Dick Durbin got up today on the senate floor to make a motion to stop the bill to end earmarks in the senate..
His logic was what if a state has a hurricanes (way up in Illinois) how will one know if the money is given to the state as a favor? (like it is done now anyway) It might have been nice if another senator in opposition had mentioned that is what governors are for.
So instead we STILL have an open loophole so senators can get favors and Obama can buy their votes. Isn't that black male? So we now have senators instead of legislating they are acting as governors and stashing tax payers money in their iceboxes...
Shame on you all... You had a chance to clean up the senate and you went for the low road instead.
We have senators complaining about losing state insurance power to the government while the senators are usurping the role of governors at the very same time.
Whoever voted to block ending earmarks should be voted out in the next election. It is about time the people's tax money went to where it is intended to go instead of being used frivolously by Obama to buy votes... Maybe our government run health care system would not be in such shambles if government funding was not such a joke.
Enough of this bipolar, two faced, double talk, underhanded shell game and who suffers in the end but "we the people".
Obama is running the government as if he is a CEO of some monopolistic corporation. Absconding with big business wherever and whenever he can using tax payer money, the sky is the limit, making a menace of our capitalistic system rather than an acting as an elected emissary of the people. He has bought into our broadcast system with the help of NASA and their hubble visual arts, he has bought into our auto industry, the banks and now health care? IS THERE ANYTHING SACRED?
When does Obama stop writing checks to take over our unique capitalistic free enterprise system of we the people? Will there be anything left for the people to own after Obama stops writing checks? It seems like it is free enterprise and we the people against big government now?
Let me get this straight the government raises our taxes so it can put us out of business with out own money?