Oh dear.
Here I go again, having to swim upstream to the common way of thinking.
I can post many sites, many links and I will quickly find a few to post to help make my point. But since everyone has swallowed the notion that high fructose corn syrup is good in moderation ( Insert commercial smile here) I doubt my words will mean anything.
ANY thing made from sulfuric acid should not go in your body. No matter if it is " moderation" or not. Adding sulfuric acid to CORN is the very first step in making HFCS.
Last I checked, sulfuric acid destroyed things it touched. But moderation is the key eh?
Regular , everyday corn that we eat, that is in everything we consume has to be processed before we can even eat it , it has been modified SO much. This isnt an arguement for modified foods though.. I wont even touch that subject because modification is necessary to a certain extent.
My point here is how much b/s we are fed every day with the thoughts that fake sweetners and chemicals like HFCS are good for us and not what is causing all of our blood sugar, obesity and to a certain extent depression. But..argue that all you will.
Here is a low key, easy speaking person on how to make HFCS and what happens to lab rats who are given that stuff.
Now, here is a simple to understand, easy blog video of how to make HFCS.
And since they quote doctors, scientists, tests and many other reputable sources, you yourself can go on and look them up .
and for those who look to and trust Wiki -
Critics of HFCS point out a correlation between increased usage of HFCS in foods and obesity rates in the United States over three decades. Some allege that HFCS is in itself more detrimental to health than table sugar (sucrose); others claim that the low cost of HFCS encourages overconsumption of sugars. The Corn Refiners Association has launched an aggressive advertising campaign to counter these criticisms, claiming that high fructose corn syrup "is natural" and "has the same natural sweeteners as table sugar".[26] Both sides point to studies in peer reviewed journals that allegedly support their point of view. Pepsi Co. is even now marketing "Pepsi Throwback" to counter loss of the movement to non HFCS soft drinks.
Elliot et al.,[27] implicate increased consumption of fructose (due primarily to the increased consumption of sugars but also partly due to the slightly higher fructose content of HFCS as compared to sucrose) in obesity and insulin resistance. Chi-Tang Ho et al. found that soft drinks sweetened with HFCS are up to 10 times richer in harmful carbonyl compounds, such as methylglyoxal, than a diet soft drink control.[28] Carbonyl compounds are elevated in people with diabetes and are blamed for causing diabetic complications such as foot ulcers and eye and nerve damage;[29][30]
A study in mice suggests that fructose increases obesity.[31] Large quantities of fructose stimulate the liver to produce triglycerides, promotes glycation of proteins and induces insulin resistance.[32] According to one study, the average American consumes nearly 70 lb (32 kg) of HFCS a year, marking HFCS as a major contributor to the rising rates of obesity in the last generation. [33]
Wait... wait..
what was that?
Quote: found that soft drinks sweetened with HFCS are up to 10 times richer in harmful carbonyl compounds, such as methylglyoxal, than a diet soft drink control.[28] Carbonyl compounds are elevated in people with diabetes and are blamed for causing diabetic complications such as foot ulcers and eye and nerve damage;
what. the ****?
The exact thing that is OUT OF CONTROL in people with diabeties, can be found in almost 10 TIMES the amount in foods with HFCS?
A little bit of common sense comes into MY mind when thinking about whether or not to trust a -chemical- that raises all of these questions, has all of these issues, and is tested over and over again for safety for reasons like stated above.
It is very simple to avoid it all together. Yes? I mean.. why not?
If someone said that something you had in your home was emitting radiation that would kill you, you would go out and replace it with something else. Simple solution.
But radiation isnt addicting.
HFCS is.
high levels of isolated fructose (as found in HFCS) cause a reduction in circulating insulin and leptin, which effectively turns off the body's appetite control mechanisms, thus causing you to eat more. It also creates a small feeling of euphoria.
Now, please dont quote the AMA. They contradict themselves everytime they open their mouths about this.
"After studying current research, the American Medical Association (AMA) today concluded that high fructose syrup does not appear to contribute more to obesity than other caloric sweeteners."
In fact, the last half of the sentence adds an immediate qualifier:
"But [the AMA] called for further independent research to be done on the health effects of high fructose syrup and other sweeteners."
They then went on to say:
"We do recommend consumers limit the amount of all added caloric sweeteners to no more than 32 grams of sugar daily.
32 grams of sugar per day is about 1/4 of a diet soda.
So please tell me how americans can keep to that?
not to mention that HFCS is in your bread, crackers, cheese, milk, yogurt, pasta, toothpaste ( some) , canned beans, cereal, waffles, soup, blah blah blah blah blah.
32 grams of sugar? In american diet?........possibly.
But HFCS jacks your blood sugar around harder then just plain ole white sugar. You might as well be eating 3 times the white sugar instead of going for foods with HFCS.
but.. go ahead.
Call people who avoid that chemicals crack pipes.