realjohnboy wrote:
One game left.
Jespah is 11-4 and has NY tonight (Final score: 17-10). A NY win gives the week to her at 12-4.
At 10-5 and having Washington are McGentrix (17-9). Maporsche (20-17) and George (20-14). A Washington win sets up a -4-way tie.
A NY win would leave Jespah at 12-4 and she would win the week outright.
A Washington win would leave Jespah, McGentrix, Maporsche and George tied at 11-5.
>If Washington wins and scores 18 or less, Jespah and McGentrix would head into the 2nd tiebreaker. McG would win the week if NY scores 9 or less while Jespah would win if NY scores 10 or more.
>If Washington wins and scores 19 or more, Maporsche and George would go to the 2nd tiebreaker. George would win if NY scores 15 or less while 16 or more gives the week to Maporsche.
I hope that is somewhat clear.