Need an exit strategy from a verbally abusive marriage

Reply Tue 1 Sep, 2009 08:23 am

What breed ?
Reply Tue 1 Sep, 2009 09:37 am
Yellow Labrador. She loves water so much that she would spend hours in a kid pool that was in my backyard. When it was not full of water she's spend her time lounging in the lawn sprinkler spray.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Sep, 2009 02:18 pm

Thank you. I have spoke with a 'mediator friendly' attorney who has told me the things I need to know for the mediation appointment which is set for Sept 13 unless not soon enough to be ex comes back with another delay tactic. Even though he no longer needs to delay things, I am sure his need for control will continue until he is forced into it legally.

My b-day is not for another month and I imagine he will completely forget about it by the time rolls around. (track record) If he does send one, however, I will return it to him unopened. As of yet, I've only had the satisfaction of ignoring any e-mails he sends and responding to the mediator and copying him on the correspendence between her and I. It's been quite interesting to see all the 'hateful' things I am implying from my non actions. -heh.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Sep, 2009 02:31 pm
Glitterbag, thank you for your interest. Like Arella Mae (on another thread) we've dealt with a variety of very strange behaviors.

You are right that I was afraid he was a bigger threat than I wanted to admit but I had the wonderful people here to help me really focus on the important issues and help me keep my focus on where it needed to be.

My not soon enough to be ex has been busy writing e-mails to me which paint me in the light of a vindictive woman who is out for nothing but the shirt off his back and copying in some of his family members on the e-mails. Sad to see my reputation slandered like that, but alas I think they know I'm not what he is accusing me of. If not, then they will get their wake up call someday when he does the same to them.

Through all of this, I am learning a lot about myself. I am a good, kind and caring person who has a lot of love to give someone. I deserve to be truly loved. Right now I am happy spending time with myself and my 5 kitties. We have redone the backyard, painted a few rooms and spent lots of time sleeping on my old broken down queen mattress. I have big dreams for my future Very Happy . I know there has to be a good man out there for me at some point, I am waiting for that day to come but in the meantime I am content with me. I have come a long way in just a few months...and I want to continue growing.
Reply Tue 1 Sep, 2009 10:49 pm
MagicBlackCat wrote:

Glitterbag, thank you for your interest. Like Arella Mae (on another thread) we've dealt with a variety of very strange behaviors.

You are right that I was afraid he was a bigger threat than I wanted to admit but I had the wonderful people here to help me really focus on the important issues and help me keep my focus on where it needed to be.

My not soon enough to be ex has been busy writing e-mails to me which paint me in the light of a vindictive woman who is out for nothing but the shirt off his back and copying in some of his family members on the e-mails. Sad to see my reputation slandered like that, but alas I think they know I'm not what he is accusing me of. If not, then they will get their wake up call someday when he does the same to them.

Through all of this, I am learning a lot about myself. I am a good, kind and caring person who has a lot of love to give someone. I deserve to be truly loved. Right now I am happy spending time with myself and my 5 kitties. We have redone the backyard, painted a few rooms and spent lots of time sleeping on my old broken down queen mattress. I have big dreams for my future Very Happy . I know there has to be a good man out there for me at some point, I am waiting for that day to come but in the meantime I am content with me. I have come a long way in just a few months...and I want to continue growing.
I wish u a lot of good luck.
I 'm glad that your husband did not prove to be violent.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 01:02 am
It sounds like you have a plan and everyone added great advice.

My sister was in a similar situation. She finally did get out but she had to give up half her pension. And of course he had to give her half of his, but half of nothing isn't much. Now that she's free of him she feels it was worth giving up some money, but it's still a sore spot. I don't understand men who are lazy like that and don't like working. I always thought men enjoy accomplishing things. Anyway, good luck to you.

Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 11:52 am
Thank you Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2009 01:05 pm
He lost his job last week.

He called the mediator "Little Hitler" because she was telling him how the law would look at his unreasonable requests for the divorce.

Someone hit me over the head and tell me "I told you so." I deserve it.

I just want him to let me go.
Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2009 02:29 pm
MagicBlackCat wrote:

He called the mediator "Little Hitler" because she was telling him how the law would look at his unreasonable requests for the divorce.

That's almost funny, if it weren't a serious situation.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2009 05:33 pm
He called the mediator "Little Hitler" because she was telling him how the law would look at his unreasonable requests for the divorce.

Woah! Wait a sec.

OH... do you mean what he thinks he should obtain from YOU in the divorce? Well, that's more believable!

I thought you meant, for a minute, that HE was requesting the divorce, and I'd have to start at the beginning of your thread and read very, very carefully!

Thank goodness you HAVE a mediator, since I'm sure he'd plan to "take you to the cleaner" otherwise. Got your lawyer all lined up? Sounds like you're gonna need one.

So did he get fired for Excessively Annoying His Supervisor, or what? (OK, just, kind of, joking there, it's really none of my biz.)
Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2009 05:34 pm
Someone hit me over the head and tell me "I told you so." I deserve it.

What the heck, hon? Why should YOU deserve any head-bangs?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Oct, 2009 01:09 am
BorisKitten wrote:
Woah! Wait a sec.

OH... do you mean what he thinks he should obtain from YOU in the divorce? Well, that's more believable!

Yes...things like wanting access to my backyard once a year (not specified what date) so that he can visit his old dogs grave. I completely understand his grief for the dog but he didn't seem to realize at all that is something that would be granted in friendship rather than as a stated 'decree' for the divorce. I mean seriously, he wants things the court can't ENFORCE if I didn't follow through on it and wanted the mediator to talk me into allowing it.

BorisKitten wrote:
Thank goodness you HAVE a mediator, since I'm sure he'd plan to "take you to the cleaner" otherwise. Got your lawyer all lined up? Sounds like you're gonna need one.

Yeah, I deserve a bonk in the head for wasting money on the mediator when it seemed everyone was telling me continuing with a lawyer was the best way to handle it.

BorisKitten wrote:

So did he get fired for Excessively Annoying His Supervisor, or what? (OK, just, kind of, joking there, it's really none of my biz.)

hehe. I wish I knew the details too but I was afraid to ask.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Oct, 2009 11:54 am
Well, the time has come for this MagicBlackCat to fade into the obscurity of the interwebz. *sad kitty* I've had this user name for over 15 years on a variety of different sites but in necessity to become more invisbile, I will no longer be posting on this name. Sad

*The MagicBlackCat climbs into the closet of obsecurity and fades out of view as she lays among the silky black threads of her favorite black velvet coat. She is right there under your nose, but you'd never know it unless she opens her eyes and says "meow."*
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 05:15 pm
*after several months have gone by the MagicBlackCat stretches her legs out and climbs out of the closet quietly*

Update: Yesterday was the final divorce hearing. In the end, he got (very) little more than what I offered in terms of the divorce in the intial paperwork. I would have worked with him on those issues so that we would not have needed to end up in court, but he kept adding to the terms as time went on. He did manage to string out the process for ten months, however. There are still a couple of loose end to tie up, but for the most part everything has been settled and with minimal issues. Yay!

Thanks to you all who provided assistance in putting together my exit plan and the support you all gave in making sure I was in the right frame of mind to get through it. I luvs u guys/gals!!

*Once again the MagicBlackCat would slip into the closet and disappear from view, snuggling the black velvet cloak set next to the skeleton and the dust bunnies. Who knows how long it will be before the cat is seen again....*
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 05:17 pm
Congratulations on your Independence Day!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 05:33 pm
CONGRATULATIONS on your liberation !
Don t let your guard down, MagicBlackCat.
The guy 's emotions are unpredictable.

If he had not been rude to u that night, in the beginning,
woud u have allowed your marriage to continue forever ?

I bet he is sorry that he was not more polite.

Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2010 01:33 pm
Thanks Buterfly and DAVID!

DAVID, you asked a very thought provoking question....and I am afraid I am going to ramble some more....

Truly it was not just one night that he was rude to me. Sometimes he was downright mean and nasty. I could see the red flags being posted all over the place but at the point they were happening it seems I was a bit color blind and only saw them as grey. Now that I have been able to get away from the verbally abusive remarks, I can see more what they did to me. I could always tell his manner of 'thinking' was very different from normal but I never knew the impact of that thinking could influence the way I saw myself.

The depression I expereinced over about 5 years was very slow in coming but at that point where I was crying myself to sleep every night because I thought "I" was the bad person he made me out to be, I knew that I had take drastic action.

According to him, I was argumentative and would scream at him for the most minor of issues. In reality, it was really the opposite. If I stood up for myself and expressed my own opinion on a matter and he did not agree with my point of view, he would push and push his thoughts onto me. Naturally I would argue back and while I admit I was not perfect in my communication style, I know that when I was pushed to a point of extreme frustration I would lash out and say things which were hurtful. They were wrong, I know and I am very thankful for the counseling sessions I attended that showed me, I could still get my point across without showing anger. I am not perfect but I know now, there are ways you can disagree with someone respectfully and lovingly.

It is sad but at many points in the time of my year of marriage, I simply did not care about defending myself. I would state a fact unemotionally and then remove myself from the situation so that I could be true to the person I knew myself to be deep down inside. That person is forgiving, kind and caring but I could not be that person around him, because he did not respect me. From the outside looking in, it would have seemed we were happy, but that was because I had simply disengaged from my emotions and I had learned at a very young age how to appear happy on the outside while secretly being miserable on the inside.

If I had it to do over again, I would have listened to my own inner voice a lot more. I would have heard the dread I got in my stomach when he suggested getting married.

I have promised myself that as I look to the future I am not going to make the same mistake I made with EX and the mistake my mother made with my step dad. I am not going to simply settle for a guy who says he loves me but who doesn't show it in his actions.

I probably am not making much sense at this point, but I had to get some of this out. Perhaps there are others who can comment on some of their own dealings with their relationship with someone who verbally abuses them....?

Verbal abuse may not leave physical scars one can see, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen more than we would like to admit.

Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 09:04 am
MagicBlackCat wrote:
Thanks Buterfly and DAVID!

DAVID, you asked a very thought provoking question....
Thank u.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
and I am afraid I am going to ramble some more....
U r a very good writer; it is a pleasure to read your writing. I felt sad that u were going to disappear into the black closet,
tho I certainly believe that your security is the most important thing n u must be governed by that consideration.
U think that ex will track u down ?

MagicBlackCat wrote:
Truly it was not just one night that he was rude to me.
Sometimes he was downright mean and nasty.
Horrible! for both of u.
How coud anyone enjoy life like that?

MagicBlackCat wrote:
I could see the red flags being posted all over the place but at the point
they were happening it seems I was a bit color blind and only saw them as grey.
Thay say that "love is blind."

MagicBlackCat wrote:
Now that I have been able to get away from the verbally abusive remarks,
I can see more what they did to me. I could always tell his manner of 'thinking' was very different from normal
but I never knew the impact of that thinking could influence the way I saw myself.

The depression I expereinced over about 5 years was very slow in coming
but at that point where I was crying myself to sleep every night
because I thought "I" was the bad person he made me out to be,
I knew that I had take drastic action.
Yeah, I c.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
According to him, I was argumentative and would scream at him for the most minor of issues.
It has been pointed out that arguments shed light, whereas quarrels shed heat.
The purpose of the former is understanding of truth;
the purpose of the latter is ego-domination.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
In reality, it was really the opposite.
If I stood up for myself and expressed my own opinion on a matter
and he did not agree with my point of view, he would push and push his thoughts onto me.
Ironic; years ago, I gave a friend a residential housing lease because in a social situation,
I admired his ability to argue skillfully.
I thought that we coud enjoy long-term argument.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
Naturally I would argue back and while I admit I was not perfect in my communication style,
I know that when I was pushed to a point of extreme frustration I would lash out
and say things which were hurtful. They were wrong,
I know and I am very thankful for the counseling sessions I attended
that showed me, I could still get my point across without showing anger.
That 's a good point!
I 've heard that on the USSC, the best of friends there r
Justices Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsbery, whose philosophy r diametrically opposed n thay vote in opposite ways.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
I am not perfect but I know now, there are ways you can disagree with someone respectfully and lovingly.
Yes, but I dispute that u r not perfect.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
It is sad but at many points in the time of my year of marriage,
I simply did not care about defending myself.
I would state a fact unemotionally and then remove myself from the situation so that
I could be true to the person I knew myself to be deep down inside.
That person is forgiving, kind and caring but I could not be that
person around him, because he did not respect me.
Terrible; u can t have a decent marriage, a viable marriage without mutual respect.
It is imperative, the sine qua non, that each of u admires the other.

MagicBlackCat wrote:

From the outside looking in, it would have seemed we were happy,
but that was because I had simply disengaged from my emotions
and I had learned at a very young age how to appear happy
on the outside while secretly being miserable on the inside.
That 's very sad.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
If I had it to do over again, I would have listened to my own inner voice a lot more.
I would have heard the dread I got in my stomach when he suggested getting married.
Yes; that is dispositive (meaning that it disposes of the question).

MagicBlackCat wrote:
I have promised myself that as I look to the future
I am not going to make the same mistake I made with EX
and the mistake my mother made with my step dad.
I am not going to simply settle for a guy who says he loves me
but who doesn't show it in his actions.
Understood. Whenever I hear of anyone going thru abusive domestic relations,
I 'm thrilled that I have not gone thru that.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
I probably am not making much sense at this point,
I don 't c Y not. U make sense to me; more than many folks on this board.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
but I had to get some of this out.
Catharisis can be very helpful; good for your emotions.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
Perhaps there are others who can comment on some of their own dealings
with their relationship with someone who verbally abuses them....?
I have a natural verbal ability that I 've used in verbal counter-attack, or simply to expose the flaws
in someone else 's reasoning. I rather enjoy it, actually.
I always have.

In discussion with a girl whom I loved, I limited myself to never saying anything negative, out of fear of alienating her;
I got rejected anyway. This was about 30 years ago.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
Verbal abuse may not leave physical scars one can see,
but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen more than we would like to admit.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 12:04 am
MagicBlackCat wrote:

I am afraid I am going to ramble some more....

No one here minds at all. Let he who has not rambled cast the first stone and all that. Rambling helps clear it all out.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
I was a bit color blind and only saw them as grey.

Love is blind. Uncertainty will blur the colors too.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
The depression I expereinced over about 5 years was very slow in coming but at that point where I was crying myself to sleep every night because I thought "I" was the bad person he made me out to be, I knew that I had take drastic action.

Been in exactly the same place only it was 3 years.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
It is sad but at many points in the time of my year of marriage, I simply did not care about defending myself.

Yes. You stop bothering because what's the point? I also stopped defending the ones I loved when he would rant or deceive them.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
From the outside looking in, it would have seemed we were happy, but that was because I had simply disengaged from my emotions and I had learned at a very young age how to appear happy on the outside while secretly being miserable on the inside.

Once again I know how you feel. I even got to the point where i could purposefully cry out of only one eye so that I could be sitting right next to someone and they would never know I was weeping unless I turned to look at them. This came in handy most during car trips where I could not get away from his words but I would be damned if I let him see me cry. I would just even out my breathing, steel my face into an emotionless mask, turn my head to look slightly away out my window and jut let the tears come pouring out of my one eye. The bastard....

MagicBlackCat wrote:
I have promised myself that as I look to the future I am not going to make the same mistake I made with EX and the mistake my mother made with my step dad. I am not going to simply settle for a guy who says he loves me but who doesn't show it in his actions.

There is someone out there for you who is perfect. I am glad you are not closing off the possibility of finding them. I found mine and I have never been happier.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
I probably am not making much sense at this point, but I had to get some of this out. Perhaps there are others who can comment on some of their own dealings with their relationship with someone who verbally abuses them....?

You make perfect sense to me, but maybe you have to have been there.

MagicBlackCat wrote:
Verbal abuse may not leave physical scars one can see, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen more than we would like to admit.

So very very true. That had to have been the hardest thing to explain to other people. Everyone thought we were so happy and then one day I finally just woke up and ended it. Everyone was shocked and looked at me like I was the horrible one. Sometimes I almost wish he had hit me once then I could have had some proof, some physical thing to show people and yell "See! He's a monster!" and have saved myself years of heartache from it. Plus I would not have tried so hard or stayed so long in the relationship. If he had ever so much as slapped me I would have had him in jail and all his crap in the dumpster within an hour. Amazing what we decide to live with. What we convince ourselves is OK.
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 05:17 am
Aldistar wrote:
That had to have been the hardest thing to explain to other people. Everyone thought we were so happy and then one day I finally just woke up and ended it. Everyone was shocked and looked at me like I was the horrible one. Sometimes I almost wish he had hit me once then I could have had some proof, some physical thing to show people and yell "See! He's a monster!" and have saved myself years of heartache from it. Plus I would not have tried so hard or stayed so long in the relationship. If he had ever so much as slapped me I would have had him in jail and all his crap in the dumpster within an hour. Amazing what we decide to live with. What we convince ourselves is OK.
That reminds me of Marilyn, who lived with me about 25 or 30 years ago;
I remember her taking offense at my failure to charge
one of my tenants more rent. It was very clear to me that she
sought to provoke me to great rage, from her body language
and the look on her face, as she impugned my masculinity.

It was ez to see that she wanted me to lose all control
and become violent with her: that never happened.
I laffed it off. I believe that she tried the same thing
a couple of other times that were less conspicuous.
I never rose to the bait. I DID mention it to her mother tho,
when she was speaking to me on the fone.
She was trying to convince me to marry her.

It was obvious to me, as a trial attorney at the time,
that if I 'd been stupid enuf to take the bait,
she 'd have sued me, successfully, for assault and battery,
and with good reason. I was not THAT dum.

She 'd have had the police on me too, with more good reason.

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