The religious support the biggest hate crime against humanity that ever existed. Do you Value lies m

Wed 14 Aug, 2013 10:38 pm
The religious support the biggest hate crime against humanity that ever existed. Do you Value lies more than you value life?

Supporting a factually proven foundation of religious lies which over thousands of years has lead to the death of millions if not billions and to the misery of countless others pretty much makes you the scum of the earth for supporting the largest hate crime against humanity that ever existed.

To understand the entirety of the validity of the claim put forth within the title of this composition you need to be aware of the following factually based relevance to understand many deceptions thus the entirety of this bigger picture starting with:

Everything in the bible (or any other book of any other religion for that matter) aside from the fundamental lie of that religion was stolen from society, from the paranormal, from the Earth itself, from the dead and from the living. the religious steal every name they like to attribute what they steal to their foundation of factually proven lies, They steal the cross from the dead and try to attribute it to their foundation of lies.

A thousands years before some human carved out of stone what they call the ten commandments, do you think that you would want your possessions stolen, your family killed etc. Long before some guy got what the religious call crucified, the cross was used to mark a grave of the dead simply because if you see a stick poking out of the ground you may not think much of it but if you see another stick fixed crossing it you would then recognize the significance of a grave for thousands of years before some guy got crucified then they with a stolen cross use it to propagate their religious foundations of lies.

The religious steal everything they can from society, every story within any religious scripture etc. is stolen from society and is sickly twisted with lies to propagate that religions foundation of lies.

The religious steal Morality from humans and still to this day they attempt to attribute what they steal from us to their sickly devised foundations of factually proven lies.
These are the tools that the selfish and the greedy use to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many.

What was your weakness, were you an innocent little baby? Did you just lose a loved one? Were you lonely? Were you homeless or starving was you time of weakness when the religious preyed upon you? Did you just get raped? Did you just get in or out of jail?~ could be a time of weakness for some. Did you see some eye candy walk into some religious filth hole? the list goes on.

It is sickening, it has make the world sick for thousands of years and it has got to stop so that we may all then finally move on after thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions over nothing more than foolish pathetic yet deceptive filthy religious factually proven foundations of lies.

The foundation of every religion is some ridiculous story about how everything came to be. Again I will include the non contestable factual information that proves every religion is based upon a foundation of lies within this very article.

The Religious Recently Attempt To Re Write The Definition Of Fact!

Having looked at the definition of fact recently, I noticed that it has changed to try and degrade fact to mere truth. Facts are evidence of solid indisputable information on what exists.

aka, the sun gives off heat = fact.

The Earth rotates while it revolves around the sun = fact.

Nuclear bombs make a big bang = fact.

We have learned to harness electricity = fact.

I remember the definition of fact just a couple of years ago was even flawed because it was about that it takes someone to recognize it as fact before it becomes fact. Yet I proved that definition as false because the fact remains that it takes an asteroid time to get from "a" to "b" whether there is anyone with a system to measure the time it takes for this to occur or not.

The truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs. fact every time. The reason the religious created the word truth in the first place was because they couldn't pass their lies off as fact

The key to understanding factual evidence proving that there is no such thing as a god lay here:

All these people of all of these religions who's fundamental is a lie known as god pray to or worship this lie/god thus acknowledging that they also believe that this lie/god has intellect to be able to understand worship or prayers to begin with. Yet for anything to first come into existence to be able to develop an intellect or to use that intellect to put a plan into motion thus re create with the energy and matter already present, it first takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter for any of this to first occur.

Again not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness otherwise anyone feel free to contest this as fact by simply sharing one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness or anything that exists goes poof into nothingness! Just one to contest this as fact!

The only thing that doesn't change is that change occurs because energy matter and time are always present. Hence, we, everything throughout the universe is infinite! You know how they label such thing as an asteroid as billions of years old, it is factually much older than that as are the particles and energy that everyone on this planet consists of. The only significant difference is (why it is referred to as billions of years old) is that the asteroid's rate of change has obviously been much slower than the particles consisting within you and I. If one went into the sun it would be transformed in an instant!

I have also proven this "Universe From Nothing" - Lawrence Krauss, Richard Dawkins theory as false

It goes on the premise of what they refer to as virtual particles (how sun rays travel for example) yet what they did not realize is the source of energy used to transmit the force passed on creates these virtual particles. These virtual particles transmit energy thus what it took for them to become relevant remains in existence towards where the energy past on is moved too.

Hence it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.
[a couple of scientists between the two couldn't come up with creating an appropriate word to support their theory, so instead they try and make nothing (non existence) out to be something else to create a hype (get people going because they are desperate for attention apparently) thus attempting to re define what nothing is to suit their mere theory. in lies where such a claim a universe from nothing is false]

The Big Bang Theory

No matter how big a bang or how small a bang is (or even if you prefer to call it a inflation), it first takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter for any bang (or inflation) to first occur, otherwise share with us all one factual example of any bang (or inflation) occurring without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter and quite obviously energy matter and time existed long before the possibility of this so called theory to occur.

Now back to the title of this composition

Now that you have read the non contestable factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within this very composition (The story of how we and everything came into existence) it is primary that you understand this as well. Coupled with that very factual evidence, religious foundations of lies have already lead the globe to thousands of years of war and divide. It has lead to the death of millions if not billions of people and again over factually proven foundations of lies of which no one will ever b able to contest this because again it is fact.

Belief is either falsified or verified by fact. Claiming to believe in that which has already been proven as false is deliberate ignorance. Ignorance is religions only defence.

Prime Minister Harper and the Commonwealth announced that they are planning to enforce the protection and promotion of religious freedom.

If they are planning to enforce the protection of religious freedom when every religions foundation is factually proven to be based upon lies and these lies have already lead the globe to war and divide for thousands of years and to the death of millions if not billions, how is that in any way shape or form helping the well being of the future of citizens within the Commonwealth?

Religion has robbed people of the ability to think for themselves. Instead of people thinking for themselves they instead weakly resort to a foundation of lies that they for now follow to guide them. This is why the corporate world encourages religion upon societies because if people are distracted from thinking for themselves greedy corporations etc. can keep right on pulling the rugs from under our feet thus continue to sell us out to poverty as our deficit here in Canada already indicates that we will soon be to far gone to ever recover and our future generations will have next to nothing!

Religion has to go for the well being of the future of the life on this planet and there is no selfish or greedy excuse good enough to prolong this on going agony at the expense of every person on this globe!


Major Breakthrough For The Religious And Everyone To Understand Simplified

What I think many of you are missing here is that if this lie known as god according to what the religious themselves even acknowledge as intelligent (they pray and worship) and using that intelligence to put a plan into motion is the creator of all things, then how is first possible for anything to go poof into existence out of nothingness (remember this lie icon is also made out to be by the religious themselves as the creator of all things) go poof into existence out of nothingness, extract energy from nothingness to develop an intelligence out of nothing to work with nothing conjuring up matter out of nothing to create?

It is not possible again because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter for anything to first come into existence, develop and intelligence to be able to re create with what already exists.

For thousands of years before Hitlers days religious lies had already lead the globe to war and divide not only among the religious but non religious as well. It's sad that Jewish people valued lies more than they valued life and to this day the globe still hasn't learned because there are still shamefully enough people clinging to religion like a dung beetle clings to it's food.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 02:28 am
@David Jeffrey Spetch,

What is the Hate Crime? Can you attribute it to hate? (because if you can't, you can't call it a hate crime)

You a significant portion of your post talking about the relevance of facts, and then post this :
Supporting a factually proven foundation of religious lies which over thousands of years has lead to the death of millions if not billions
Do you see the irony of such?

You accuse religion of stealing quite a bit...of intellectual property. When it was 'stolen', the concept of ownership of IP didn't exist, and what isn't owned can't be stolen. So in 'fact', it was borrowed and then claimed as their own.

Stealing generates dislike (a mild form of hate), while borrowing doesn't. Your post is about your disgust with hate...and your disgust with lies vs facts. Do you see the irony?

You say something can't be created from nothing...what exactly does the Big Bang Theory claim the Universe was made from? A Big Ball of' something'? Where did that come from? If I vaguely recall correctly (and I may not - it never interested me that much), it required dark matter - and where did that come from?

You see...even the Big Bang theory has a point where the Universe starts...out of???...and before that? Even that is taken on faith, because it hasn't been proven as far as I know. So the Universe may in fact, have been created out of nothing.

And in terms of hate - making up stories doesn't seem to have anything to do with hate (much of your posts is about the 'wrongs' of making up stories, and together with your heading, it appears you are suggesting they are related)

War has almost always been caused by power struggles, with religion being just one of the tools used. If it's not religion, then it will be other ideology that's used (eg. patriotism, nationalism, cultural morals), and if not that, then fear (most 'enemies' are demonised just before a war)
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 03:35 am
This clown came along almost two years ago with similar rants. I suggest that you are wasting your time attempting to reason with him.
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 05:28 am
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
You posted the same screed back in 2011. Nothing has changed since then.
David Jeffrey Spetch
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 11:46 am
Valuing factually proven foundations of lies more than you value human lives is what it means to be religious beyond all the bs the religious make it out to be. How could the hate crime be any more obvious?

You value lies more than you value lives, how is that not a hate crime against humanity?!!

Stealing describes what they do to a T because they attempt to attribute what they steal in support of their factually proven foundation of lies.

In case your brain is way too small to have realized something so simple all by yourself, I covered the big bang theory in the composition you are responding too.

"The Big Bang Theory

No matter how big a bang or how small a bang is (or even if you prefer to call it a inflation), it first takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter for any bang (or inflation) to first occur, otherwise share with us all one factual example of any bang (or inflation) occurring without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter and quite obviously energy matter and time existed long before the possibility of this so called theory to occur."

If you are coming here to be deliberately ignorant, you're just going to be buried in your own deification upon notice.

/ David
David Jeffrey Spetch
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 11:47 am
ignorance lies and deceptions is what you call an attempt to reason with me and you really expect to be taken serious?

/ David
David Jeffrey Spetch
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 11:49 am
what you refer to as screed you yourself have not contested with so much as a trace of validity thus exemplifies what you yourself share is no more than screed. I'll be happy to keep sharing the facts which reveal the religious for the liars and deceivers you prove to be to end religion before any more lives are lost to such filthy disgusting lies.

/ David
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 11:57 am
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
I'm no fan of religion either, but somehow, having you on my side doesn't make me feel a whole lot better.
David Jeffrey Spetch
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 12:19 pm

being you do not recognize the significance of fact, you're no spring rain for the cause yourself while you claim having the number one on the globe on your side doesn't make you feel better.

go figure, you appear to be religious posing to be non religious to me.

/ David
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 01:10 pm
Obviously this is not a joke.

Equally obviously...it should be.

David...your essay is a mess...and if you are charging that theists make unwarranted assumptions and assertions...

...you ought first to look into a mirror.

Your essay is a mess.

But, I am a sucker for this kind of thing, so if I can persuade you to present the single most important and compelling comment for individual scrutiny...I would do so.

What say? The single most important ingredient in this hodgepodge?
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 01:20 pm
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
Far from ignoratn, i've got you pegged. It is not a lie that you have done exactly this in the past, and so is no deception. It is matter of indifference to me whether or not you take me seriously. I certainly don't consider your drivel worthy of serious consideration.
David Jeffrey Spetch
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 08:32 pm
@Frank Apisa,
funny this one claims what I wrote is a mess yet contests absolutely nothing, but instead of backing his lie in the form of a vacant un backed claim he then proceeds to continue to make his delusions the issue.

/ David
David Jeffrey Spetch
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 08:35 pm
This one quite obviously exemplifies to be delusional, desperately scrambling to make his delusions the issue while quite clearly avoiding the very facts which so easily already reveal that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.

So sad that lies are so much more important to you that human lives. But thanks for sharing yet another fine example of the weak pathetic insane ignorant selfish greedy mentality of the religious.

/ David
0 Replies
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 08:52 pm
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
It seems you missed the entire point of my 'big bang' post.

Also, a sentence in a paragraph is not a sentence in isolation.

You also missed most of the ironies in your post.
Valuing factually proven foundations of lies more than you value human lives is what it means to be religious beyond all the bs the religious make it out to be
Another ironic statement.
If you are coming here to be deliberately ignorant, you're just going to be buried in your own deification upon notice.

A rather bizarre and contrary statement, wouldn't a person achieving godhood be less ignorant? And wouldn't it be rather difficult to bury such a person in their own ascension to godhood?

Also ironic coming from anyone trying to make a case against hate, and trying to make a case for the value of humans (or is it just 'life' that you value?)

In case your brain is way too small to have realized something so simple all by yourself

I learnt something a while back...people who attack for no apparent reason are under the control of their fight, flight, or freeze genetic response to feeling threatened (feeling threatened means you feel some fear).
Thu 15 Aug, 2013 08:54 pm
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
David Jeffrey Spetch wrote:

funny this one claims what I wrote is a mess yet contests absolutely nothing

You haven't earned the right to have each point contested.
Frank Apisa
Fri 16 Aug, 2013 03:54 am
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
David Jeffrey Spetch wrote:

funny this one claims what I wrote is a mess yet contests absolutely nothing, but instead of backing his lie in the form of a vacant un backed claim he then proceeds to continue to make his delusions the issue.

/ David

Obviously you do not have what it takes to take me up on my challenge. Trying to figure out what you were trying to say in that mess you wrote is not worth the trouble. If you do grow the cajones to actually pick out one point for discussion...I will happily "contest" away.

Otherwise...have a great day.
Fri 16 Aug, 2013 05:31 am
@David Jeffrey Spetch,
Despite the problems I have with Setanta, I do take him seriously. You need medical help, you're not on the right medication. I doubt anyone on A2K will take you seriously until you get it sorted.
Tue 20 Aug, 2013 11:14 pm
Are you saying that thousands of years of human misery should be blamed on the priests?
I can see that.
Is it God's fault or man's?
David Jeffrey Spetch
Wed 21 Aug, 2013 03:57 pm
Ah still desperately scrambling to make your delusions the issue while avoiding the very factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies (of which many religions foundation is the lie referred to as god)

Then you cheaply attempt to drag me down to the level of the religious by claiming the lie that I in any way shape or form in your delusional little head am attempting to achieve godliness. Pathetic attempt at being insulting!

If you don't like my writing style then cry me a river. And you also avoid contesting the facts I share to do with your big bang rant.

/ David
David Jeffrey Spetch
Wed 21 Aug, 2013 03:58 pm
Sure I have by sharing the facts which reveal the foundation of every religion is based upon lies delusional fool.

/ David
0 Replies

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