Gargamel wrote:
Relax, Jo.
Actually I wouldn't mind Jo at all.
Of all gawdawful names, I was originally supposed to be named Josephine, so thank God for small favors.
No MA, no PMS, I'm post menapause.
Normally, it's only an occassional thing, when people miss hear when I say my name.
Our areas recruiter for unlicensed personnel had moved into our office a couple of months back, and since then, the call volume into her has picked up considerably. She's pretty quick about picking up the phone when it rings, but, since there's no official phone answerer here, I get a bunch of them too.
I've begun to realize that it must be a common problem amongst people who are not, I'll say it right out....too bright.
I'll say this, they don't get her name right either, Kate. C'mon, how much easier can a name be.
Here's people looking for a J...O...B. and they call for Kathy, Katie, Carol or, my favorite "someone called me but I don't remember who it was"
No wonder you don't have a job.
I'm serious here, in the last 2 months I have been called Joy more times than I have been in my entire life.
What the hell is wrong with you people? Pay attention.