To stay or not to stay ---That is the question.

Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2009 08:33 pm
@Merry Andrew,
I hope you realize, hawkeye, that if Robert wanted you off A2k, he wouldn't need to ask you to leave. You do realize that, right? He runs this site. All he has to do is disable your account. Others have been barred from here or suspended for periods of time. But maybe you're hoping that that's what'll happen so you can continue playing the martyr. You're getting almost credible in that self-appointed role

The error in your logic is that if I was what you claim I would be defeated by robert barring me, and never saying that he did it. I would disappear, and no one would know why but the presumption would be that I found better things to do with my time. I am insulted that you feel that I am so dense as to not know this...

In any case I am not at martyr, I do what I do, I do what I think is right, and others hopefully do what they think is right. If I get pounded on that is neither here nor there. I am here to expand my mind, it matters not much at all to me if I am hated rather than loved . I am in an online group where I am adored, but those people don't know me either so I don't take that very seriously either. I get that people may not like that I am not looking for friends , not willing to put much effort into being chummy. We don't all need to be here for the same reason. Considering that the vast majority of people around here seem to be to the left of center would give me hope that most folks around here would value diversity. We sure hear a lot of gum flapping about diversity in the modern culture from the left....but apparently this is not the case.

Those on the left ganging up on and being hostile to those on the right is more proof that diversity is not valued. I can understand Finn thinking of giving up A2K after being abused on a regular basis by those who differ with him on politics. The abusers like all abusers doing it because they think that they can get away with it. I can also understand Finn taking a "**** them" attitude and staying anyways. Taking the power away from those who abuse power is always a good idea, and Finn is doing his part by refusing to be run off. I think it was Ann LAnders who said it best, after some young woman wrote in claiming that so and so was being mean and abusing them. Ann's response was "well honey, you are the one letting them do it".

Finn has decided that he is not going to let the a2k abusers do it to him anymore. He is standing his ground and sticking up for what he believes in. This is a damn fine decision in my book.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2009 08:38 pm
kickycan wrote:

Okay, then, back to Finn. Well, this is actually to Finn and anyone else who decides to make an announcement letting us all know who they will be ignoring from this point forward.

You're doing it wrong! You don't tell everyone who you are ignoring, you just do it. You're not the King of A2K, banishing some wretched reprobate to the wastelands of cyberspace. You're simply a frustrated forum member who can't take it anymore.

I can see only two reasons for announcing who you are ignoring.

The first is is to try to get everyone to jump in and help root out the offending people, which, let's face it, just ain't gonna happen.

The second is to get in a last parting shot at the person who is driving you crazy. If you're supposed to be so civil and high-minded, then what kind of childish crap is that? Kind of hypocritical if you ask me. It's like hitting someone to show them how wrong they are for hitting people.

I have never in my adult life ever had anyone come up to me and say, "That's it, I am ignoring you!" And if anyone ever does, I think it is highly probable that I will involuntarily do a spit take in their face with whatever beverage I happen to be drinking at the time. Ignoring someone involves actually ignoring them, you self-righteous dopes.

For the record, I will never put anyone on ignore. I value the contributions of everyone here, even the poopityheads.

+50 man. Well said.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2009 11:50 pm

Is it wrong to laugh at at that? That may not be THE question - but that's MY question..

I'm asking because I almost fell off my chair laughing - and somehow it felt wrong- should I be ignored for laughing at that?
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 01:27 am
Kicky wrote:
I value the contributions of everyone here, even the poopityheads.

I do too, especially the poopityheads..
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 01:30 am
HE wrote:
Taking the power away from those who abuse power is always a good idea,

Mind that it is what many here are doing about you..

But you seem so oblivious about your own abuse..
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 01:59 am
aidan wrote:

Is it wrong to laugh at at that? That may not be THE question - but that's MY question..

I'm asking because I almost fell off my chair laughing - and somehow it felt wrong- should I be ignored
for laughing at that?
U shoud not be ignored for that, Rebecca.
If that is YOUR question, what is THE question ?

I don 't believe that was Finn in that movie, tho.

Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 02:02 am
Francis wrote:

HE wrote:
Taking the power away from those who abuse power is always a good idea,

Mind that it is what many here are doing about you..

But you seem so oblivious about your own abuse..
Do u agree that a pure gift,
unassociated with any profit or income related enterprize
is taxable to the donor, not the donee, Francis ?

or do u take a different vu ?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 02:31 am
@Merry Andrew,
Correct me if I'm wrong about this, but ... I got the distinct impression that Robert (though he owns this site) doesn't particularly want to play god & banish people who are not doing "the right (forum) thing". I don't think he particularly wants to be in the position of banning people from the site.
I think the theory is that we are all adults here & if we find a particular poster's views thoroughly objectionable, we can decide for ourselves whether or not we want to continue reading the views of that poster. We can scroll over their (predictable) posts, or even put certain posters on "ignore", if we feel strongly enough. Or we can continue to engage with them (& become more & more enraged by their views as the discussion continues).
My hunch is that some here actually seem to enjoy being outraged & enjoy the experience of expressing their outrage by responding to the errant poster. And maybe this is just how it goes in internet forums?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 02:48 am
David wrote:
or do u take a different vu

It IS a different view.

When you receive a gift, say, 1 million dollars, it's a income and you are taxable on that.

Now, the donor can have taken precautions and paid the taxes on your behalf, like in the case Farmerman cited.

This is the general case, however some exceptions are included in the Code, like when parents give a son an amount no superior to $11 000.00 a year.

These gifts are not taxable.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 02:54 am
msolga wrote:
And maybe this is just how it goes in internet forums?

No, some forums have more restrictive policies and mods to enforce them.

However, if you disagree with the mods, even though you think you are following the rules, you can be banned.

And I'm talking from experience.

That's why, in this matters, I praise Robert for his laissez-faire..
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 03:00 am
U shoud not be ignored for that, Rebecca.
If that is YOUR question, what is THE question ?

THE question is: to stay or not to stay.
Haven't you read the title of the thread David?

I don 't believe that was Finn in that movie, tho.

Laughing Laughing Yeah - I figured it was supposed to be Hawkeye...

Joke, joke, joke, - that's supposed to be a joke...

Really it didn't occur to me that it was supposed to represent anyone on this forum - I just thought it was an attempt to lighten the mood - and it certainly gave me a good dose of laughter this morning - but then I felt a little guilty about laughing at the drunk guy (I do have a friend who just got out of rehab) and then after I signed off I thought, 'Oh my god - was that supposed to represent someone who was having trouble leaving?....' which I hadn't thought of because I was so focused on feeling bad about laughing at how clumsy the guy was- and the reaction of the storeowner and how he saved the bowl at the end...

But sometimes I do miss posters like Ramafuchs and genoves because they did represent a whole different viewpoint and I find that interesting.

I also don't like this voting peoples' posts business. I find it feels too much like a popularity contest - like we're voting for homecoming king or queen or something.

It seems grade schoolish - just like Kicky said - no one in real life says, 'Okay, I'm gonna ignore you, no one in real life says, 'You just said something super great that I really agree with - I'm giving you points for that for everyone to see.

Or you just said something that in my personal opinion is either not relevant or isn't in line with my own thoughts. I'm taking points away from you - for everyone to see.

Yeah - it makes me feel too much like a kid. I just ignore it myself.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 03:28 am
This is my only ongoing experience of an internet forum, Francis. (Heck, I don't want to spend all day on my computer! Wink )

But really, on A2K you don't have to listen to anyone's wacky or objectionable views (& be driven around the bend by them) unless you choose to.

If enough people consider a troll's views to be unacceptable, the troll could be very easily vanished, by enough people simply scrolling over his/her predictable posts, or putting the troll on "ignore".

But I suspect (while complaining like crazy) there are some folk here who actually enjoy their interactions with objectionable posters, because it's sort of exciting for them, plus, I guess, it might cause them feel good about about their own "superior" position? I understand, too, that some posters are simply trying to argue against troll's "position" by putting a counter view.

Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 03:41 am
But I suspect (while complaining like crazy) there are some folk here who actually enjoy their interactions with objectionable posters, because it's sort of exciting for them, plus, I guess, it might cause them feel good about about their own "superior" position? I understand, too, that some posters are simply trying to argue against troll's "position" by putting a counter view.

I do enjoy interacting with people who have very different views from the mainstream - I wouldn't say I find it exciting - more like 'novel'- something new and different and that's just what I am and always have been drawn to - the new and the different.

Given that I don't enjoy a superior position on this forum - although I do think I'm given a little more credibility than some of the people other people call trolls- that's not the case with me. If anything, it makes me feel at least equal to SOMEONE, because there does seem to be a lot of heirarchy and caste assigning on this forum. It's a shame anyone feels they enjoy a superior position - aren't we all supposed to be equals?

Sometimes I actually agree with these posters who put forth their ideas that people can't relate to. I like to find out how they arrive at them. And sometimes when you reason it all out - you can actually fathom how they do arrive at their ideas. Like I said- I find it interesting and as Hawkeye said - honoring the real meaning and thought behind freedom of speech and acceptance of diversity.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 03:42 am
msolga wrote:
there are some folk here who actually enjoy their interactions with objectionable posters,

...and others that just enjoy watching the ongoing show, an inexhaustible source of merriment...
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 03:47 am
I know, Francis. I think it's called (forum) entertainment! Razz

But I do confess to to watching a few very nasty & torrid encounters from the safety of the sidelines, myself. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 03:54 am
I do enjoy interacting with people who have very different views from the mainstream - I wouldn't say I find it exciting - more like 'novel'- something new and different and that's just what I am and always have been drawn to - the new and the different.

Yes, I can understand that, aidan.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 04:36 am
Francis wrote:

David wrote:
or do u take a different vu

It IS a different view.

When you receive a gift, say, 1 million dollars, it's a income and you are taxable on that.

This raises new problems.
For instance, I knew a trial attorney who did so fine a job
that his firm gave him a $10,000 bonus, above his ordinary remuneration.
I am confident that the IRS deems that ordinary income, taxed as such.
If his employer was so happy with his achievements that he paid
that attorney 's income tax on the bonus, the IRS woud deem
the tax payment as additional ordinary income which is subject
to taxation and if employer re-imbursed attorney for such additional taxation
this woud go on in a cycle ad infinitum.
U agree with that ?

On the other hand,
if I encounter a stranger passing in the street
and give him $1,000, 000 then I owe a gift tax and the stranger owes nothing, in my opinion.
He did not earn the income.
I believe that is not taxable income, as distinct from the aforesaid attorney 's bonus.

I am not certain of whether this is inconsistent with your intent in what u posted.

Are u a tax lawyer ?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 05:06 am
David wrote:
For instance, I knew a trial attorney who did so fine a job
that his firm gave him a $10,000 bonus, above his ordinary remuneration.
I am confident that the IRS deems that ordinary income, taxed as such.
If his employer was so happy with his achievements that he paid
that attorney 's income tax on the bonus, the IRS woud deem
the tax payment as additional ordinary income which is subject
to taxation and if employer re-imbursed attorney for such additional taxation
this woud go on in a cycle ad infinitum.
U agree with that ?

I'm surprised again that you show such little knowledge about basic stuff.

The principle is: no taxes on taxes.

and wrote:
On the other hand,
if I encounter a stranger passing in the street
and give him $1,000, 000 then I owe a gift tax and the stranger owes nothing, in my opinion.
He did not earn the income.
I believe that is not taxable income, as distinct from the aforesaid attorney 's bonus.

Beliefs unfounded..

It's the same thing, that stranger owes taxes on is income, not you.

Remember that you paid already your taxes on your earning this money, you so liberally give.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 05:13 am
although I do think I'm given a little more credibility than some of the people other people call trolls- that's not the case with me.

I don't recall any ladies being called trolls. The equal opportunities agenda of the soggy left stops short at that point. It's as patronising as opening doors for ladies. Male chauvinist piggery with smarm.

The soggy left males are male chauvinist pigs to the marrow of their bones and they think a few easy-to-do formulaic words hide the fact.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 05:29 am
msolga wrote:

But I suspect (while complaining like crazy) there are some folk here who actually enjoy their interactions with objectionable posters, because it's sort of exciting for them, plus, I guess, it might cause them feel good about about their own "superior" position? I understand, too, that some posters are simply trying to argue against troll's "position" by putting a counter view.

Or they do the much more common post where they simply call the other poster names and behave like insolent children on a pre-school playground.

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