Amanda Knox

Mon 30 Jun, 2014 07:29 pm
izzythepush wrote:

After what he said about my kids, you're having a laugh.

.....But you began your ad hominem attacks on him by "stating he was a 40-year-old virgin living at home with his parents." How do you know this info is an authentic truism? I reiterate, do you know the poster personally? Even if someone else offered this information, are you able to corroborate such is correct?!

Equivalent retaliation is probably never the way to go, but particularly so with someone like Oralloy, an illustrative example of Nature's many creations.

If you do not like attacks on your family, then do not involve yourself in personal attacks on another poster's person. Ad hominem attacks beget ad hominem attacks.
Mon 30 Jun, 2014 09:15 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Izzythepush, there is no one more opposed to Oralloy's hateful abnormal rhetoric than I, and so I place him on ignore.

My "defending innocent people from sadistic predations" is hardly hateful rhetoric.

If you're looking for hateful rhetoric, look to the way you compound an atrocity by savaging the innocent victims.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
For instance, by all accounts one can see Oralloy is not 100% sound....like what normal person would belittle or denigrate the parents (Kerchers) whose child was brutally murdered?

Every single person who possesses even a single grain of human decency.

The way the Kerchers are trying to enrich themselves by getting innocent people sent to prison is appalling beyond belief. They cannot be condemned harshly enough.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Or slander the murder victim beyond description because people refer Amanda Knox as a SLUT?

If anyone savages the innocent victims of atrocities when I'm around, they are just going to have to put up with me defending those innocent victims.

Try to imagine what it would be like if you were the innocent victim who was being savaged.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
As civilized human beings, supposedly with all our faculties, why would we lower ourselves to making fun of someone who is obviously troubled mentally?

I don't think the term "civilized human beings" can really apply to people who brutally savage the victims of atrocities.

I am hardly troubled. In fact, I couldn't be more at peace. There is just something about "resolutely doing the right thing in defiance of evil" that is good for the soul. I bet those civil rights marchers who defied the KKK have the same sort of inner peace that I have.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Are we so INSECURE that in our anger we lash out at people who deserve our compassion and understanding?

You guys are savaging the innocent victims of a horrible atrocity. It is no surprise that people who stand forth to protect the innocent from your predations are savaged as well.

If you guys had compassion and understanding, you would not respond to atrocities by lynching the victims.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Oralloy is who he is. His "certainty" regarding the Amanda Knox trial, especially since he was not an eye witness or given classified evidence by both sides of the isle (the Defense and the Prosecutor) regarding said case,

These are public trials. There is no secret evidence. And since all the evidence has been publicly available over the years, I have indeed received all of it.

And the evidence has been overwhelmingly clear from the very beginning that Amanda and Raffaele are innocent of all wrongdoing.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
One's certainty means without doubt and there are so still so many questions regarding Knox that might never be resolved.

Nonsense. Every single question in this case was answered within a month of Kercher's death.

There has never been any question regarding Amanda (or Raffaele).

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Oralloy is merely displaying the role he was born into.

"Defender of the innocent." Has a nice ring to it I think.
0 Replies
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 01:41 am
Stop your sanctimonious drivel. I'm not going to sit back while a low life piece of crap like Oralboy insults the memory of a beautiful British girl.

You may feel sorry for him because his existence is so miserable, no friends, no chance of ever having a lover and a general fear of going into town, but he decided to be a low life piece of crap so the gloves are off.
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 04:41 am
izzythepush wrote:

Stop your sanctimonious drivel. I'm not going to sit back while a low life piece of crap like Oralboy insults the memory of a beautiful British girl.

You may feel sorry for him because his existence is so miserable, no friends, no chance of ever having a lover and a general fear of going into town, but he decided to be a low life piece of crap so the gloves are off.

And with respect to the latter part of your above statement, people resembling such a scenario deserve our understanding, not our scorn.....and there you go again with your personal attacks. Oralloy not only insults Meredith Kercher, he insults all of Italy, and those posters who criticize Israel. No one is spared in Oralloy's eyes who attack Amanda. Astonishingly enough, Oralloy equates "grinding little newborn Italian babies into food for dogs to eat" as equivalent to one offering their opinion they "believe Amanda Knox to be guilty!" Oralloy's assessment of this proves he is someone with a flawed mental judgement...unable to discern the vast difference between opinion and actual deed. As one discerning poster observed "an Asperger's chronicling the news was similar to a skit on Saturday Night Live."

Oralloy's entire defense of the seemingly pathological Amanda Knox borders on a demonstrative derangement and he doesn't respect any poster who oppose his PERSONAL SENSE OF JUSTICE! Obviously, this is one poster whose judgement is peculiarly inverted. Yet, you, Izzythepush, purportedly a teacher of children, at least at one time, appear ready to get down in the sewer with this poster, even though you see his possible problem, going so far as to describe such in detail......still you fight with him! (It's as though you, the one-time teacher, are suffering from a similar problem.) I feel more humanity for Oralloy than you because the former is merely being who Nature created him to be and YOU are responding excitedly, screeching ostensibly, with no desire for control. (I can very well relate to the passion one feels against Oralloy.) He frustrates me so that on the Yahoo message board, I had him on ignore; and the first thing I did when coming here was ask "where is the ignore feature?" I must admit, I do not like Oralloy, but I refuse to allow him to force me into being a monster he's created....someone bent on revenge against him at any cost.

People who argue back and forth with Oralloy soon become indistinguishable from him. Critizing Amanda Knox and any subject Oralloy deems objectionable, is a pure waste of time, and ad hominem attacks by you only creates the impression one seem inadequate and weak.
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 05:04 am
I don't know why you keep having to mention my teaching experience as if that has any relevance at all. Kids get given a pass because they're kids. Oralboy is an adult, he chose to be like this, and if I decide to point out what a repulsive, sad, pathetic creep he is, that's my prerogative.

If he had said the comments about the Kerchers on twitter in Britain he would have been jailed. If America had similar legislation outlawing hate speech and deliberately causing unnecessary distress I would not have to take him to task.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 07:38 am
Amanda Knox alibi threatened as Raffaele Sollecito abandons her in ‘new’ defence strategy

Amanda Knox’s former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito has made a fresh appeal that could undermine her alibi for what happened on the night the British student Meredith Kercher was killed in Italy.

In a further bid to distance his defence from that of his former lover, Sollecito told a press conference in Rome that he was unable to say where Knox had been during the early part of the that evening in Perugia.

Lawyers speaking for the Italian said that when he had previously described being with Knox that day he “always meant he spent the night with Amanda”.

“But for the entire first part of the evening, they were not together. It’s this first part of the evening that’s new [to his defence],” his lawyer Giulia Bongiorno was reported as saying.

Prior to the press conference, various members of the Italian press had quoted sources in Sollecito’s legal team as saying he had been “home alone that night” or that he was “only sure about the fact that he was at home”, clearly opening up the possibility that Knox was not there.

Omicidio Meredith Kercher, ora Raffaele Sollecito «scarica» Amanda

Meredith, Raffaele Sollecito: “Non ritratto. Io credo all’innocenza di Amanda Knox”
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 08:13 am
izzythepedo wrote:
You're the one projecting your sick fantasies onto other people's children.

The person here with sick fantasies is the guy who forces his own children to have sex with each other while he masturbates in the corner. That person is not me. Need a mirror?

izzythepedo wrote:
You're a pathetic hate filled piece of excrement with absolutely no redeeming features, and an object lesson in how never feeling the embrace of another human being can turn someone into a festering bag of malice.

Says the person who forces his own children to have sex with each other while he sits in the corner and masturbates.

izzythepedo wrote:
You're the most disgusting creature on A2K, which is why most people have you on ignore.

Most? Hardly.

I've noticed two significant qualities in many of the people who announce they have me on ignore. One is that they hardly ever participate in the threads that I participate in, which makes their putting me on ignore rather odd. And the other is that they tend to be monsters who support atrocities against innocent people.


izzythepedo wrote:
It's pretty clear what you are.

Yes. I am a moral and upstanding person who refuses to allow you monsters to persecute the innocent.
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 08:13 am
izzythepedo wrote:
After what he said about my kids, you're having a laugh.

You're the one who raised the little beasts. Not my fault what you do to them in the privacy of your own home.
0 Replies
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 08:13 am
izzythepedo wrote:
Stop your sanctimonious drivel. I'm not going to sit back while a low life piece of crap like Oralboy insults the memory of a beautiful British girl.

All I did was tell the truth about the whore.

But if you don't want me to tell the truth about the whore, all you have to do is stop lying about Amanda, stop lying about Raffaele, and stop lying about me.

izzythepedo wrote:
You may feel sorry for him because his existence is so miserable, no friends, no chance of ever having a lover and a general fear of going into town, but he decided to be a low life piece of crap so the gloves are off.

Says the freak who forces his own children to have sex with each other while his sits in the corner and masturbates.
0 Replies
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 08:16 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Oralloy not only insults Meredith Kercher, he insults all of Italy, and those posters who criticize Israel.

Those "insults" are legitimate condemnation of despicable acts.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
No one is spared in Oralloy's eyes who attack Amanda.

Well, yes. Trying to lynch the innocent victim of an atrocity is beyond the pale.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Astonishingly enough, Oralloy equates "grinding little newborn Italian babies into food for dogs to eat" as equivalent to one offering their opinion they "believe Amanda Knox to be guilty!" Oralloy's assessment of this proves he is someone with a flawed mental judgement...unable to discern the vast difference between opinion and actual deed.

I am at a loss at understanding the equation you claim I made, but I don't think I ever compared or equated the two statements with each other.

That said, "making baseless statements that you think someone is guilty, when it is overwhelmingly clear that they are an innocent person being falsely accused" is a pretty monstrous thing to do.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Oralloy's entire defense of the seemingly pathological Amanda Knox

See now you're lying about innocent victims of atrocities again.

This is why you get denounced as such a monster.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
borders on a demonstrative derangement

Nonsense. That I relentlessly defend innocent people when you try to lynch them only shows that I am a moral and upstanding person.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
and he doesn't respect any poster who oppose his PERSONAL SENSE OF JUSTICE!

You're lacking some necessary context here.

You are referring to people who deliberately savage the innocent victims of horrific atrocities.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Obviously, this is one poster whose judgement is peculiarly inverted.

Feel free to point out even one fact that I am wrong about.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Critizing Amanda Knox and any subject Oralloy deems objectionable, is a pure waste of time,

That depends on the criticism.

If "criticism" is a euphemism for "horrific lies about innocent people", then yes, that is likely to get nowhere fast with me.
0 Replies
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 08:17 am
izzythepedo wrote:
I don't know why you keep having to mention my teaching experience as if that has any relevance at all.

It is somewhat alarming that a pedo freak like you would have a job as a schoolteacher.

izzythepedo wrote:
If he had said the comments about the Kerchers on twitter in Britain he would have been jailed.

Nonsense. It is not against the law in the UK to denounce scum who commit atrocities.

izzythepedo wrote:
If America had similar legislation outlawing hate speech and deliberately causing unnecessary distress I would not have to take him to task.

Unnecessary distress? LOL!

Those poor scumbags. It must be so difficult for them to have to listen to people denounce their atrocities. Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 08:28 am
You have a really miserable, pathetic life. How do you cope with the fact that almost everyone you have any dealings with finds you disgusting? Don't expect an answer from MIT, she's put you on ignore, like most people.

She thinks that's the best way to deal with someone who clearly has substantive mental health issues. I take the opposite approach, just because you're a sad, friendless loser with no chance of ever getting laid, doesn't mean that we should let the filth you spout go unchallenged. In the words of Edmund Burke, All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

She's entitled to her opinion of course, but I think it's the same attitude that lead to rise of the Nazis.

Btw, you know Knox is guilty, if you thought she was innocent you wouldn't be quite so erotically obsessed with her. You've no chance, even Knox wouldn't stoop so low as an inbred, atavistic, proto hominid like yourself, that's assuming you have mastered walking upright, which I doubt.

Tick tock, tick tock.

Tue 1 Jul, 2014 08:32 am
@Walter Hinteler,

Good grief.

You know, there is actually a reason why I reposted this a couple days ago:

Just a reminder:

If the media claims that Amanda or Raffaele said something, but there is no unedited video of them saying it, then they didn't say it.

Please no one hassle Raffaele for what the media is pretending that he is saying.

He is saying nothing of the sort.


Please no one hassle Raffaele because of these untrue articles.
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 08:49 am
izzythepedo wrote:
You have a really miserable, pathetic life.

Says the pedo who forces his own children to have sex with each other while he sits in the corner and masturbates.

izzythepedo wrote:
How do you cope with the fact that almost everyone you have any dealings with finds you disgusting?

You're projecting. You dislike having moral people challenge you. But most people, not being scum like you, don't have that problem.

izzythepedo wrote:
Don't expect an answer from MIT, she's put you on ignore, like most people.

I dealt with your lie about "most people" a few posts up.

izzythepedo wrote:
She thinks that's the best way to deal with someone who clearly has substantive mental health issues.

Being a decent person may be a foreign concept to a child rapist like you, but common decency is hardly a mental health issue.

izzythepedo wrote:
I take the opposite approach, just because you're a sad, friendless loser with no chance of ever getting laid, doesn't mean that we should let the filth you spout go unchallenged.

Says the pedo who forces his own children to have sex with each other while he sits in the corner and masturbates.

izzythepedo wrote:
In the words of Edmund Burke, All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Notice that you're the evil, and I'm the good man who is refusing to do nothing.

izzythepedo wrote:
She's entitled to her opinion of course, but I think it's the same attitude that lead to rise of the Nazis.

Never fear. I shall stand resolutely opposed to all your atrocities.

izzythepedo wrote:
Btw, you know Knox is guilty,

Stop lying, pedo. The evidence has been clear from the beginning that she and Raffaele are innocent.

izzythepedo wrote:
you wouldn't be quite so erotically obsessed with her.

Stop projecting, pedo. It is scum like you who look at the victims of atrocities and think about sex.

izzythepedo wrote:
Tick tock, tick tock.

Still counting down the time until Guede is released, huh?

Remember, we need to let bygones be bygones. Kercher was a worthless whore and it doesn't matter that she is dead (in fact, the world is a better place for it).

We must be sure to allow Guede to live out the remainder of his life in comfort and prosperity. Mr. Green
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 12:36 pm
Obviously Sollecito didn't listen to you


This morning, he told in a press conference in Rome he still believes Amanda Knox is innocent but says his defence did not depend on hers.
He claimed that his innocence was proved by the very elements which the Florence appeals court had used to convict them both.

The press conference was aired live - you really can't blame anyone for quoting what he and his lawyer actually said. (I'm sure, it has been aired in the USA as well)
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 04:57 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Obviously Sollecito didn't listen to you

I'm sure Raffaele would agree with my statement that people should discount articles that make up lies about what he says, and instead focus on what he actually does say.

Walter Hinteler wrote:
This morning, he told in a press conference in Rome he still believes Amanda Knox is innocent but says his defence did not depend on hers.
He claimed that his innocence was proved by the very elements which the Florence appeals court had used to convict them both.

That sounds like a reasonable summary of his position. Much better than that other article that was making up lies.

Still, unless you hear the words from his own mouth (and without editing), it is best to always have a grain of skepticism given the long history of untrue articles.

Walter Hinteler wrote:
The press conference was aired live - you really can't blame anyone for quoting what he and his lawyer actually said.

But I can blame the media for making up lies about what he said, and advise people to discount such untrue articles.

I really hope no one hassles Raffaele for supposedly lying about Amanda, when he never said any of the lies that the media has attributed to him.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 11:32 pm
oralloy wrote:

Still, unless you hear the words from his own mouth (and without editing), it is best to always have a grain of skepticism given the long history of untrue articles.
It's still online on various sites. So no problem to verify that at all.
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 11:58 pm
Their justice system isn't the only thing Italians have problems with.

A bit more than a year ago I broke down and bought a real radio including a SiriusXM channel for my little black Honda and for a while I tried to force myself to listen to Italian opera (Sirius 74/Met Opera), this being the first opportunity I'd ever had to listen to anything resembling a lot of opera while driving around here and there. It was like trying to develop a taste for asparagus or something else poisonous like that, I couldn't do it.

I'd be lying if I told anybody I like ALL French, German, or Russian opera but I like most of it. In other words, I've discovered the real reason why most people hate opera: it's really just the Italian opera which totally sucks, but that's more than half of all opera. I mean, even Mozart can't save Italian opera. Zauberflöte and Entführung aus dem Serail are glorious but Mozart's Italian operas suck just as bad as the rest of it.

The conclusion I come to is that the Italian language itself is basically ugly to listen to, the operatic style is unerringly foppish and affected, and the male singing parts all sound like somebody with major kinds of digestive problems. The best thing anybody in any sort of a position of power in Italy could possibly do is order the entire nation to learn to speak French six months hence.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 12:21 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Still, unless you hear the words from his own mouth (and without editing), it is best to always have a grain of skepticism given the long history of untrue articles.

It's still online on various sites. So no problem to verify that at all.

That depends. Did he speak in English? If he spoke in Italian, it might be hard to verify.

If he spoke in English, how do we know that "what is online" is unedited?

At any rate, your latter quote from him was just a summary of his trial strategy, so it is possible that it is what he actually said.

No way though that Raffaele ever said any of the lies in the earlier article. That article was 100% fabricated.
Walter Hinteler
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 12:31 am
oralloy wrote:
That depends. Did he speak in English? If he spoke in Italian, it might be hard to verify.

If he spoke in English, how do we know that "what is online" is unedited?
He is in Italy and spoke his native tongue. As did his lawyer.
Certainly it might have been a fake press conference, and all persons there were just actors.

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