Need an exit strategy from a verbally abusive marriage

Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 10:22 pm
Aldistar thank you so much for sharing that with me. Funny how many similarities there are.....

Aldistar wrote:

Once again I know how you feel. I even got to the point where i could purposefully cry out of only one eye so that I could be sitting right next to someone and they would never know I was weeping unless I turned to look at them. This came in handy most during car trips where I could not get away from his words but I would be damned if I let him see me cry. I would just even out my breathing, steel my face into an emotionless mask, turn my head to look slightly away out my window and jut let the tears come pouring out of my one eye. The bastard....

Ah yes, the car trips from hell. Wanting ever so much to just have him stop the car and let me out just so that I could get away from it.

I never will understand, he could be in a great mood, but he would get in the car and begin driving and boom 'instant asshole'. It got to the point I dreaded riding in the car with him anywhere.

I too have done the one eyed cry, at points it was hard to surpress the runny nose when one has tears flowing. I remember vividly an instance where he had been drinking on hot July night, we were about an hour away from home and I was driving while he proceeded to lay into me. I asked him several times to be quiet and that we would talk about it later. I yelled out "STOP IT" when I just could not handle any more bullying. I warned him 5 times that if he did not stop, I was going to pull off somewhere so that I could get out of the car and away from him. He still continued. Consequently, I pulled off the highway and into a closed office complex parking lot and got out of the car.

He got out and proceeded to continue his tirade. I told him that I would not continue to be treated in such a manner and if he continued I would leave him there. He must not have beleived me because he kept on...I handed him his cell phone and told him to call his sister to pick him and take him home. He said "Fine." I got back in the car and drove away, leaving him there. His sister lived relatively close to us, and I knew she was going to be passing by the area a short time later so I knew he would not be stranded completely with no way of getting home. I drove the whole way home, ignoring the 20 calls I got from him. A half hour or so after I got home, he rang the doorbell (he had a key but was putting on a show for his sis who could see from the car.) He was nice, too nice for the rest of the evening. The whole next day he accused me of leaving him stranded and that he had no choice to get out of the car and that his sister was quite put out that she had to stop everything she was doing to go pick him up.

Aldistar wrote:
So very very true. That had to have been the hardest thing to explain to other people. Everyone thought we were so happy and then one day I finally just woke up and ended it. Everyone was shocked and looked at me like I was the horrible one. Sometimes I almost wish he had hit me once then I could have had some proof, some physical thing to show people and yell "See! He's a monster!" and have saved myself years of heartache from it. Plus I would not have tried so hard or stayed so long in the relationship. If he had ever so much as slapped me I would have had him in jail and all his crap in the dumpster within an hour. Amazing what we decide to live with. What we convince ourselves is OK.

The other day when I saw him, he made comments about how he still thought the marriage was worth saving. Yes, of course he would say that because he was living in heaven. He had someone who put up with him acting like a child and a bully and gave him a roof over his head. And yet even as he said that, he was absolutely convinced that the only reason I did not still want to be with him is because I had found someone else. Rolling Eyes It's too bad, because I could communicate until I was blue in the face and show him instances where his behavior was abusive and it was either turned around so that I was abusing him in some way or I'd get a cursory "Sorry" with nary a hint of remorse in his voice.

He prided himself on 'letting go' of issues well before I would. Something inside him could not allow him to think, his actions were horrible. Why would I still have a reason to be upset?.... he said he was 'sorry' after all. But that never meant he owned up to his responsibility to adjust behavior in a more loving manner the next time. Rolling Eyes Yeah, I was the bad guy in every instance. He had no choice in his actions....Ha.
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 10:47 pm

A psychiatrist of my acquaintance said:
"David, anyone who u think is NOT crazy, is just someone who u don 't know well enuf."

Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 10:26 am
I just had to share.......would love to hear how A2K's would respond to him. I have no words to say except..............ARGHHHHHHHHHH.

Now that we are divorced, I hope you can be less angry. Please let bygones be bygones. If we can be polite and not hostile, this will be much easier on both of us. You said you did not like the games I played. Please understand I was not playing any games. I ask you to accept my apology for the perception that I was playing games. This was not my intention, and I do ask your forgiveness. As for my comment,” till when?” when you said you did not cheat on me, I have had a person that knows you, tell me you have been seeing someone for sometime. If this is not true, I am sorry. If this is true, I did not mean to make you angry. I certainly did not want our last words to be angry ones.

Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 10:55 am
I think I would just have to block all his emails. I have a feeling he will always try to contact you just to get the last word or because he knows it upsets you.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 11:24 am
MagicBlackCat wrote:
I never will understand, he could be in a great mood, but he would get in the car and begin driving and boom 'instant asshole'. It got to the point I dreaded riding in the car with him anywhere.

Car rides were a special hell. I was never allowed to drive if we were both in the car.He claimed it was a 'guy thing' I know it was a control measure. I came so close to hopping out at red lights and just walking away quite a few times.

With my ex it was not always what he said and how he said it but what went unsaid a great deal. He would put on this show of being in a super great mood for a while and suddenly he would sit in a corner and look sad. I would try to get him to tell me what was wrong but I would get the silent treatment. This would go on for days. No words said other than the occaisional 'I'm just not happy right now'. It would only end after he had me thoroughly convinced that he was lamenting some great crime against him by me (there never were any) and I would end up doing everything I could to cheer him up.

This happened one Valentines day. We spent a week making plans with some friends to go out and have dinner and a movie and just have a general nice time. A first for us in quite awhile.On the big night at the last minute as I am about to go and get dressed he clams up and starts to pout. I knew where this was going but I asked him what's wrong anyway. He fidgets and sighs and puts on his usual act and finally decides that he is sad today and isn't going to go out, which means neither am I. We were supposed to meet our friends in 10 minutes. I think this may have been the beginning of the end for us because while I sympathized with him and felt disappointed I marched back to our room got changed into my best dress, did the hair up and everything. When I walked back out he looked at me all surprised and stammered out "But I thought we weren't going" I calmly told him that I was sorry he felt badly, but I needed to get out of the house and I also didn't want to disappoint our friends.

I walked out the door and got in the car. He ame running out and jumped in. His claim was that with me all dressed up he was now obligated to go to make sure nothing would happen to me (see the guilt reversal on that one?) We met our friends and went to dinner. The jerk slumped himself in the corner of the booth and drew frown faces all over the tablecloth with a crayon he had found under the table. Our friends kept looking at me like 'what the hell?' I just shrugged and pretended he wasn't there the whole evening seeing as how that was how he was acting. Thigs like this occured with regularity. Looking back I shake my head and wonder what the hell was wrong with me that I put up with this crap.
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 02:58 pm
Any chance of bi-polar manic-depressive disorder ?
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 03:04 pm
Aldistar wrote:

Car rides were a special hell. I was never allowed to drive if we were both in the car.He claimed it was a 'guy thing' I know it was a control measure. I came so close to hopping out at red lights and just walking away quite a few times.

With my ex it was not always what he said and how he said it but what went unsaid a great deal. He would put on this show of being in a super great mood for a while and suddenly he would sit in a corner and look sad. I would try to get him to tell me what was wrong but I would get the silent treatment. This would go on for days. No words said other than the occaisional 'I'm just not happy right now'. It would only end after he had me thoroughly convinced that he was lamenting some great crime against him by me (there never were any) and I would end up doing everything I could to cheer him up.

This happened one Valentines day. We spent a week making plans with some friends to go out and have dinner and a movie and just have a general nice time. A first for us in quite awhile.On the big night at the last minute as I am about to go and get dressed he clams up and starts to pout. I knew where this was going but I asked him what's wrong anyway. He fidgets and sighs and puts on his usual act and finally decides that he is sad today and isn't going to go out, which means neither am I. We were supposed to meet our friends in 10 minutes. I think this may have been the beginning of the end for us because while I sympathized with him and felt disappointed I marched back to our room got changed into my best dress, did the hair up and everything. When I walked back out he looked at me all surprised and stammered out "But I thought we weren't going" I calmly told him that I was sorry he felt badly, but I needed to get out of the house and I also didn't want to disappoint our friends.

I walked out the door and got in the car. He ame running out and jumped in. His claim was that with me all dressed up he was now obligated to go to make sure nothing would happen to me (see the guilt reversal on that one?) We met our friends and went to dinner. The jerk slumped himself in the corner of the booth and drew frown faces all over the tablecloth with a crayon he had found under the table. Our friends kept looking at me like 'what the hell?' I just shrugged and pretended he wasn't there the whole evening seeing as how that was how he was acting. Thigs like this occured with regularity. Looking back I shake my head and wonder what the hell was wrong with me that I put up with this crap.

Wow Aldistar. I am so glad you are not with that guy any more. That was certainly very passive aggressive behavior on his part! I wonder what your friends thought of him doing that. I am sure it didn't make him look like the angel he was pretending to be.

It took me twelve long years to see all the veiled insults and passive aggressive behavior, but you know it wasn't until I researched "verbal abuse" and by chance happened to come across information on narssistic personality disorder that I truly got confirmation from several different sources that my EX's behavior was NOT normal. Of course, part of the reason it took so long is that for several years EX worked at night while I worked during the day, so there was lots of "me" time in the evenings which helped me keep perspective. It wasn't until he went down to the part time work hours, and then eventually quit that I realized, I no longer had that "me" time to refocus my thoughts and do what I wanted to without his controlling every second. It was living hell.

It took me several months to really relax in my own skin. I had not realized how much I lived on egg shells around him. One day it was like a light bulb went off and I realized...hey! I can actually laugh out loud to a joke an online friend told me because I didn't have to be afraid I would accused of cheating on him because I had a friendwho made me laugh.

So glad it is water under the bridge. I am certain I looked like the bad guy in the divorce, but I know deep down in me, it was absolutely necessary for my own health. Looking out for numero uno now and it never felt so freeing.

Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 03:09 pm
Haha...I have to laugh...he called me on my work phone and left a message....

"Just thought you should know....your personal e-mail is blocking my messages. Can you unblock me please, I don't like sending you e-mails to your work."

Control...it's all about control.....

He is going to be even more unhappy soon because once the final issues are taken care of he will be blocked from my work e-mail and phone too.
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 03:24 pm
He sure doesn't know how to stop - or how to accept responsibility.


Good riddance to a nuisance.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 04:10 pm
MagicBlackCat wrote:
Haha...I have to laugh...he called me on my work phone and left a message....

"Just thought you should know....your personal e-mail is blocking my messages.
Can you unblock me please, I don't like sending you e-mails to your work."

Control...it's all about control.....

He is going to be even more unhappy soon because once the final issues are taken care of
he will be blocked from my work e-mail and phone too.
Be mindful of personal security, tho.
If possible: don 't freak him out.
We don 't wanna read about any parking lot ambushes.

I don't know whether diplomacy can help keep him calm.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 11:46 pm
You know, I had thought about that while we were still together and tried to get him to go see a doctor, but he claimed he knew how to 'read' himself and that he was fine. Anytime I tried to convince him that he (or we) had issues he would get all offended and mad and tell me I didn't know what I was talking about. He seemed to take pride in the fact that he knew he had issues and refused to work on them. A lot of it was pure acting, though. I would see him pull these emotional acts with friends and acqaintances and when he got what he wanted he would drop the act right then and there. He would manipulate people and laugh at them when they left the room. No one was safe.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 11:50 pm
Wow! That is just awesome.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Mar, 2010 12:04 am
MagicBlackCat wrote:

Wow Aldistar. I am so glad you are not with that guy any more.

LOL Me too!

MagicBlackCat wrote:
Of course, part of the reason it took so long is that for several years EX worked at night while I worked during the day, so there was lots of "me" time in the evenings which helped me keep perspective. It wasn't until he went down to the part time work hours, and then eventually quit that I realized, I no longer had that "me" time to refocus my thoughts and do what I wanted to without his controlling every second. It was living hell.

I think that was part of why it took me so long too. I was in college and the curriculum was excruciatingly hard and time consuming. 5 days a week 7 hours a day in class and double that at my drawing table to keep up with the homework load. I literally didn't have much time to really stop and think about all the things that were falling apart around us, they were all just a constant ache with frequent flare ups.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Mar, 2010 01:33 am
For the sake of security,
in parting, try to find something good to recognize about him
and give him credit for that to support his dignity, and his ego.
I suggest that in parting, u don 't take an "I won" attitude, nor "I showed YOU!" attitude.
If that is dangerous, u might not know it until it is too late.
Reply Tue 9 Mar, 2010 10:52 am

thank you. that is a good point. He always took pride in making a great effort to make Christmas a special holiday. One of the remaining issues is that he is to return my childhood christmas ornanments so I will feed some of his narssisim a compliment about "remembering Christmas celebrations in a fond way". In the past, he has reacted well to that kind of thing. It certainly can't hurt anything.....

Lordy I just wish he would stop accusing me of cheating on him.
Reply Tue 9 Mar, 2010 10:43 pm
MagicBlackCat wrote:


thank you. that is a good point. He always took pride in making a great effort to make Christmas a special holiday. One of the remaining issues is that he is to return my childhood christmas ornanments so I will feed some of his narssisim a compliment about "remembering Christmas celebrations in a fond way". In the past, he has reacted well to that kind of thing. It certainly can't hurt anything.....

MagicBlackCat wrote:
Lordy I just wish he would stop accusing me of cheating on him.
Give him that for ego support,
as a parting gift, to wit: " OK, so long. By the way firstname,
I want u to know that I never cheated on u. G'bye. "
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 May, 2010 03:39 pm

His mother cashed in several bonds to pay off a mortgage for her daughter in law and bought him a house to live in. Given the timing, I imagine she'd had enough of him living with her.

I haven't heard from him in over a month. And yet even though I get lonely sometimes I don't think about him as a person who can provide what I need in the way of affection and closesness anymore.

I can honestly say at this point that I am happy with myself. Smile
Reply Thu 13 May, 2010 03:43 pm
I 'm glad that u got thru it safely and successfully.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2012 06:53 pm
I want to hear the end of your story, or at least the next chapter. What happened? I am in a similar situation......
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 09:57 am
How did it go? I ask because I am in the situation you describe and am just starting my exit plan. I found this post/thread SO helpful and hope that it all went to plan for you and that you are a happy person again now Smile K
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