I assume you found only one reference of self hate in a millions some odd words Joe.
I am youthful, I'm attractive (I have many thousands of fans on the internet), I am intelligent (usually), well educated (which doesn't always help), I have enough prosperity to get by more than generality, I am in the best of heath (no diseases), and I am physically fit. What's there to hate... I am comfortable with my sexuality (I guess that is why some call it a preference). I had great parents who showed love and goodness toward me (their gay son) to the best of their ability.
In other words I love being me. I wouldn't trade my life for any other life on this earth. I am special and unique in my own way. I see around me others much less fortunate than me and if i were to hate myself, well, then it would only be misdirected self pity. I have been discriminated against for being gay MANY TIMES.
I was a close friends with Charlie Howard, the boy that was thrown into the river and drown in Bangor Maine for being gay. In fact i might have been with Charlie the night he was attacked had my boyfriend at the time not told me to stop hanging around Charley because he was too effeminate.
I saw Charley down at the town square hours before he was murdered and I walked the other way to avoid him... Had I not been warned by my boyfriend I may have actually saved Charley or possibly even met with the same fate. Four young men beat Charley up and tossed him over a cement wall into the Penobscot river and he drown...
So do I hate myself, no... I hate injustice and cruelty. I loved Charley...

But he is gone now and his often blatant and unrestrained words and opinions are gone with him.
I remember once I was walking with Charley and he walked up to this pretty young woman and said, "Girl, I love the dress but go home and wash those shoes!"... Yes Charley was a sort of menace but he was still a human being with compassion and love more often than not... But his life was cut short by haters who took offense to his sometimes not so delicate and course demeanor.
So the only form of hate I have in this life is to those who perpetuate and direct these types of hatred toward those appearing less fortunate them themselves. Charlie was a mess but he did not deserve that kind of fate. I was never Charlies lover, Charlie was not my type, but I did love him as a dear friend. Charlie did leave behind a lover to mourn his untimely passing... Charlies lover was a gay man who was a wood carver. Charlies death devastated his life.
Charlie and I used to drink together in bars and as i said I was hanging around with him on nearly a daily basis until my boyfriend asked me to refrain from being his friend and I for some reason obeyed. But that is all gone now. I am sorry I wasn't there for you Charlie. Perhaps i was not meant to be. Let this be a lesson to all who know gay people. If I were to hate myself for being gay I would be doing a disservice to the memory of Charlie. So Joe don't go there or you might find a reason to hate yourself as the boys who did time for taking Charlies life without even a thought.
My conscience is clean, I had no idea what kind of fate was going to befall Charlie that night. In retrospect I deserted Charlie... Never again will a leave the side of a gay friend because they are effeminate. I obeyed my boyfriend because i loved him. That boyfriend is now an x-boyfriend and Charlie is gone. Water under the bridge... You are still loved and missed my friend 20 years later... Rest in peace Charlie Howard...