Amanda Knox

Mon 20 Aug, 2012 04:49 pm
Ragman wrote:
So justice, morality and ethics have rules consisting of whatever you make them up to be in your head?

No. Let's try this:

Supporting sending innocent people to prison: evil.

Opposing sending innocent people to prison: good.

Inflicting cruelty and pain on the innocent: evil.

Shielding the innocent from cruelty and pain: good.

Those are the reasons that I am good and my opponents are evil.
0 Replies
Mon 20 Aug, 2012 04:51 pm
Ragman wrote:
It is often said, "Live by the sword, die by the sword" (re inflammatory statements that divert threads.)

... but, OTOH, your particular brand of vitriolic attacks and thread diversion are morally acceptable.

When I condemn evil people who are inflicting cruelty on the innocent, that is not in any way a diversion.

But yes. When I defend innocent people from cruel attacks, that is indeed morally acceptable.

Ragman wrote:
And you pull the plug on the diversion when and as you see fit? I'm just sayin' - trying to understand the rules.

It was inappropriate of you to try to make the thread "about me" right in the moments before the verdict was read.

However, I am now willing to discuss and defend my behavior if you are still interested.

Ragman wrote:
oralloy wrote:
I suspect you are not able to understand right vs wrong

So..let's see...how can you question legitimately whether or not I understand right from wrong when I've made no statement that could indicate otherwise?

You did make a statement that indicated otherwise.

You waded through tons of malevolent and cruel posts dedicated to inflicting pain on the innocent, without having a single objection to any of them.

But the moment you see me defending the innocent and fighting back against the cruelty, suddenly you object.

Back when I originally made my post, that seemed a strong indicator of a complete inability to understand right from wrong.

It still seems that way today.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Sep, 2012 06:39 am
Knox boyfriend maintains innocence
(By GENE JOHNSON, Associated Press, 9/11/2012)

Raffaele Sollecito, whose budding love affair with American exchange student Amanda Knox helped land him in an Italian prison for four years, maintains the couple's innocence in a new book but acknowledges that their sometimes bizarre behavior after her roommate's killing gave police reason for suspicion.

The pair was imprisoned for the November 2007 death of Meredith Kercher at Knox's apartment in Perugia, north of Rome. An appeals court overturned their conviction and freed them last fall, issuing a 143-page opinion that blasted the utter lack of evidence against them. Rudy Guede, a petty criminal who was convicted separately, remains imprisoned and is serving a 16-year-sentence.

Sollecito's book, "Honor Bound," is due out Sept. 18. The Associated Press purchased a copy Tuesday.

In it, he describes how the early days of their relationship became a nightmare: the horror of Kercher's slaying; the misunderstandings that swept them up in the case; their tabloid portrayals as two suspects unrecognizable to themselves.

Knox became "Foxy Knoxy" and received the brunt of the attention as she shopped for underwear after the killing and turned cartwheels in front of investigators. While police investigated the crime scene, Sollecito caressed her and they kissed, unaware of the television news cameras across the street.

Later at the police station she climbed in his lap and draped her arms over him, making Sollecito uneasy, he said.

Police found their behavior "odd" and he acknowledged they had no "real alibi the night of Nov. 1 except each other."

Knox is also writing a book, due out next spring. Her deal, with HarperCollins, is reportedly worth $4 million.

The couple were arrested several days after Kercher's death and later convicted in proceedings that made headlines around the world. Prosecutors portrayed the case as a drug-fueled sexual assault, and Knox and Sollecito were sentenced to 26 years and 25 years, respectively.

The appeals court found the prosecution's theory to be unsupported by any evidence. Prosecutors have appealed the acquittal, and Italy's highest court will hear their arguments next March.

Sollecito frequently criticizes the police for their handling of the case, reaching for a far-fetched conspiracy instead of the simpler explanation that Guede had on his own committed a burglary gone wrong.

Sollecito, then finishing his undergraduate studies in computer science, writes that he met Knox at a classical music concert at the Universita per Stranieri, the University for Foreigners, on Oct. 25, 2007 — a week before Kercher's death. He asked for her number, and she told him to come by the bar where she'd be working later that night. At the end of the shift, he writes, they took a walk, held hands and kissed. She accepted an invitation to come back to his apartment and spent the night.

Soon the couple became inseparable. She began spending the nights at his apartment. They shopped for groceries together, and took a sightseeing day trip to Assisi.

Sollecito wrote about his first night in prison, saying he wavered between "great waves of indignation and a nagging sense of guilt." He said that while he knew he was innocent, he was angry at himself for having a foggy memory of the night of the killing because he and Knox had smoked marijuana.

When they were finally acquitted, Sollecito writes that he felt "indescribable joy." He remembers looking at the police, hoping to see them appear defeated, but they wouldn't look at him. He saw Knox sobbing, and they later had a private moment in the basement of the courthouse, waiting to be taken back to prison one last time. According to Sollecito, she squeezed his hand and said she couldn't wait to see her home and friends.

Knox moved back to Seattle. It's not clear where Sollecito is living.
Wed 12 Sep, 2012 11:51 am
Knox boyfriend maintains innocence

Raffaele will be interviewed by Katie Couric for her new talk show in coming weeks.


Not sure of the actual show date.

acknowledges that their sometimes bizarre behavior after her roommate's killing gave police reason for suspicion.

Their behavior was not all that bizarre.

Knox became "Foxy Knoxy" and received the brunt of the attention as she shopped for underwear after the killing and turned cartwheels in front of investigators.

There were no cartwheels. She did the splits. And only after an Italian police officer asked her about her gymnastic abilities.

he acknowledged they had no "real alibi the night of Nov. 1 except each other."

The movie they were watching would have given them an alibi, but the Italian Police erased the data showing when it was last played.

Their computer activity would have given them an alibi, but the Italian Police erased all their hard drives, then Italian judges refused to let the defense send the drives back to the manufacturer (at their own expense) to try to restore the data.

Knox moved back to Seattle. It's not clear where Sollecito is living.

He has been living in the US for some time now. Do not know if that is permanent or just temporary though.
Mon 17 Sep, 2012 04:41 am
oralloy wrote:
Raffaele will be interviewed by Katie Couric for her new talk show in coming weeks.


Not sure of the actual show date.

I believe Katie Couric's interview with Raffaele will be tomorrow:

Tuesday, September 18

Thu 20 Sep, 2012 08:47 pm
oralloy wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Raffaele will be interviewed by Katie Couric for her new talk show in coming weeks.


Not sure of the actual show date.

I believe Katie Couric's interview with Raffaele will be tomorrow:

Tuesday, September 18

I watched it.

There was nothing really new revealed (but that was to be expected, as all is known already).

He came across as a really kind person though. The people of Italy really are monsters for what they've done to him and Amanda.
0 Replies
Thu 20 Sep, 2012 08:50 pm
Amanda Knox’s boyfriend was stripped naked and physically abused by police before being placed in solitary confinement after the pair was accused of the murder of Meredith Kercher, he claims in a book published on Tuesday.

. . . .

“A (policeman) leaned into me and hissed, ‘If you try to get up and leave, I’ll beat you into a pulp and kill you. I’ll leave you in a pool of blood.’”

Another interrogator slapped him and told him his father was “a fine outstanding person....(who) doesn’t deserve a son like you, someone who would stand by a whore like Amanda.”

. . . .

Following one questioning session, he was ordered to strip naked at Perugia police station.

“‘Take off everything,’ I was told, ‘even your underpants.’ I had already been shoeless most of the night but this was a whole new level of humiliation. I was made to walk around in front of a female doctor. I felt so ashamed I didn’t even look up at her.”

. . . .

Despite having no prior convictions, he was put in solitary confinement for six months, in a cell that he described as “a dark, damp, dirty hole” with a sponge mattress for a bed and “a toilet caked in grime”.

He was later transferred to the prison’s “protected section”, reserved for sex offenders.

“This was a whole new form of pressure from the authorities. Nothing was said explicitly but the subtext seemed clear – if you don’t tell us what we want to hear, you can take your chances with the perverts and child molesters and transsexuals and see how you like that instead.”

0 Replies
Thu 20 Sep, 2012 08:58 pm

Somewhat off topic, but fully related to the issue of what a vile country Italy is:

(Reuters) - Italy's highest court on Wednesday upheld guilty verdicts on 23 Americans for the kidnapping of an Egyptian Muslim cleric, in the first criminal convictions for CIA "rendition" flights during the U.S. 'war on terror'.

The Americans - 22 CIA agents and one Air Force pilot - who are believed to be in the United States and were tried in their absence - are unlikely to serve their sentences. But they will be unable to travel to Europe without risking arrest.

Italy has never requested their extradition.

All of the Americans were sentenced to 7 years jail by a lower court except former CIA Milan station chief Robert Seldon Lady, who was handed a nine-year sentence.

0 Replies
Fri 30 Nov, 2012 01:38 am

Publication Date: April 30, 2013

Fri 15 Feb, 2013 01:53 am

I think Kokomani was in the room with Guede and helped him kill Meredith.

I think they were working for Mignini, breaking in to steal Romanelli's computer to see what her law firm had on the Monster of Florence case.

Evidence for Kokomani's involvement:

A car with the same appearance as his car was parked outside the apartment when the killing occurred.

He made outlandish false accusations against Amanda and Raffaele.

He fled the country as soon as he was able to, and promptly went into hiding.

Not saying that is enough to convict him. Just saying I think he helped Guede do it.

(If it happened to be his semen stain that was underneath Meredith's corpse though, that would be enough to convict him.)

Evidence for Mignini's involvement:

Guede broke into Romanelli's room. She worked at a law firm that dealt with the Monster of Florence case, and her computer had details on that case.

One of Guede's other break ins was at a law firm that dealt with the Monster of Florence case. He was caught with a computer that he had stolen from that law firm.

When Mignini found out that Romanelli had taken her computer out of the room, he flipped out and had the computer immediately retrieved.

The Italian Police subsequently destroyed all the hard drives on all the computers so no one could see what happened to them in police custody.

When Guede took Meredith's phones so she could not summon aid for herself, he threw them down a ravine where they landed in someone's yard. A few hours later, there was a bomb threat called to the home where the phones landed, telling the lady that there was a bomb in her toilet. She subsequently called the Postal Police, who did not search her bathroom, but searched quite thoroughly where the phones would have landed.

They did not find the phones that night in the dark, but the lady found them in her yard the next day and turned them in to the Postal Police. The Postal Police waited until after Amanda and Raffaele called the Carabinieri, and then turned up bearing the phones. Then they lied and claimed that they had brought the phones before the call to the Carabinieri.
Sat 16 Feb, 2013 06:23 am

Mignini has launched a criminal defamation prosecution against Raffaele for writing his book.

Not sure if the charges include the ghost writer (Andrew Gumbel) or the publisher (Simon & Schuster).
0 Replies
Sat 23 Feb, 2013 02:14 am
oralloy wrote:
Publication Date: April 30, 2013


Initial print run: 750,000
0 Replies
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 11:47 am
I think it was kinky sex driven by the drugs they were on
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 11:52 am
I still say Knoxie is guilty as hell. Anyone who has a douche like oralloy speaking up for her must be really bad.
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 12:43 pm
I only check this thread - I started this whole thing! - when a poster is not oralloy.

Amusing to me, none of the tags are ones I usedto start the thread.
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 06:32 pm
nydia2013 wrote:
I think it was kinky sex driven by the drugs they were on

The evidence, though, has been clear from the beginning that Amanda and Raffaele had nothing to do with it.

Here's a novel proposition: Try basing your views on reality.

I do it, and it works out quite well for me.
0 Replies
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 06:32 pm
contrex wrote:
I still say Knoxie is guilty as hell.

You're an evil scumbag who enjoys persecuting the innocent.

contrex wrote:
Anyone who has a douche like oralloy speaking up for her must be really bad.

You forget that I'm one of the good guys. You're the one who's an evil scumbag.
0 Replies
Mon 4 Mar, 2013 06:39 pm
ossobuco wrote:
I only check this thread - I started this whole thing! - when a poster is not oralloy.

It must really upset you evil scumbags when good people speak up against your witch hunts against the innocent.

You know, your witch hunts really backfired this time, and in a big way. You freaks earned Guede two huge sentence reductions. Right now Guede would be facing 15 more years of prison followed by a lifetime of parole. But because of you, he faces 2½ more years of prison followed by just 4 years of parole.

Once Guede is back on the street with all those nice young college girls, how long do you think it's going to be before he carves another one up? Laughing

Plus Kokomani, if he was also involved, got off scot-free.

ossobuco wrote:
Amusing to me, none of the tags are ones I used to start the thread.

One of the freaks tried to derail the tags as part of their efforts to pervert the course of justice. They partially succeeded.
0 Replies
Mon 18 Mar, 2013 05:42 pm
"He spent two weeks in prison, falsely accused by Amanda Knox and would still be there most probably because the innocent Miss Knox told a flat-out evil lie about someone she didn't even know."

Amanda knew the African Bar owner as she did part time work for him. The deliberate lying against this man gives us a deep insight into the moral fiber of this female. I also believe the woman to be guilty; she was on drugs the night of the killing and I believe she was involved in kinky sex. Being under the influence one's judgement is often at a disadvantage with the mind distorting things....our thinking is not clear.
Mon 18 Mar, 2013 10:05 pm
nydia2013 wrote:
I also believe the woman to be guilty; she was on drugs the night of the killing and I believe she was involved in kinky sex. Being under the influence one's judgement is often at a disadvantage with the mind distorting things....our thinking is not clear.

Very astute comment. I too have engaged in kinky sex and committed murder while being high on illegal narcotics, so I know exactly what you're talking about.
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