Guns: how much longer will it take ....

Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 01:26 am
Actually I'm not. I recognize their culpability in creating the situation, and I think they are guilty of manslaughter for the death arising from the situation that they created.
Wow. First time I've seen you say that outright in such a way. Good for you (You've mentioned the manslaughter charges before, but it always seems to come with a caveat at it was the victims fault)
But you are refusing to recognize this woman's fear after this guy said that she wasn't going to like what he was about to do and then tried to lure her pet away from her.
I'm not sure whose writing you are reading:

- She might have felt afraid initially at the vague 'threat'.

- Which of course could be viewed as threatening, as I said…....What that vague 'threat' actually meant, would be seen in the follow up actions.... If someone said what he said, then offered my dog a treat, I too would pull my dog back and tell him to f**k off....…She might have been frightened for a bit. And that fright would be justified to a degree….. That fright after he offered her dog a treat, should have alleviated quickly given the subsequent calm, non-threatening, rational, conscience free behaviours of the man, but it continued to morph into a racist rant by the girl.

That's because she didn't lack fear. Her fear was just as genuine as the fear of the jogger in Georgia.
There's wiggle room here. You've gone from comparing her fear to the joggers fear for his life (implying it is of the same level), to now just talking about both having fear - which there is no dispute over.

Here are the parts where you accused her of racism for merely calling 911 when a black man said she wasn't going to like what he was about to do and then tried to lure her pet away from her:

"a racist rant by the girl."
"the white girls racist rant?"
"going on a racist rant"
"her racism"

Umm…wow. You remove words from context that explains why it was racist…to try and put new words in my mouth? That post explains exactly why it was racist. It most certainly was not merely for calling 911 when a black man said she wasn't going to like what he was about to do and then tried to lure her pet away from her, which sort of behaviour would be fine.
That limited defense was nice of course. But supporting the false accusation of racism still supports the lynch mob that is using that false accusation to justify doing actual harm to her.

Hardly. She’s not here. Marketing departments don’t follow this forum (and there’s no way of measuring it). It’s a discussion on the rights and wrongs of a situation.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 07:04 am
Gun owners are putting their metal where their manhoods are in a bizarre trend that sees men courting danger to prove how well they can manage a gun.

Those participating in the meme do so by pointing their gun at their genitals with the safety off, placing their finger over the trigger, and posting a photo of it on social media. And voila, just like that – proof they are very manly.

Here’s Why Men Are Pointing Loaded Guns at Their Dicks
Gun people are taking pictures of themselves aiming weapons at their dicks. The safety is off, their finger hovers on the trigger, and the barrel of the weapon is pointed straight at their genitals. “Now these MAGA dolts are pointing guns at their dicks with the safeties off and their fingers on the trigger to own the libs,” filmmaker Dylan Park tweeted alongside three pictures of guns pointed at dicks.

But pointing a gun at your penis has nothing to do with owning the libs and everything to do with ironically mocking basic safety in gun culture. The trend is about a year old and it was born in the fires of Facebook’s gun groups. On one side are responsible gun owners, on the other is a group of men aiming a deadly weapon at their dicks to prove a point that they can only vaguely explain.

Gun enthusiasts love taking pictures of their guns. It’s common practice. America has a gun culture as robust, diverse, and complicated as comic book fans, fantasy nerds, PC gamers, or any other subculture. Like those communities, gun nerds have their own memetic language and fight among themselves. Unlike pop culture enthusiasts, the hobby of a gun nerd is based on a tool designed to kill. It’s distressing then, to the responsible gun owner, when fringe elements in their community post pictures online of them pointing guns at their dicks.

And gun nerds are distressed. “These gun owners do not represent us,” Brandon Curtis, owner of Concealed Nation—a gun blog whose tagline is "we are responsible carry"—said in a post on his site. “Just as with any other types of trolls, do not feed them. I’ve seen a rash of these posts in the Concealed Nation Extra group, and all involved received a permanent ban. It comes down to safety, and those actions break many rules.”

But this still raises the question, why are people pointing guns at their dicks and taking a picture of it? It has nothing to do with "owning the libs." It is, essentially, shitposting, and internal fighting within the gun ownership community.

Like with any other fandom, there’s levels to gun culture. In the online gun community there are "normies" and "fudds." Normies cover a range of people, anyone from a basic handgun owner to the completely uninitiated. Fudds—as in Bugs Bunny hunter Elmer Fudd—are the old heads, weirdos, and dedicated gun nuts. Some fudds hate normies and the way normies talk about guns. Even the normies who know their way around a firearm.

A chief complaint among fudds is the normie’s devotion to safety, typically manifested as knee-jerk praise of trigger discipline. For the uninitiated, watching trigger discipline refers to the act of keeping your finger off the trigger of a firearm until you’re ready to fire the weapon. It’s a safety basic, along with never pointing a gun at anyone or anything you don’t intend to harm, and always assuming a gun is loaded. Trigger and muzzle discipline will tell you a lot about a person holding a firearm. Typically, if they keep the muzzle away from the camera and their finger off the trigger—even while holding the grip—they know their way around a weapon.

Inevitably, when some idiot posts a picture of themselves with a firearm, another idiot will jump into the comments to praise or chide the idiot for their trigger discipline. Some fudds hate this.

“The uninitiated zero in on dumb **** like this because it's their entire knowledge base. It's the only thing they understand,” the moderator of the Facebook group “**** Gun Normos Say,” said in a post. “Congratulating people for keeping their finger in the right place is like congratulating somebody for not wrapping their seatbelt around their neck, or for not shitting their pants in public.”

To combat this apparent scourge of responsible gun ownership, some fudds have taken to posting pictures of themselves pointing allegedly loaded weapons at their own dicks, with their finger on the trigger. If this doesn’t make sense to you, you’re not alone. The trend is around a year old, and it’s an issue gun groups—especially those on Facebook—have been dealing with for a while.
... ... ...
By the "logic" of gun owners, those who put themselves in the most dangerous position are the only ones who can really prove how brave they are. Just think about it like cycling through a red traffic light at an intersection with no handlebars, or setting your house on fire just to prove you can get out. It certainly is one way of looking at the world.
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 12:27 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
What I wonder about is how the first guy whose finger slips or doesn't realize there was still a shell in the chamber is going to like going through the rest of his life with no penis.
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 01:17 pm
Probably not a lot different from what it was before.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 03:23 pm
Are you wondering who's going to piss his pants first? Or become holier than thou? But the reality is, there's every possibility the first guy to manage it will take off ahead.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 05:42 pm
vikorr wrote:
Wow. First time I've seen you say that outright in such a way. Good for you (You've mentioned the manslaughter charges before, but it always seems to come with a caveat at it was the victims fault)

I never said that it was the victim's fault. I said that "only shooting after the jogger charged at Travis McMichael" reduced their motivational culpability from murder to manslaughter. Reducing their motivational culpability does not make it anyone's fault.

I focused on that issue because we were discussing the difference between murder and manslaughter. Had I been talking to someone who was saying there was no crime, then I would have been focusing on the difference between manslaughter and justified self defense.

However... I'm revising my position in light of the lynching of Amy Cooper. Clearly it is unreasonable for me to expect people to try to summon the police when they have trouble with a minority. There is now a much stronger case that Travis and Gregory McMichael were right to try to handle this all by themselves.

vikorr wrote:
I'm not sure whose writing you are reading:
- She might have felt afraid initially at the vague 'threat'.

She felt threatened continuously until the guy went away and stopped menacing her.

The threat did not alleviate until after the guy went away and stopped menacing her. And he did not do that until after she called the police.

vikorr wrote:
There's wiggle room here. You've gone from comparing her fear to the joggers fear for his life (implying it is of the same level), to now just talking about both having fear - which there is no dispute over.

Tomato, to-mah-to.

vikorr wrote:
Umm...wow. You remove words from context that explains why it was racist...

Calling 911 when a black man says that you are not going to like what he is about to do and then tries to lure your pet away is not racist in any way.

vikorr wrote:
...to try and put new words in my mouth?

All four quotations are accurate.

vikorr wrote:
That post explains exactly why it was racist. It most certainly was not merely for calling 911 when a black man said she wasn't going to like what he was about to do and then tried to lure her pet away from her, which sort of behaviour would be fine.

The only thing that this woman did was call 911 when a black man said that she wasn't going to like what he was about to do and then tried to lure her pet away.

vikorr wrote:
Hardly. She's not here. Marketing departments don't follow this forum (and there's no way of measuring it). It's a discussion on the rights and wrongs of a situation.

The fact that you are a very small voice in a very large lynch mob does not absolve you of moral culpability for the atrocity that the lynch mob is committing.
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 05:44 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Gun owners are putting their metal where their manhoods are in a bizarre trend that sees men courting danger to prove how well they can manage a gun.


Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 06:05 pm
You're doing your racist thing again, inventing scenarios to make the guilty white people the innocent victims and the innocentblack people involved the real perpetrators.. Thst's racist and total fabrications and you do it all the time.
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 06:09 pm
Irrational as you tend to be, I still would hope not, but always wear a Kevlar cup to make sure, just in case you're tempted.
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 06:35 pm
I am not even a little bit tempted.
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 06:38 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
You're doing your racist thing again,

Falsely accusing everyone really does make you look silly.

MontereyJack wrote:
inventing scenarios to make the guilty white people the innocent victims and the innocent black people involved the real perpetrators..

I've invented nothing. That guy in the park told Amy Cooper that she was not going to like what he was about to do and then tried to lure her pet away from her.

It was perfectly reasonable for her to call the police. And, to copy something from one of my previous posts:

I'd think you'd prefer a police call to just killing the guy where he stands.

The police can come, sort out what actually happened, tell the girl that she needs to use a leash (maybe even write her a ticket), tell the guy that it's really dumb to say something like that to a stranger, and have everyone go on their way.

By making it impossible for people to call the police in such situations, you are giving them no choice but to gun minorities down for perceived threats.

MontereyJack wrote:
That's racist

As above, these false accusations make you look silly.

MontereyJack wrote:
and total fabrications and you do it all the time.

That is incorrect. I tell the truth all the time.
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 08:42 pm
No. You fabricate what you call reality all the time. It's alternate reality, i.e. not reality. You're doing that here, and you're coming down on the side of the racist one in the situation as you always seem to do. I'm a little unclear how telling someone to call the cops, as he did, makes it impossible to call the cops as you contend. She makes the call and then her case falls apart. It's on her. He wasn't threatening her. He stayed at least ten feet away, she gets racist and vindictive and false, which is why the Manhattan DA is looking into filing charges against her, not him. You're condoning murder of innocents.
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 08:43 pm
try to keep that thought in mind.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 08:45 pm
I don't accuse everyone. just people who make racist posts. If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck...…and I read your posts.
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 09:02 pm
You cannot provide any examples of racism in any of my posts.

You are just using false accusations as a crutch because you cannot support your position using facts or logic.

But your false accusations are harmful. You should stop doing it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 09:20 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
No. You fabricate what you call reality all the time. It's alternate reality, i.e. not reality.

You cannot provide examples of anything untrue in any of my posts.

MontereyJack wrote:
You're doing that here,

Everything that I've said is true. This guy told Amy Cooper that she was not going to like what she was about to do, and then he tried to lure her pet away from her.

MontereyJack wrote:
and you're coming down on the side of the racist one in the situation as you always seem to do.

There is nothing racist about people protecting themselves when they perceive a threat from a minority. People have the right to be safe.

MontereyJack wrote:
I'm a little unclear how telling someone to call the cops, as he did, makes it impossible to call the cops as you contend.

What makes it impossible for people to call the cops when they perceive a threat from a minority is the fact that you will lynch them and destroy their lives if they do that.

MontereyJack wrote:
She makes the call and then her case falls apart. It's on her. He wasn't threatening her.

He told her that she was not going to like what he was about to do, and then he tried to lure her pet away from her.

MontereyJack wrote:
He stayed at least ten feet away, she gets racist and vindictive and false,

Calling the cops when someone says that you aren't going to like what they're about to do, and then tries to lure your pet away from you, is neither racist nor vindictive nor false.

And what gives you the right to complain about such a call even if the call had been phony? Progressives have an actual history of murdering conservatives with such untrue calls. You don't like the idea of someone giving you a dose of your own medicine (even when they actually aren't)??

MontereyJack wrote:
which is why the Manhattan DA is looking into filing charges against her, not him.

Which is why now people who perceive a threat from a minority will simply start shooting instead of calling the police.

MontereyJack wrote:
You're condoning murder of innocents.

It's not murder in any way. People have the right to be safe from threats. Shooting perceived threats makes people safe.
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 09:38 pm
She felt threatened continuously until the guy went away and stopped menacing her.
And of course, by "menacing" you mean "Videoing her histrionics, standing still, talking in a reasonable tone to her" - If you can actually see anything on that video that a normal person would see as menacing, please share.

You talk so frequently about reality...but all you actually are dealing in here is your one eyed perspective.

The threat did not alleviate until after the guy went away and stopped menacing her. And he did not do that until after she called the police.
See above + he stayed and video'd her behaviour even after she called police. He left immediately after she leashed her dog, saying thank you before immediately departing.

Your version isn't precisely accurate (but if you ignore the specific timings - sure he left after she called police. But that is what this your version does - avoids the specific timings)

Calling 911 when a black man says that you are not going to like what he is about to do and then tries to lure your pet away is not racist in any way.
I agree (my agreement with this has been said a number of times now). And nor have I said such is racist - it isn't. Perhaps your penchant for looking at things with a stringent one eyed view results in you reading very skewed versions of what is actually written.

All four quotations are accurate.
You say this like this is under dispute - of course they are accurate. They just don't relate to what you claim I said. You're not dumb, so stop pretending that completely removing phrases from their actual explanation works. And stop pretending that once having removed statements from their explanation, that claiming a different explanation - in any way works. Such deteriorates further as, if we removed the context - we would both agree on your new 'interpretation' (and you've already been told we would agree, but continue to raise it).

The only thing that this woman did was call 911 when a black man said that she wasn't going to like what he was about to do and then tried to lure her pet away.
This is not the only thing she did. She also engaged in numerous behaviours, and used words (a call is the physical act of calling a telephone number). A call to 911 itself is not the issue - it's the surrounding behaviours, words, and circumstances.

The fact that you are a very small voice in a very large lynch mob does not absolve you of moral culpability for the atrocity that the lynch mob is committing.
That's interesting:
- here I thought you were for freedom of speech.
- you often engage in the rights & wrongs of incidents on this forum
- but here you are objecting to me discussing the rights & wrongs of an incident
- and claiming that discussing the rights & wrongs is akin to a lynching
- you see defending her right to keep her job as irrelevant...in your view it still constitutes a lynching
- that she isn't on this forum...in your view is irrelevant...in your view it still constitutes a lynching
- this forum doesn't in any way affect her life...but to you, it's still akin to a lynching...

Well, if you want to interpret things in such a way, that's up to you. Seems bizarre to me.
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2020 02:01 am
vikorr wrote:
And of course, by "menacing" you mean "Videoing her histrionics, standing still, talking in a reasonable tone to her"

Yes. Having just threatened her and tried to grab her pet (from her perspective), his presence near her was menacing no matter what he was doing. The only way for him to end the menace was to retreat and leave her alone.

vikorr wrote:
- If you can actually see anything on that video that a normal person would see as menacing, please share.

Having just delivered a threat to her pet and tried to act on it (from her perspective), his very presence was menacing.

Recording her was an intrusion that compounded the menace. Note that her description when she calls the police correctly describes all of his activity including that he was recording her.

vikorr wrote:
You talk so frequently about reality...but all you actually are dealing in here is your one eyed perspective.

Reality is that she found him quite menacing and had every right to protect herself.

Calling the police was her preferred way to protect herself. However, clearly that was a bad choice.

Future people who feel menaced by a minority are likely to protect themselves in a manner that doesn't involve the police until after they are well away from the crime scene.

vikorr wrote:
See above + he stayed and video'd her behaviour even after she called police. He left immediately after she leashed her dog, saying thank you before immediately departing.

And when he departed, she no longer felt menaced.

vikorr wrote:
Your version isn't precisely accurate (but if you ignore the specific timings - sure he left after she called police. But that is what this your version does - avoids the specific timings)

What timings and how are they relevant?

vikorr wrote:
I agree (my agreement with this has been said a number of times now). And nor have I said such is racist - it isn't. Perhaps your penchant for looking at things with a stringent one eyed view results in you reading very skewed versions of what is actually written.

I described her actions. And you have repeatedly called her a racist for her actions.

vikorr wrote:
You say this like this is under dispute - of course they are accurate.

Well you did say I was trying to put words in your mouth.

vikorr wrote:
They just don't relate to what you claim I said.

I claim that you accused her of racism. The quotes prove that you accused her of racism.

vikorr wrote:
You're not dumb, so stop pretending that completely removing phrases from their actual explanation works. And stop pretending that once having removed statements from their explanation, that claiming a different explanation - in any way works. Such deteriorates further as, if we removed the context - we would both agree on your new 'interpretation' (and you've already been told we would agree, but continue to raise it).

The quotes prove that you accused her of racism.

vikorr wrote:
This is not the only thing she did. She also engaged in numerous behaviours, and used words (a call is the physical act of calling a telephone number). A call to 911 itself is not the issue - it's the surrounding behaviours, words, and circumstances.

It was perfectly reasonable (and not at all racist) for her to try to convince the menacing man to go away by telling him that she would call the police if he didn't leave her alone.

vikorr wrote:
That's interesting:
- here I thought you were for freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean that people can't criticize you when you commit an atrocity.

vikorr wrote:
- you often engage in the rights & wrongs of incidents on this forum
- but here you are objecting to me discussing the rights & wrongs of an incident

You are falsely accusing an innocent person of nonexistent wrongs.

vikorr wrote:
- and claiming that discussing the rights & wrongs is akin to a lynching

The false accusations that you are helping to perpetrate are being used by others as justification for harming an innocent person.

vikorr wrote:
- you see defending her right to keep her job as irrelevant...in your view it still constitutes a lynching

Your support for the false accusations aids the people who are using those false accusations to justify harming an innocent person.

vikorr wrote:
- that she isn't on this forum...in your view is irrelevant...in your view it still constitutes a lynching
- this forum doesn't in any way affect her life...but to you, it's still akin to a lynching...

That you are a tiny voice in a very large lynch mob does not change the fact that you are participating in the lynching of an innocent person.
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2020 05:06 am
You can always count on conservatives to be fair and reasonable. This article is perfect.
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2020 07:34 am
Conservstive bullshit is what it is. Racist conservative bullshit as well. Amy broke the law and refused to follow the law. Chris's actions were totally consistent with what he asked under the law to happen and she refused, ,so he took action to restrain the dog himself. No evidence anything else there. No threat. She wasn't going to like his lawful attempt to restrain the dog . No threat on his part, simply a lawful attempt to restrain the dog when its owner wouldn't. Her unlawful reaction was to choke the dog, jerk it around and off its feet, quite possibly unlawful cruelty tok animals, and to make racist inflammatory statements to the 911 or cops call she made, which he told her to make ., far from stoppmg her to make the call.. Wisely he recorded it so there would be no possible chance for the cops to take her accusations seriously,, as we have seen coks do in black-white confrontations. Amy was illegal, totally out of control, and society has shamed her for it. Chris was a model of calm, and rationality. And conservatives as usual upend reality and blame the black guy rether than the white perp.

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