Edgar, I am so sorry to hear this very sad news about your brother. I can see from your posts that he was very important to you & that you'll miss him a great deal. I can also now see where your interest in cartoons comes from .... looks like it's a family thing!
I am sorry for your loss, Edgar. I have 2 brothers. The three of us are always worrying about each other's health.
msolga, wandljw - I appreciate your kind rearks.
Sam and I collected comics from the moment we could read them. Prior to that, it had been a house without books. Mom occasionally read Reader's Digest, and I had a copy of Heidi, with pictures of Shirley Temple in it, but it's all I remember. I began the first grade without a memory of looking through any books, except that one.
We had our seperate stacks of comics. I am not sure if we brought them to Texas, or if we started anew, once there. Of course, we read real literature, once the school taught us how. Sam liked The Carrot Seed very much. I looked for stories about horses and sometimes dogs. Roger, too, was an insatiable reader. He loved science fiction and historical novels. I liked sci-fi, also, but soon discovered Charles Dickens. Sam's art took prevalence in his life. I don't recall that he read as much as me and Roger.
My computer has always skipped letters and I am a poor typist. Please forgive any errors, as I am not as alert that way as normal.
Absolutely nothing to "forgive", edgar. This thread is a wonderful tribute to your brother.
Edgar, please accept my sincere condolences on you brothers' passing. I lost my brother five years ago to cancer so I know this particular brand of heartache quite well.
Your tribute to him here is very fine indeed. I hope he knew how much you loved and admired him. Take care of yourself.
Thanks, eoe. It's a comfort to have so many a2k friends at a time like this.
So sorry, Edgar. Do what you have to do, but remember, sometimes stoicism is overrated. A lot of people here really care for you.
One can be stoic and still have feelings, spike. But, I get the drift, and I truly thank you.
I just saw this one... wow!
Should have added what I meant by "this one" -- the stegosaurus print. Lovely detail.
I have some more of Sam's work. Naturally, most of the best is not here with me.
I posted some cartoons and illustrations of his on this thread. Just scroll down the page.
On the link I just posted, some of the pictures appear on the next page.
Oh edgar. My heartfelt condolences. I wish I had the right words to comfort you. I do want to thank you so much for sharing with us the treasure of Sam's beautiful work. Now I feel like I knew him, also.
May his memory
forever live on in his wonderful legacy.
(((((( edgar )))))))
Take good care of you.
Thank you. Please let me add some good wishes for your father, justbrooke.
edgarblythe wrote:This thread will be a tribute to my brother
it certainly has been. It is always good to read about such love between siblings.
I'm so sorry to have read about your brother's passing, edgarB. He sounds like a fine, humourous man. I'm glad he was part of your life.
Sam and I have had our problems. When I left him in Providence, he and I were on the outs, and it carried over into our relationship here in Houston. Ultimately, it was time and love that healed our rift. We agreed that where we disagree, we would just let it alone. Instead we concentrated on the things that made us close in the first place.