The misunderstandings really don't matter. This is what does matter.
The courts have ruled that it is constitutional to ban some weapons, namely those called assault weapons in various laws.
Your argument that all semiautomatic rifles are equal is a double edged sword.
It works well for you as long as you can keep enough gun owners emotionally engaged to want to protect their rifles that would not be banned under assault weapon bans. We already see some cracks in that as various gun owners have posted videos of them cutting apart their Ar-15 or speaking publicly about supporting some sort of gun controls.
But let's assume for a moment that another assault weapons ban is passed. The gun owners no longer vote as a bloc and the ban is passed. It is challenged repeatedly and the courts rule the same way they have in the past. Stare decisis would point us in that direction.
So "assault weapons" can be and are banned.
But other semiautomatics are no different from those assault weapons. We have years of gun owners such as orally, McGentrix, Baldimo making that argument. They are the authorities on this issue. Heck, pistol grips are just cosmetic!!!!!!
Since all semiautomatics are exactly the same and since some semiautomatics can be banned, any gun that is the same as those that are banned can be banned. You have made the argument they are all the same and would have no legal defense to now claim they are different under a Constitutional challenge. At that point, it would only require the ban to be extended to all weapons that are the same and it would be impossible for you to stop it in the courts and unlikely for you to repeal it.