Lash wrote:I agree with Fox that there is no 'definitive' description of a neoconservative, just as there isn't one for liberals or any other group-- as has been said plenty here, though I guess not enough. However, my description and Wiki's are quite close. It also provides a good history of the origin--which I hope many will read, as they think the world and politics began and ends with the Iraq War. It was morphing much earlier and may continue to do so.
I think the reason Blatham and ehBeth don't like Wiki is because the neocons didn't have horns drawn on their heads. It's reasonably unbiased. I think they may be too accustomed to press material massaging the liberal line.
"Neoconservative" is not only not a bad word--it has rich and thoughtful origins, a dynamic set of goals and fire in it's heart.
(Maybe I can get a job at Wiki!)
There are many other places where you can turn to learn about neoconservative thought. Your claim that the wikipedia entry is unbiased is not an educated claim.
Lash wrote:Oh yeah. I'm not Jewish. My husband thinks there is some hushed strain of Jewish heritage somewhere in his family tree, but not mine.
Fox is right about Christians' relationship with Jews being one reason I am interested in what happens with them--but truthfully, as a child I was introduced to images of human beings that no longer looked like human beings. I read Anne Frank and fell in love with the people. I guess when such incredibly strong impressions are made on us as strong-willed children, they stay with us.
I would be proud to be of Jewish heritage, but I'm not.
I hope you can understand a kinship or caring of Jews--or some other group--that isn't owing to inclusion in it.
Of course, anyone with a smidgeon of empathy for other humans will understand affinity or 'kinship' with any other group of people than those with whom one grew up or with whom one is connected via family. Perhaps particularly so where misfortune and tragedy, manmade or not, have beset such a group. Those who do not wish to alleviate suffering are the bad guys. Thus the common sympathies for aids sufferers in Africa or towards, obviously, the Palestinians under occupation.
ps...I recommend you pay attention in a regular way to Ha'aretz, an Israeli newspaper which allows more criticism of Likud policies than you are likely to find in the American (or Canadian) press.
I wrote a fabulous balanced response, wherein I was thoughtful and not nearly as caustic as usual(after much tweaking) --and it was lost in space.
Now, I'm not feeling so patient. Please pretend this is affable.
Re Wiki. I didn't intend it as a one stop shopping experience for a perfectly balanced description of neoconservatism. I DID think it would be a good general description of my basic belief in it's origin and goals, as well as a good general introduction to the meaning of the term, per me, for GF. To imagine you believe I think that almost any political/philosophical movement could be entirely defined by one source is a bit of a disservice to me, but I'll survive it.
Your little back hand with that iron doily re affinity for African AIDS sufferers and Palestinians missed. Pity, though. Good effort! Palestinians and moreso African AIDS sufferers accrue quite a tidy sum of support/pity/solidarity/funding around the world--and don't have the added distinction of being blamed with every negative event in humankind--nor do they encounter the lovely open racist attacks and slights that wouldn't be countenanced, had they been directed at ANY other racial or ethnic group. When the Pals or Africans are accused of culpability in the Plague, 911, famine, flood and the Fall of Rome et AL, write back for my sincerest apology on this issue.
Additionally, how could we have spoken so many times and you still say things such as:
I recommend you pay attention in a regular way to Ha'aretz, an Israeli newspaper which allows more criticism of Likud policies than you are likely to find in the American (or Canadian) press.
Please hear me on this. Criticise Israel's policies long, loud and often. That is not at issue. Racism against Jews is separate from disagreement with Israeli policy. However, disagreement with Israeli policy CAN be a symptom of an anti-Jewish bigot--but, it surely doesn't equate with it.
The proof, as always, is in the pudding.
Too much pudding is found to be rotten, IMO.
Like our jihad guy here. I mean, look at that.
PS-- It is in the ultimate interests of the goal of this thread to see what people like jihad believe and spread.
Though I know Bernie had sweet intentions (pinch his penis for me, please, Lola)--Let them come. Their hate and bigotry needs to be written here for all of us to see. Harder to deny it--and harder to look the other way.
Don't worry that I will wave a big wand of condemnation across any negative or questioning comments directed at people who happen to be Jewish.
I whittle it down, just as we do everything else. If it walks like a racist...
Maybe we can bring some items here as they occur, and discuss.
I'm going to look a bit more into this 'neo-con as Jewish control' thing. Maybe later. I've said "Jew" too many times in the last three days. I'm sure they'd appreciate a break.
Yup . . . the more i read here and elsewhere, the more convinced i am that comments about neo-cons and Jews are an attempt to silence opposition to neo-cons. Lash's stupid remark about Pubs treating Jews better than Dems is an example of that kind of thinking.
Here's an interesting article at the Anti-Defamation League website:
Pat Buchanan: In His Own Words
Doesn't seem to be "librul" anti-semitism in action there . . .
I'm sure other readers will know this--but for any under the illusions of the previous poster--just because the liberal racists have come out in the light, doesn't mean there aren't non-liberal racists.
Seems silly to say, but it's obviously necessary.
By all means, read about Patrick Buchanan's statements.
Got some solid evidence for your assertions about liberal racists, Lash? Can you substantiate your silly claim that Republicans treat Jews better than do the Democrats? I mean, of course--for the benefit of those who may labor under an illusion about the typical character of Lash's assertions--do you have any evidence other than your bald statement to that effect?
LOL!!! Incredible. You are inferring there are NO liberal racists???
For those who would like to know more about Jews in America, and about anti-semitism, and especially wish to avoid partisan sniping, the two largest and most influential Jewish organizations in the United States are:
B'nai B'rith and
The Anti-Defamation League. Both sites have archived news releases and search functions for their archives.
Lash wrote:LOL!!! Incredible. You are inferring there are NO liberal racists???
No, that sort of anecdotal and biased statement would be characteristic of your forensic style. I'm just calling on you to put your money where your mouth is. You make such statements commonly, but you don't back them up.
Sadly, my bias force field must have waned.
I refuse to believe anyone here is operating under the delusion that there are no liberal racists.
I am confident your impressive skills are valued on many subjects. As this is my favorite thread, and as I am attempting to strictly speak to issues and modify behavior in myself that I deplore in others, (would only be fittin'), please enjoy other threads.
You can't make me leave, how childish of you. This thread has been an exercise in your idiosyncratic and unsupported statements about an entire class of people and their relationship to an even larger class of people. Certainly an intelligent person understands that there are those who are racist who could be classified as either liberal or conservative. But that point must have escaped you when, on 22/8/2005, at 5:52 pm, in Post: 1528884 - you wrote:
Lash wrote:Your bias has colored your thinking.
It's more a dangerous method of racists and those who hate Jews to demonize Jews and Israel, and attempt to turn Americans against them. It happens to fall in to the hands of Democrats as Republicans as a rule support Israel and Jews, in general.
You are the one who is attempting to impute partisan motivation to anti-semitism in the United States. That's why i've been reading up. You'll note that i posted the ADL's summary of the results from the 2005 survey. It finds that foreign born Hispanics are more likely to be anti-semitic than native-born Hispanics. It finds that the well-educated are less likely to be anti-semitic than the poorly-educated. It finds that older people are more likely to be anti-semitic than younger people. But it doesn't have a single finding that it reports on partisan adherence and anti-semitism.
The evidence of this thread and so many others is stark--you can't discuss any topic and at the same time divorce yourself from your partisan prejudices.
As we are all sure there are no conservative racists. None. Let's see; the south are generally republican country, and we know southerners are never racists. Yeah, sure. Wanna buy a bridge?
" And, as Bush likes to say, when it suits him and his interests, the US and UK are culturally very close. One of the earliest examples occurred in the Guardian, in 1964, and continually in British media throughout the 60s and 70s. It occurred in US media very early as well, specifically in a racist context -- Charlottesville, Virginia's Daily Progress reported, in 1972 (!), on racial violence against Asian immigrants, which was (and is still) termed "Paki-bashing". Anti-immigrant violence has been reported in the US regularly since that time, and the terms "Paki" and "Paki-bashing" are not as obscure as Bush's erstwhile defenders suggest.
Especially if among any of the president's staff can be counted even one careful reader of the New York Times or anyone who listens to or reads the public remarks of VP Cheney, who referred to Pakistanis as -- in an interview with Tim Russert on Meet the Press on 16 September -- "Paks". The Times ran in response two William Safire columns and an editorial "chiding", as Safire put it, Cheney for such usage and instructing accurately on the use of "Pak" and "Paki" as insulting racial slurs. And, while Bush can hardly be faulted for paying little attention to his VP, Safire clearly and, to the point, recently made it abundantly clear, for whomever in Bush's administration was listening, that "Paki" is unacceptable. Now Bush may not be faulted for not reading the New York Times; he has, as they say, people to do that for him. But the recent discussion of this issue in the Times clearly establishes that referring to Pakistanis as "Pakis" is unacceptable."
I am sure there has been research done re which orientation has more racists.
Of course, with the right starting to claim bizarrities such as support for equal opportunity practices is racist, agreement on operational criteria might be fun right now!
However, such vagaries aside, I am sure there is research to inform this sniping.
I suspect it would change over time - and be far more complex than people think.
Eg - as I understand it, the Democrats - now a slightly more centrist party than the Repubs - was once, as I understand it, the party of the benighted and resentful south?
Here, in Oz, the centrist/leftish Labor Party was once an enthusiastic supporter of the so-called White Australia Policy - because, as a largely working class party, it both owned a large percentage of the "urban redneck" vote (a group not unreasonably generally thought to belong to the right) - as well as representing unionists who feared that the importation of non-whites would mean that the said non-whites were exploited as cheap labour (a fear not unrealistic given the times, and the situation in the US at the time with gross exploitation of negro labour, and the terrible history of "black-birding" in Oz, and the importation of foreign scab labour at incendiary times by "bosses" in the attempt to break strikes and lower wages and conditions).
Anyone got any good research?
I think these things be way complex, and human beings born (un-corrected) to xenophobia (however the xen is locally defined) as the sparks fly upwards....
Edit: Another reason the old Labor party was racist was because it represented (and its leadership comprised of) a huge number or returned service people - who were virulently anti-Japanese - many of them having suffered in Japanese prison camps....