Cycloptichorn wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I guess it's one thing that your guns will never protect you from -
losing an essential part of your Humanity.
Is this your
personal superstition, Cyclo,
about losing part of my humanity, or do u have some evidence of this?
What is the source of your information about this?
Did u get it in a dream ??
Did a fairy tell u? or an elf?
Please attempt to be more serious, David.
When I wrote asking u of elves n fairys,
I implied that you
lacked the quality of being
in alleging that I was "losing an essential part of your Humanity".
U appear to re-define "humanity" in some secret way.
Its not likely that my Individualism, nor my love of promoting greed
each American citizen has affected my DNA.
When I have social contact with people, especially the young,
if a convenient opportunity arises for this, I try to employ clever
or creative ways to encourage selfishness and greed in each citizen
(not to imply being stingy, because sometimes generosity can be
and to question, challenge and subvert unselfishness, which is unnatural and
Cyclo: being coercive, being extortive in support of your favorite charities,
being authoritarian, being oriented toward collectivism does
NOT make u more
than u were b4 u adopted those practices (as if the humans had to be extortionists).