hawkeye10 wrote:
Pretty much the same thing, though I have no interest in documenting it.
We have wasted far to much time on this diversion already.
I was accused of something with no evidence put forward at all.
I then reasonably established that I was telling the truth,
so I have already been extremely accommodating. I am an
American, and here in America we believe pretty strongly that
the one or ones who allege guilt have the duty to prove their case.
The one who has been accused is under no obligation to prove his innocence.
We are presumed innocent until and unless quilt is proven.
I not only am innocent to this point, but I am extremely confident
that no one can establish my guilt of the charges brought against me.
Absent compelling evidence of guilt being produced this sideshow is over,
as there is no reason for me to continue to be hospitable to those
who make charges and then are either unwilling or unable to support them.
In my opinion,
it is a good thing that our host has not demanded that u leave.
I do not join in the hatred and abhorence in which some members hereof hold u.
To a lesser extent, thay also bear me ill will.
It is a
fact that our host is both very articulate and possessed of much more
than enuf intellectual power to competently organize his thoughts
so as to rid himself of unwanted guests, if that is what he desired to do.
Incidentally, I deem it strange and impolite that no one on A2K
ever thanks Robert for his having taken the time to create A2K
and to let us use it; he does not even charge us for it.
He does not even hint that we shoud leave love offerings
nor any tangible recognition of the value that has attracted us for several
Our host has my respect, my admiration and my gratitude for his having done so.