Thu 9 Apr, 2009 11:16 am
This thread will be a tribute to my brother, who died this morning. He had cancer. Sam was an artist. Much of his best work came in the form of cartoons and book and record album art.
Oh, edgar. I cannot find the words to express my sorrow for you and for him. The world has lost another talented man, but you are a testament to his life.
edgar, I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your brother. (I appreciate your tribute to him; he's very talented.)
It's obvious he was a great guy with great talent and loved a great deal by his brother. Hugs, eb.
Sam was wonderfully talented, edgar. My sincere condolences to you and the rest of Sam's loved ones. Your tribute makes me smile.
JPB, this deserves a separate thread.
Here we are together, about 17 years ago.
Great picture Edgar....he was very talented - I love his work. My heart does go out to you and your family - I know he will be missed. Thanks for sharing this with us.
He and another fellow developed a daily c0mic strip for the Swedish market. Sam believed it was ultimately rejected because one character was not deemed acceptable in that country.
I'm sorry for the loss of your brother.
I plan to post more by and about Sam later.