopters as possible. All religious adoption agencies receive funding or subsidy in some form from the public purse. There should be no question of discriminatory behaviour by any organisation that benefits from the taxpayer.”

Terry Sanderson, president of the National Secular Society, said: “It is unfortunate that the court has enabled Catholic Care to exploit what was obviously an error in the drafting of the equality legislation. The loophole this created was never intended to be used this way.”

The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement also condemned the decision. The Rev Sharon Ferguson said: “We do not doubt that Catholic Care has done good work in the past but it should only continue to do so within the current legal framework. It makes no sense and is entirely unjust to allow exemptions of this nature. Would Mr Justice Briggs have reached the same decision if Catholic Care had asked to be allowed to discriminate against couples on the grounds of their race or physical ability?”

Nice name is Stonewall I must say.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 08:33 am
In an discussion about how the model of the solar system has changed many times, you'll learn about how it went from the earth being flat, to the earth being round but the center of the universe, to the earth traveling around the sun, to elliptical orbits, etc. You might find a few people arguing on the best numerical method to find implicit solutions for the earths' ephemeris, but if spendi is there, he'd be raising his whiskey tinted voice above all others to sternly declare that everyone but him is a fool for not seeing that the center of the solar system is the moon.

You have nothing to contribute, and you're getting boring again Enjoy your mediocrity and your barstool.

Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 08:40 am
The 1995 National Survey of Family Growth found that 500,000 women were currently seeking to adopt a child. (Freundlich, 1998)

Most adoptive parents are two parent families aged 31 to 40. A growing number of parents are aged 41 to 49. Most parents attended or completed college. The number of parents with college degrees increased sharply from 1983 to 1993.
Fewer that 20% of families adopting independently earned less that $30,000, compared with 80% in 1982. Nearly two-thirds of adoptive families earned $50,000 or more. These incomes were not adjusted for inflation, although inflation alone would not explain the shift.
Families adopting from the public child welfare system are similar to those adopting independently, in that the majority of each are 31 to 40 years old. A significant number of public agency adopters, however, are less than 30 years old. Public agency adopters have generally lower levels of education and income than independent adopters. Since 1989, public agencies are less likely to place children in families earning $50,000 or more, and more likely to place children in families earning $30,000 or less.

There are most definitely NOT more heterosexual parents waiting for children to adopt than there are children available and waiting to be adopted.
Are you certain ? Why would couples adopt children in third world countries then ?

aidan : By the mid-1950's, the demand for healthy infants grew so significantly that it exceeded the number of children available for adoption, a trend that has accelerated with each passing decade. (Freundlich, 1998)

Do you think you can teach a child to be homosexual Ionus?
Do you think you can teach a child about heterosexual relationships when Daddy loves Daddy ?
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 08:41 am
@Diest TKO,
Simply put, being gay doesn't make your kid gay.

That is a perfect example of the damage done when homosexuals are allowed to purloin traditional words, with Lady media's full support.

Making our kids gay was a laudable ambition of most parents not so very long ago. The meaning of such a long-standing and important word in western culture has been turned on its head at the behest of a vociferous minority who cannot bring themselves to use the proper word which is "homosexual".

In my view all those who use gay instead of homosexual are helping the cause of wrecking our literature which is steeped in gaiety and insidiously doing the work for them.

Now the word for shredding is "marriage".
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 08:45 am
@Diest TKO,
You seem to have avoided my post that asked the hard questions...why is that ?

You can not prove homosexual marriages from before religion. Why dont you admit it was a stupid thing to say and take your lumps like a man.
those who take time to learn the facts know otherwise.
Well clearly you dont so I suggest you take even more time. How is the circles going ? What about your claim that I said over 50% ? Any apology forthcoming because I dont want people to think you are arrogant AND stupid .

0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 09:01 am
@Diest TKO,
n an discussion about how the model of the solar system has changed many times, you'll learn about how it went from the earth being flat, to the earth being round but the center of the universe, to the earth traveling around the sun, to elliptical orbits, etc. You might find a few people arguing on the best numerical method to find implicit solutions for the earths' ephemeris, but if spendi is there, he'd be raising his whiskey tinted voice above all others to sternly declare that everyone but him is a fool for not seeing that the center of the solar system is the moon.

You have nothing to contribute, and you're getting boring again Enjoy your mediocrity and your barstool.

You really are scraping the cracks out in the bottom of the barrel with that rubbish TK.

The earth was never thought flat. The ancients knew it was round. They knew it went around the sun too and that the moon went round the earth.

And the % of the US population which accepts your agenda is derisory and couldn't even fund a candidate. So I'm on side with the vast majority and not the eccentric fool you claim.

And it is getting boring you asserting that I'm boring everytime you are stuck for an intelligent answer.
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 09:11 am
The 1995 National Survey of Family Growth found that 500,000 women were currently seeking to adopt a child. (Freundlich, 1998)

Okay, but we need some context here. What exactly does this mean? Are these married, heterosexual women, single women, homosexual women- in other words all sorts of women combined? Where are these women from/living?

Are you certain ? Why would couples adopt children in third world countries then ?

Well that's another complicated issue. In the US, which is the only adoption system I feel comfortable commenting on, the majority of the people wanting to adopt are white and the majority of the children waiting to be adopted are not:
The United States Department of Health and Human Services estimates that as many as 127,000 children in foster care needed adoptive families. The ethnic backgrounds of these children are as follows:
42% were African American
32% were White
15% were Hispanic
1% were Native American/Alaskan Native
1% were Asian/Pacific Islander
8% were of unknown/unable to determine ethnic backgrounds

Unfortunately, some adoptive parents feel more of a connection to a child whose racial heritage, though different from their own is still more positively viewed than the connection to a child from their own country with a less positively viewed racial heritage.

In other words, a lot of people would rather pay $30,000 and get a kid from China than pay nothing and adopt a black kid from Chicago. Don't ask me why - I don't get it. But it's true.

By the mid-1950's, the demand for healthy infants grew so significantly that it exceeded the number of children available for adoption, a trend that has accelerated with each passing decade. (Freundlich, 1998)

Well, when you said adoption - I was thinking of ALL the children waiting for adoption. You didn't specify infants. And actually - whether you agree with it or not- gay couples are more likely to be willing to adopt older and harder to place children- such as those with special needs or sibling groups- than your run of the mill, middle class, heterosexual white couple looking for a perfect little white infant.

So you should think a little more about it before you count them out as maybe the only potential parents some of these kids will have the opportunity of having. Do you have any idea what the prognosis is for kids who age out of the foster care system having never been adopted by anyone? Take a look at those statistics sometime, and then tell me what the scarier scenario is for society. Sometimes they're the only ones willing to BE parents to a lot of these kids. I give them credit for that.

Do you think you can teach a child about heterosexual relationships when Daddy loves Daddy ?

Maybe not - but you can't TEACH them to be gay. If they're going to be heterosexual they're going to be heterosexual. They can teach a kid about what it means to be loved and a part of a family. A kid will have a much harder time learning that in the foster care system.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 09:13 am
In my view all those who use gay instead of homosexual are helping the cause of wrecking our literature which is steeped in gaiety and insidiously doing the work for them.

I apologize, but by the time I learned what homosexuality meant- it was called 'gay'.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 10:07 am
Language changes, spendius, neither you nor anybody else controls it, so you're just going to have to live with it. But don't worry too much--"blathering misogynistic supercilious twit" isn't likely to change its meaning any time soon.
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 10:36 am
I could make "blathering misogynistic supercilious twit" mean something different to what you mean by it Jack.

Women don't look particularly happy to me after 50 years of your type of agenda and the pharmaceuticals they take is staggering. So also the "beauty" aids they resort to all of which make them look uglier. They are in one big mess as far as I can tell.

The ghosts of 'lectricity howl in the bones of their faces.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 10:39 am
can you say "misogyny"?

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