hawkeye10 wrote:
My point is that it appears that we are at the point in our society
were we can produce an individual who thinks that he can walk into
a coffee shop and execute [he killed them; he did not execute them]
four highly experienced cops in body Armour, and not only do it but
also get away, apparently unharmed (not known yet if he was hit).
I deny that "we can produce" them. I did not produce them. Did u produce them?
I think their parents produced them. We did not produce them as a society.
As to what the individual "thinks" as u put it,
that is his private concern, as distinct from his
Quote:What was it six months ago that we had four cops executed in Oakland?
I don 't remember. Anyone who applies for that job knows that its risky, like joining the Army.
About 3 years ago, I was in a cab in Las Vegas (I
LOVE Las Vegas)
whose driver said that he had been a Las Vegas Police Officer for several years.
He described how he found it stressful driving around on patrol.
On his last day on the job, he killed someone in a Mexican gang war
related situation. He coud not take it any more, so he got a job
as a cab driver.
Quote:A few weeks ago 12 soldiers at fort Hood?
What about it?
Quote:Are you not alarmed in spite of the belief that you know the solution?
I am not an emotional person, in that particular sense.
I know that u want me to say that I am alarmed.
I am not alarmed; that 's just not me. When someone shot at me
and shot out my driver's side window, I was not alarmed.
I just proceeded to take care of business
with my stainless steel mirror .44 revolver n the threat ended abruptly.
I found it mildly humorous; Churchill found it "exhilarating"
to be shot at without result. I got a little chuckle out of it.
On 9/11/1, I was about 10 miles from the World Trade Center
and I saw the rising smoke. I was resentful, but not alarmed.
When this quadruple murder occurred, I was 1000s of miles away;
hence, I coud not possibly help the victims
and the state of my emotions has no effect on the situation.
The murderer might well be a lunatic, of course,
but if not, I wonder whether he was doped up
like the Moros in the Philippine Insurrection of 1899.