Quote:jodie, why did your son choose to move 3 hours away in the first place?
This doesn't necessarily have anything to do with his relationship with his mother. Maybe he was asked to transfer, or offered a better job, or liked that part of the state or country better.
I haven't read any of Jodie's old posts and I'm not going to - but I will offer another way to look at this- one that I saw at work in my own family.
My father was transferred from Texas to New Jersey when we children were very small. He came from a large, very close family of which my grandmother was the recognized matriarch - sort of like a legendary saint in the family lore.
My mother who is a LOVELY person, probably the most flexible, least judgmental I've ever met - did not meet my grandmother's requirements for who she thought her son should have married (she was an orphan of unknown stock- sad to say- but that's how my grandmother viewed her). She never liked my mother and made it known. Even as a child, I'd watch and could detect her distaste.
But don't you know my mother got us all packed and in the car to drive down to Texas and spend two weeks with the woman every single summer. And I never heard a negative word from her about it. She hadn't had a family of her own - so she did recognize the importance of family- and she made sure her children had what she never had.
I moved away from my parents when I was eighteen. I've never lived closer than 500 miles to them since my children have been born. This has nothing to do with not liking them - I'm crazy about them. It's just the way life worked out. But I always am the one to fly or drive to see them- I don't even ask them to meet me half way. I look at it as a matter of respect.
Quote:You mentioned you have had certain conversations with your husband, about your son.
I'd like to be a fly on the wall when you son has certain conversations with his wife.
Jodie - if he were my son - I'd have to talk with him about it and not to other people about him. And I wouldn't approach it an accusatory or angry way - but just asking, with an open mind-what maybe you could have done to cause any of the harsh feelings or problems to see if there's anything you can do to change or help alleviate some of those.
And if it's temperament, to which Osso spoke, and which it very well may be, maybe you could say something like, 'You and I are two very different people, and I know we've had our difficulties, but I love you and would like to know you. And I think that it's important for you to communicate that you'd like to spend time with him - at least as much if not more than his children. How do you think it would feel if he thought you were more interested in his kids than in him? Maybe he thinks you've given up on knowing him and he resents that now you want to move on to his kids or something. You never know. Once you heal things with him, then you can say, 'I've really enjoyed getting to know you again - I'd like to be a part of your life and know your children,' and then see what he says.
It would break my heart if I thought my child didn't like me - and it would really hurt if I felt I wasn't going to be able to know my grandchildren- so I understand how you feel, and I'd be willing to do whatever I had to do to change that.
Apparently being willing to drive three hours is not enough.