hawkeye10 wrote:
this actually makes sense, the sugar drinks are empty calories where as the rest have something of benefit to offer. May as well take the calories in food and cut out the drink calories. Keep in mind that increasing numbers of people have blood sugar problems, cutting out HFCS (sugar) is a smart move for most people.
Hold on a second there..
not sugar.
HFCS is a chemical made from kernal corn with sulfuric acid..and other heavy chemicals. It does not COME from sugar.
Regular white granulated sugar is not sugar either. It is made from HFCS and other 'chemicals'.
real sugar, from cane plants is not bad for you. It does not cause diabetes.. HFCS and other fake sweeteners including granulated white sugar do. (Like the ones found in diet coke, fast food meat, buns, salad dressing... almost everything from a package actually. )
And Im with Boom...
I would LOVE to taste deep fried pig fat covered oily greasy salty macaroni and cheese..
ohhhhhhhhhhh man.