Back years ago, I was on a swing of greasy salty, with beefy (etc) and then sugary, and then in a bit, greasy salty - a pendulum.
I learned how dumb that was over the years, but I'm not sure I changed by reading all the cons, though that had some impact - I changed since I lucked out and got to go to a lot of different hole in the wall restaurants with food from various cultures, and got to, huzzah, like vegetables in all their raiment. I'm not a vegetarian, that's not what I mean, but I got into liking fresh food with the vegetable or fruit or fish or meat flavors working in combo... not the sugar or salt or fats, or at least not an overwhelming lot of those.
People get into food cycles that are hard to break.
I still like greasy salty potato chips and try not to buy them. Succumb a few times a year. Eat them at friends' places. Am long time weaned from sugar craves, in food; I'd say twenty years now. I do like booze, which presents to the body as Sugar, honey. Moderation, the ideal to me (well, for me).