Myth of "Separation of Church and State"

Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 10:37 am
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 10:42 am
You have no basis upon which to state that the objection to religion in government is a minority opinion, therefore your statement is a lie.

It wasn't a minority opinion when our Declaration of Independence and Constitution were being written. It only is now because it gets in the way of the liberal agenda.

You are just as extremist, and just as dangerous as the "fanatical Islamist and the extreme leftist Liberal."

Nothing could be farther from the truth. It's just a line liberals like to spew off to justify their actions. I am no more dangerous than a dead dog.

Therefore, you have once again lied.

Again, opinions and ideologies of a person cannot be considered lies. Lies can be proven. No one has "proven" I have lied.

If that were true, how would you account for the amount of time and energy you have put into trying to make your case here? You want very much to convert others to your crackpot religious beliefs. Therefore, you have once again lied.

What is wrong with debating, using time and energy to do it? That is un-American, by insulting someone and calling them a liar when you disagree. I'm not trying to make any case...I know there is no hope for the other side, however, I see nothing wrong with debating and opening up some dialect.

Oh, is that so? And how are we to determine who the "true Christians" are? By asking you? By comparing the beliefs in Christianity they hold to yours?

No, just read the New Testament. There are no words saying we must kill Jews and Christians. (or Muslims)

EBrown_p has very thoroughly demonstrated that your message is not necessarily consonant with the Christian views of everyone. Are we to believe then that EBrown_p is not a true Christian, but that you are?

There you go again, putting words in my mouth. I never said he wasn't a true Christian, nor would I ever question his faith. This subject is being taken to the extreme in a very negative way.

You're the hateful one here, you're trying to shove your beliefs down the throats of others,

Discussing and debating is shoving now?

and given the chance, you would enshrine them in law. You are the dangerous ones, and you threaten our ancient liberties far more than any muslim terrorists, because you live here.

Absolutely, 100% categorically wrong again. If I had my way, along with Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Rev. Jesse Peterson, G. Gordon Liddy, just to name a few, America would be a much better place to raise children. We're losing our morality, whether you want to admit it or not. It has nothing to do with any extremism...just a peaceful, moral country.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 10:44 am
Rolling Eyes
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 10:48 am
Piffka wrote:
southerngrl wrote:
It is not up to our government to provide a substantial income for those who are too lazy or uneducated to live on at the expense of those who work everyday to provide for their families with less than what the welfare recipients get!

Ahhh, but if we were a Christian nation, then it would be up to the government to provide substantially for the poor and act in many other ways that it doesn't. And no Christian would be so judgemental, either. (Judge not, lest ye be judged.)

You can't have it both ways.

You missed my point. It is the responsibility of us as a people, to provide for the sick, hungry and homeless. In that I am a participant. You actually believe that our gov't should pay a single mother $50,000 for just being un-employed and not providing for her children? When a cop or firefighter makes $27,000?
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Craven de Kere
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 10:49 am
I don't believe people should make up numbers unless the story is about fish.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 10:50 am
ah craven you forgot numbers are imaginary
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 10:53 am
southerngrl- I knew it.......I knew it. Days ago I said to myself, "That woman has fallen for Clear Channel, hook, line and sinker.

It so happens that I listen to Rush in my car (when he isn't in rehab.) and agree with some of the things that he says. The thing is, I know how to extract valuable concepts from the hype and bullshit!
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 10:56 am
southerngrl wrote:
We're losing our morality, whether you want to admit it or not. It has nothing to do with any extremism...just a peaceful, moral country.

Well, SG, therein lies the problem.

In my opinion -- and I suspect the opinion of many people posting here -- the further we distance ourselves from Christianity as practiced in this country -- and the abject hypocrisy that is such an integral part of that religion...

...the more moral we become.

I understand that you think differently -- but simply because you think it doesn't make it so.

And I rather suspect that a much, much larger percentage of our general population feels as we do -- than as you do.

But human nature being what it is -- and considering the consequences of speaking out as I am, for instance -- many people choose to simply "go along" and keep their mouths shut.

I appreciate people like you. You do our side a great service with your extremism -- AND IT IS EXTREMISM DESPITE YOUR PROTESTATIONS TO THE CONTRARY.

Keep up the good work -- as I know you will.

We're counting on you.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 10:56 am
Your attempt to foist your "moral" agenda off on others is very "Un-American" and very dangerous. Your worse than the muslim terrorists, because we can take positive actions to exclude them from our territory or apprehend them if they get into the country. In your case, we're stuck with you and the right wing lunatic fringe so eloquently embodied in the list you provided. You come here and post this screed about religion, stating without the least basis, and in contradiction of the historical record, that the majority of Americans favor religion in government and always have. That is a lie. You claim that morality has decayed and that the nation is no longer a good place to raise children. There are a great many people in this country who would consider people who hold beliefs such as yours to be evidence that the nation is not a safe place to raise children. You have this complete fantasy notion about the civil war. Lee never owned a slave in his life. As executor of the estate of his father-in-law, George Washington Custis, he was responsible for the disposition of the slaves inherited by his wife, and he hadn't managed to free them by the time the war began--you're whistling in the dark. Thomas Jackson owned three household slaves. One accompanied him on his campaigns. Two others he gave to a preacher in Lynchburg, and he sent money to that preacher for their upkeep, and for the sunday school for slaves. There is not a shred of evidence that he ever contemplated freeing those slaves. You live in a fantasy world, and a pretty hateful one at that.

You are no different to my mind than any member of Al-Qaida. This has nothing to do with you simply having offered an opinion. It has to do with your distortions of history, and your contention that the nation is immoral because it does not agree with your agenda; it has to do with your contentions that those with liberal views are dangerous to the nation. I certainly hope that the constitution and the courts continue to protect us all from hateful people like you.

The south could never have won the civil war. They lost as quickly as they did because they too inhabited the "with god on our side" fantasy world that you have painted here.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 11:09 am
In the Bible Jesus taught love, forgiveness and compassion. He spent his life with the poor and oppressed. He ate with sinners and Samaritans. His only political act was to stop the capital punishment of a prostitute.

My favorite Scripture...ye without sin, cast the first stone. I'm not judging anyone on the basis of what type of person they are in God's eyes...however, we all judge whom we want to associate with based on beliefs and interest. That's a fact. I have compassion for everyone. As a matter of fact, I just left a church I've been attending for over 20 years because a few of the "old school" members didn't like a black guy dating one of our teens and attending church with her. So don't put a label on me that I don't deserve. You have no idea what I do in my personal life that involves compassion, love and forgiveness.

Jesus did not worry that immigration laws weren't being enforced. Jesus did not rail against "the welfare state". Jesus did not worry if people prayed before gladitorial combat, or if the name of God was in the forum. Jesus wasn't concerned about what was in science books or history books. Jesus wanted people to "love your neighbor as yourself".

Jesus did worry about those that didn't take up their cross and follow Him. He also didn't have these issues, therefore, I'd say you'll have to come up with something legitimate to discuss. He wanted ALL to come to Him and live the life He preached about. If Jesus were here today, He would be VERY interested in the lack of morality and the truth in every sense.

I looked at that silly website you are promoting. The fact it takes a page explaining why they are *not* like the KKK should tell you something.

It was only used as a reference...I have tons of documents and resources that go into more explicit proof. Documented proof. Its frustrating that people close their minds to things that they don't want to hear.

But the very idea behind the Southern Heritage movement is silly. You really think that God who calls us to love and care for all people is concerned that we shut out immigrants to protect American jobs?

Every single Confederate supporter I have ever met personally believes in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are very Christian and do a lot for their communities. Unless you are on the inside, you'd never know that, though. At the Confederate March in Richmond last year, our speaker was a black man. He walked across Dixie with a flag bigger than himself. He used to be a chapter president of the NAACP. Once he researched the truth, he became an advocate. There are many other blacks who are joining up, as well. But, they had to open their minds and have the proof in front of them to make up their minds. Something a lot of people just don't do. It's called educating yourself. That's what I have done. Not just sit back and insult and spew off retoric that has no basis of truth.

The Jesus who calls us to "give to everyone who has needs" and "put the needs of others above your own" is concerned that southerngrl's taxes might be used to help someone who is lazy?

I addressed this in another post.

Southerngrl, I don't think that God - the Ruler and Creator of the Universe- would care if a plaque of 10 commandments is in a courtroom in a small state in 2003.

Don't think for one minute He didn't weep.

I do think that the God of all Love cares that people are treated with decency and respect regardless of where they are born, the color of their skin or the amount of money they have.

Then we are in agreement. And I have never disrespected or treated anyone un-decent based on their religion, race, age, etc...since I became a Christian over 20 years ago.

[/quote]I am certain that a true Christian would not promote a flag which (at least for many -- including Christians) represents anger, fear and hatred.[/quote]

Myth. That is what you have heard...but the truth lies in the research and proof.

To paraphrase Mr. Reagan:

"Southerngrl - TAKE DOWN THAT AVATAR!"

"You'd have to pry it out of my cold dead hands!"

Putting the name of Jesus on a symbol of backwards hate is far worse than not allowing it in schools.

Again, educate yourself before spouting out untruths.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 11:17 am
ebrown_p wrote:

Also just to clarify things - the term "integration" means that Black people and White people (and other races) are together.

Oooh...I have a whole folder on this subject. Will get to it later.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 11:25 am

I don't know that I've ever heard any historian or teacher ever assert that slavery was the "sole reason" or the "only reason" -- or the war -- or for why the South fought.

Really? You are one of the few then.

It certainly was a reason -- and history (the unrevised kind) indicates it was one of the important reasons.

Incorrect history. History written by Northern writers and advocates.

Anyone who starts an essay with stupid, dishonest statements like this shouldn't be taken seriously.

You just admitted to a certain degree that it was true. I'm confused.

But considering the rationalizations I hear coming from you, SG, I can understand why you would recommend it.

Thank you!

BOTTOM LINE: If this country and its instituions are in danger -- they are in much greater danger from the conservative likes of you -- than from the terrorists of the world.

Yeah, right.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 11:40 am
southerngrl wrote:

Jesus did worry about those that didn't take up their cross and follow Him.

No he didn't. At least there is no scripture that references this.

If Jesus were here today, He would be VERY interested in the lack of morality and the truth in every sense.

Dunno, I think he'd be kinda peeved at the people taking great liberties when speaking for him.

Its frustrating that people close their minds to things that they don't want to hear.

That, is a double edged sword.

Every single Confederate supporter I have ever met personally believes in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are very Christian and do a lot for their communities.

What IS "Christian"? Your definition of it is vastly different from that of others. Just because they say they are Christian does not mean they are in any way representative of the faith.

Once he researched the truth, he became an advocate. There are many other blacks who are joining up, as well. But, they had to open their minds and have the proof in front of them to make up their minds. Something a lot of people just don't do. It's called educating yourself. That's what I have done. Not just sit back and insult and spew off retoric that has no basis of truth.

In subjective matters the person claiming to have the gospel truth is usually the one with the least open mind. The statements you made there were very very ironic.

Southerngrl, I don't think that God - the Ruler and Creator of the Universe- would care if a plaque of 10 commandments is in a courtroom in a small state in 2003.

Don't think for one minute He didn't weep.

Did you see him? The scriptures suggest he wouldn't care too much. After all Moses broke the ones he made with his own hands and he just made another one for him. In this case all that's happening is some artist's sculpture is being moved.

God didn't "weep" when Moses broke his own commandments and you are projecting your feelings on your god.

Myth. That is what you have heard...but the truth lies in the research and proof.

Again, trying to state that your opinion is equivalent with the "truth" in subjective matters is already a stretch, saying any "proof" and "research" also supports you inevitably is indicative of a very selective approach to "research" and "proof".

"You'd have to pry it out of my cold dead hands!"

That is not true. It could simply be deleted. Your hands would have no say. But it's moot. It's just a silly avatar.

Putting the name of Jesus on a symbol of backwards hate is far worse than not allowing it in schools.

Again, educate yourself before spouting out untruths.

You can tell people to "educate" themselves all you want, it doesn't make you the owner of the truth. Most people here are far better educated than you or I.

What you incessantly do here is make a fallacious "emperor's new clothes" argument.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 11:43 am
southerngrl wrote:

I don't know that I've ever heard any historian or teacher ever assert that slavery was the "sole reason" or the "only reason" -- or the war -- or for why the South fought.

Really? You are one of the few then.

Actually one of many.

The US government, when testing immigrants, accepts as the correct answer that the civil war was fought to prevent the south from going their own way.

You might differ with the academic world and our government on this, that is your right. But you are incorrect to portray the opinion of the majority as that of the minority.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 11:45 am
Setanta wrote:
I was greatly amused by "war of northern aggression." So, are we to assume that the garrison of Fort Sumter went around bashing their brick walls against the cannon balls the South Carolinians had stolen from the Federal armory until those walls crumbled? So those cannon balls were just sitting there, innocently, in mid air, when they were ruthlessly assaulted by Fort Sumter's walls, in an act of unprovoked aggression?

Stop, yer killin' me . . .

The shot was intentionally fired over the bow of a union ship as a warning shot. Lincoln advised the Confederate leaders that the ship was carrying supplies for union soldiers still remaining on the Fort. When it was learned that military personnel were hiding below deck (presumably to take back control of the Fort), the Confederate Army was ordered to fire the shot.
Suggesting that the Fort Sumter garrison would be withdrawn, the Lincoln secretly stalled for time while organizing military forces to conquer the South while preparing to reinforce Fort Sumter. The Confederates were "almost fooled," but recognized the truth. They bombarded Fort Sumter into surrender -- and didn't kill a single man in the process.

Of course there is a lot more information that led up to this...like the high tariffs and lack of control over the South by Lincoln. Another man we hear myths about in our schools books.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 11:51 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
southerngrl- I knew it.......I knew it. Days ago I said to myself, "That woman has fallen for Clear Channel, hook, line and sinker.

It so happens that I listen to Rush in my car (when he isn't in rehab.) and agree with some of the things that he says. The thing is, I know how to extract valuable concepts from the hype and bullshit!

So are you saying that once I choose my political party, and am pretty much set in my beliefs, I should listen to Michael Moore? Why is it a negative that I happen to believe the same as Rush and support him? However, I do watch Hannity and Stupid (I mean Colmes) and I hear both sides...I just happen to laugh or shake my head when Colmes is talking or those who represent his side.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 11:54 am
southerngrl wrote:
Why is it a negative that I happen to believe the same as Rush and support him?

Well, ask other conservatives around here what they think of Rush. Most of them will say that he is an entertainer who plays to the lowest common denominator.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 11:57 am
southerngrl- I don't buy any idea, thought, concept, political or religious opinion out of whole cloth. I listen to what is written or said, and then I think for myself, and make up my own mind. Usually that means having both positive and negative opinions of the ideas of an individual, especially one in the media.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 12:02 pm
Setanta wrote:
Your attempt to foist your "moral" agenda off on others is very "Un-American" and very dangerous. Your worse than the muslim terrorists,

Drunk That is funny!

and in contradiction of the historical record, that the majority of Americans favor religion in government and always have.

Did you read the quotes from our Founding Fathers or not?

Lee never owned a slave in his life.

Yes he did, but he realized it was wrong and freed them prior to the war.

Thomas Jackson owned three household slaves. One accompanied him on his campaigns.

And he loved him dearly.

You are no different to my mind than any member of Al-Qaida.


This has nothing to do with you simply having offered an opinion. It has to do with your distortions of history,

And your major in history came from....? I have self-educated myself basing this education on fact...not fiction. When one side outweighs the other based on documentation, I seem to somehow choose the side with the documentation.

it has to do with your contentions that those with liberal views are dangerous to the nation.

More dangerous than Al-Qaeda.

I certainly hope that the constitution and the courts continue to protect us all from hateful people like you.


The south could never have won the civil war. They lost as quickly as they did because they too inhabited the "with god on our side" fantasy world that you have painted here.

You don't have to face the truth...you can keep on living in the dark if you wish...it's your right. They didn't win the battle, but the war isn't over.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2003 12:03 pm
Well, ask other conservatives around here what they think of Rush. Most of them will say that he is an entertainer who plays to the lowest common denominator.

Agree. Every once in awhile Rush will come up with a concept of which I can approve. It is so couched in hype though, that his credibility is suspect. IMO Rush is to radio, what Jerry Springer is to television.

Bet you're horrified now southerngrl, that I compared Rush with Springer. Each has an agenda, and each is presenting it to attract a particular niche audience. And I can bet that neither are targeting rocket scientists!
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