The 2 person thread (Fountofwisdom-Montana)

Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 12:02 pm
No interuptions, please!
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 12:18 pm
Fount, please know that I'm not trying to make you look bad of gang up on you in any way. I just want to talk, ok.

Here's the post that upset me. (there are a few after that as well, but this is where it started)

"Dearest Montana.
I had a friend who wanted to be a vet. He ended up as a butcher, he always joked about at least he was working with animals. I know a research Mathematician, who worked as an "erotic dancer" to finance her studies. She can still shake her stuff, even approaching 40. She gets invited to parties.
Thank you for fighting my defence, I can look after myself, but consider it a priviledge to have you by my side, it feels very comfortable and natural, like a missing part of me has been returned.
Here is my explanation of what has been happening: I started this thread in a cynical attempt to meet that special person. At which point fate's firm hands guided us ever closer. We are divided physically by a vast dark ocean, but spiritually we are closer than any two people that have ever lived.
I also have been obsessing more than is healthy about releasing your panties from their safe moorings, and brushing them lightly down your legs.
And further erotic adventures. I invite you to join with me. I have been accused of being evasive and abstract, here is one thing I want to state publicly and clearly. You are one hell of a sexy lady. One of the reasons I never needed pornography is that I have a fair store of memories. Most of my relationships ended because I am an a---hole, not because I didnt enjoy the sex bit.
Here's an explanation for me that none of you have considered: I used to race motorcycles: thats how macho I was. I didnt have to worry about being called a fudge packer. I always had a gorgeous babe in tow. Mostly quantity rather than quality, soap stars and chicks with their first hit records.
My racing colours were pink. Dianese. Italian. Number 13. I race f^^king motorbikes you faggots out there, thats how big my tadger is.
Of course I tempted fate once to often. I raced wearing number 13. a wet track in Germany took away my legs. My dangly bits are still there, but damaged, doctors say I need a miracle. Hey we all need miracles.
I have a much higher voice: thats why I have "issues" with sexuality, you thoughtless a^^^holes. It could also explain why I'm angry.
I know buying shoes is a chick thing, Hey the mind is stupid, I buy shoes in the hope my legs will grow back. How F^^^^king dumb is that?
Of course, this could be a fantasy. I could also be a cynical villain from belarus. I don't pick young girls, they haven't got any money. I know what a lady wants because i am one. I am here to remove their cash, as well as their pants, leave them naked: spiritually and financially. I know what women want. I am one.
By the way Montie, I can say this is true, I am a crap writer, it's only meeting you that has given me this voice. And i would consider it an honour to share whatever I can with you.
All the world is a stage. And each of us must play a part."
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 12:31 pm
It starts off innocent enough, but headed south when you decided to undress me. That wasn't even that big a deal to me, but it did throw me a bit.

It's the story you decided to tell about the accident that got me upset. I started crying as I was reading your story because my heart totally went out to you, as it would to anyone who had such a tragic story to tell.
So here I am with my box of kleenex, reading on until I see you say that you fabricated the whole thing.

You said you didn't expect anyone to believe your story, but I did! You addressed that story to me and not to all on the thread, so I took it seriously. I was hurting for you and just to find out that it was a lie, hurt me even more.

I don't understand why you did this.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 12:53 pm
Here's your post from today on your other thread.

Montana: if you want to talk we can do it her, or I can give you my msn. It'll be more private. Or e mail. or phone number.
Personally I'm upset with you. I don't know why you are upset for sure. And you haven't given me a chance to explain.
Basically, I've always been kind to you, I can't see why you should think I would want to harm you. If you can think so bad of me, on so little evidence, (none as far as I can see) . AND NOT ASK ME EVEN TO EXPLAIN, then you aren't the person I thought you were.
We all need to cry sometimes. Your feelings are important to me. I can't believe that you do them down.
basically I think that putting the biker story on a post to you was wrong: but this thing has a lot of postings, I was trying to say that things can be explained in many ways. In my own way. I think you going from that to I was playing with you several steps too far. Everyone is looking for bad motives from me which aren't there. I thought you were on my side. My mistake.

Whatever. Im on your side. Always.

I couldn't ask you to explain at the time because I was having a minor melt down.
I've been through a lot this past year, including being sexually assaulted by some big scary ex con I use to work. This happened just a few months ago and I'm still very shaken over the whole thing.
The man relentlessly persued my for 2 months before he assaulted me and then harrassed and tormented me for over a month after that.
I can't even begin to explain what that slime bag did to me. I reported him to my employers who did nothing, so I had to quit my job to get away from him. I may not be able to explain how I felt when the bastard pinned me against the table, but the time I was almost raped as a teenager is the closest I ever came to that feeling before in my life.
So, I was already, and still am trying to recover from it. Like the close rape when I was young, it'll never go completely away, but I know some day I'll feel more secure than I do today. These things leave scars on the inside that no one can see.
I explained this just so you would understand why I completely broke down. I would have been upset anyway, but not to the extent I was.

I felt that you totally disregarded my feelings with your biker story.

I also don't take sides. I'm not on anyones side and just trying to be the peace keeper that I've always been. I also find that you're a good writer.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:00 pm
Damn! I tried to edit my last post to seperate your post from mine, but it was too late. Oh well, you know where your post ends.
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Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:11 pm
I thought that was where it started: The motorcycle bit: I was thinking practically in that the posts were becoming more and more disjointed. I only realised that it might be wrong after thinking about it awhile.
You are right of course: part of the problem is that Although I realised at the time there were other people there, I was thinking of you primarily.
I accept the panties line was wrong: I got carried away in being honest.It wasn't designed to offend but it should have been kept private.
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Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:18 pm
I understand you may be being vulnerable: basically I tried to say stuff in the most non-threatening way possible. I know how bad things can be. I am a bloke as you know. I did write an experience I had but it was too intense.
I havent finished with the motorcycle story.
I think part of the problem too, is difference in time zones. The flow of our biorythmns is different.
Firstly Do you believe, that at no point did I ever intend to hurt you? or manipulate you in any way? If you don't accept this then I don't think there's any point in continuing
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:27 pm
Fountofwisdom wrote:

I understand you may be being vulnerable: basically I tried to say stuff in the most non-threatening way possible. I know how bad things can be. I am a bloke as you know. I did write an experience I had but it was too intense.
I havent finished with the motorcycle story.
I think part of the problem too, is difference in time zones. The flow of our biorythmns is different.
Firstly Do you believe, that at no point did I ever intend to hurt you? or manipulate you in any way? If you don't accept this then I don't think there's any point in continuing

Yes, I do believe that you didn't intend to hurt me. I didn't at first because I was a bit of a sobbing mess, but after thinking about it, I understood that you were most likely were just lashing out at those who were lashing out at you and you just rolled it into your post to me.
This is why I started this thread so we could talk without anyone interfering.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:28 pm
Whoever is playing with the thumbs, please please stop. It makes me have to keep clicking on the view things and it's annoying as hell.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:29 pm
I thought the story was so fantastic no one would believe it. I added the bit about the belarussian to give it less credibility as a story.
The point I was trying to make was there is more than one explanation.
Actually the true story of my life does follow the story of the biker.
It is true. I did use to race motorbikes. My number was 13. The bit about soap stars and singers was made up. But it is true I have not have to worry about being called homosexual even tho I raced in pink. I raced small motorcycles: there is no money in it. I retired in 2002
Are you bothered in hearing the rest? I do get crippled you'll be glad to hear. Basically the biker story wouldn't ever be me. I am to positive and full of life to go down the self pity and whining route.
About the words I use: they sound over the top. I mean them. But not in a scary way. Seriously: did you read my post on losing my virginity: that was true. I would never force myself on anyone. I would never harrass anyone.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:35 pm
I'm glad you are talking. I hate this site. Its full of people who post poison. I accept my language is flowery. I accept it is over the top. Mostly it is intended to make people feel good. I am an extrovert and quite dramatic.
I am glad you are talking. I would hate to be talking into the silence. Feel free to question anything I say. I don't mind. If I have a fault it is that I am too open an honest.
I'm going to carry on with the biker story. In a way its quite funny. One of my boasts is that I can be a better woman than most women. Altho I started this post to show that our assumptions are often wrong: and affect our behaviour. You noticed when I was considered to be a woman I was a drama queen. Now I'm a man I'm a threat. I am exactly the same person.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:42 pm
Ok one of the reasons I'm interested in stereotypes is because I have a high pitched voice. On the phone I am often mistaken for a woman. Sometimes I play along and flirt. I even have a girly giggle. When people meet me they are often quite dumbfounded.
I got more valentines day cards than the girls in the office. I found it funny. Anyway: that is why I'm intersted in stereotypes: plus I studied psychology
Altho I am a biker I have had several miraculous near misses. I have never broken a bone. When I told you I worked in delivery, I was actually a despatch rider. A premium rate motorcycle courier who is paid to risk his life. I used to do around 500miles (800km) in an 8 hour day. Thru central London. I didnt mention this because I was still trying the gender game.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:43 pm
Please say something so I know I'm not talking to space.
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Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:50 pm
I always knew you were a man, although, I did have my doubts at times. I love this site because there are so very many good people here and you have to admit Fount, you kinda brought stuff on yourself. The American comments are a big no no here, no doubt about that. You did say you were sorry and that you said some things in anger, which works for me, but not everyone is as forgiving as I am.
People were actually starting to lighten up when you came along with the biker story, so it got everyone going all over again.
They must be pissed at me now too because I'm getting all kinds of down thumbing. Ah well Laughing
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:50 pm
Anyway I have always been someone who has tried to make the world a better place. I have always tried very hard to be good. I hate negativitiy. My proudest momest is probably stepping in to avoid a sexual assualt on a female in a pub in East London. I lost 5 teeth: and suffered quite a big beating. The girl got away tho. The hero only gets the woman in fairy tales.
In a way: that is why I am glad I am not normal. If I was normal I would have stood my and watched. I grew up in a tough neighbourhood. All the people who tried to pressure me into joining gangs and fitting in are in prison.
How did this cripple me?
I had a heart attack at 39. I am a non smoking non drinking fitness fanatic. The strain of trying to change things did that. It does affect your sex life. Not physically. Mentally. Basically having sex is the most common way to die. It puts you off your stroke. I am recovering, but its not easy.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:54 pm
Sounds like you've led an interesting life.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 01:57 pm
Fountofwisdom wrote:

Anyway I have always been someone who has tried to make the world a better place. I have always tried very hard to be good. I hate negativitiy. My proudest momest is probably stepping in to avoid a sexual assualt on a female in a pub in East London. I lost 5 teeth: and suffered quite a big beating. The girl got away tho. The hero only gets the woman in fairy tales.
In a way: that is why I am glad I am not normal. If I was normal I would have stood my and watched. I grew up in a tough neighbourhood. All the people who tried to pressure me into joining gangs and fitting in are in prison.
How did this cripple me?
I had a heart attack at 39. I am a non smoking non drinking fitness fanatic. The strain of trying to change things did that. It does affect your sex life. Not physically. Mentally. Basically having sex is the most common way to die. It puts you off your stroke. I am recovering, but its not easy.

Wow! That's quite young to have a heart attack. Are heart conditions something that runs in your family?
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 02:00 pm
I don't thin thats true. This is a site to debate. Really saying America isn't perfect is hardly controversial. One of my experiences is having to face down Nazis. A group called combat 18 the 1st letter is A the 8th letter is H. I was a union representative trying to keep things equal.
People objected to quite basic things. They scared people into submission. They werent nice. I had threats, abusive phone calls, my m-bike tampered with, excrement through the door.
What they were trying to stop me saying was fairly basic stuff. Give women equal rights. Don't abuse them. don't use racist terms. It was that basic. People were telling me I was the problem because I was trying to make things better. It was upsetting things.
I accept that some of the things I say are controversial. But I never swear and I try avoiding abuse and swearing. I mean--- I like to debate.
One of the things I object too is the abuse of some posters. I believe the aggression stifles women who have a right to speak. Plus the trolls voting down everything that is said annoy me.
hang on
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Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 02:05 pm
Some people just don't want to listen. To anything. It doesn't matter. I'm bored of typing on here. Really I only started a thread becasue I promised someone I would.
You see: why should you be down thumbed. What business is it of anyone what we are saying. The trolls are even following us here.
Why are people so keen on silencing people. This is a debate site. It seems we cant debate.
I accept the biker story may have alienated people. But in the shceme of things it ws just a story. I cant see why anyone should get upset by that.
Part of the problem is I want to be interesting: I want to amuse and entertain. I mean I took a lot of stick. With humour and grace.
cont later.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 02:09 pm
I've been accused of being a paedophile, a stalker, a liar, a cry baby, a clown etc. pages and pages of it.
The only thing that upset me was thinking I hurt you.
My reaction may have been over the top but I needed to attract your attention. I am the same in real life. I probably would have written I'm sorry in 8 ft letters outside your house.
Talk to me. I've not much time left. Not in a dramatic way. I seem to have been doing all the talking. I want to hear what you think.

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