hawkeye10 wrote:
I believe many younger voters were enamored with the thought they they could now prove their "liberal" views by voting for Obama. It was also, I believe, a thing with being part of the "in" crowd, you know, being as cool as Blacks can be, and not Whites
the word you are looking for is "progressive", by voting for obama and helping his effort they were proving to themselves how much more advanced they are than previous generations. They are certainly easier to swindle, because they don't understand basic concepts like power, they don't know history, they don't know themselves nor what humanity is like, and they are blind to the dark side of the force. They are poorly educated which makes them great marks for the con men.
The word is
NOT "progressive" because that
FALSELY implies
that there is a designated and undisputed goal toward which
we are all moving and we all desire to move,
toward collectivism and away from personal freedom.
Liberalism, or deviation, can be toward
ANY direction, not just to the left.