Guns: how much longer will it take ....

Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 06:59 pm
There is just so much willful blind obtuseness I can yakeat one time. Going to watch Antiques roadshow, which makes sense. Feel free to talk to yourself.
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 07:02 pm
If you wouldn't dish it out, there wouldn't be any blind obtuseness here to begin with.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 07:03 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
I'm not the racist.

Yes you are. I have pointed out racist statements on your part.

You can't point out any racist statements on my part.

MontereyJack wrote:
Since this is a two-person discussion, that leaves only one person to be a racist,

That's bad logic. It is possible for all parties in a conversation to be either racist or non-racist.

MontereyJack wrote:
and on the theory that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...…..

Note again the reality that you are the only person here who has made racist statements.
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 07:05 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

Not really. It is good that I oppose your racism.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 07:06 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
Since that is not what progressives do, but purely your own apparently fevered imagination,

That is incorrect. The sole point of New York's law was to violate people's civil liberties. And the sole reason for violating people's civil liberties was to provide progressives with sadistic pleasure.

MontereyJack wrote:
Your defenses of it so far have just been silly and contrary to fact.

I have not offered any defenses of my imagination to begin with. There is no way for a nonexistent defense to be either silly or contrary to fact.
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 10:23 pm
Neither of those statements is true. No matter how mechanically you repeat them they will never be true. What IS true is that conservatives fatally violate Americans' civil rights by putting guns in the hands of people who use them to violate civil rights by killing innocent people using them for the purpose they were invented for, and they must be doing it for sadistic pleasure, since there's no other motive for killing innocents and they take such glee at thwarting any attempt to keep guns out of such hands,

Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 10:26 pm
everything you say about BLM and Trayvon Martin, amongst other posts are racist.
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 10:29 pm
He wants to violate civil rights for fun, or whatever he thinks is fun, or he is confused, or he is on the spectrum, or.....let's face it, who cares?
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 10:30 pm
But he has an IQ ... or so he says.
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 10:32 pm
Idiocy Quotient?
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 10:35 pm
Yep. That'd be my guess

(though he will say I can't prove it or that anything he sputters is wrong)
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 11:11 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
Neither of those statements is true.

Wrong again. Your inability to provide any other purpose for New York's law is proof that it has no purpose other than violating people's civil liberties for fun.

And you cannot provide any examples of me talking about my imagination.

MontereyJack wrote:
No matter how mechanically you repeat them they will never be true.

Wrong again. Reality remains true no matter how big of a temper tantrum you throw.

MontereyJack wrote:
What IS true is that conservatives fatally violate Americans' civil rights by putting guns in the hands of people who use them to violate civil rights by killing innocent people using them for the purpose they were invented for, and they must be doing it for sadistic pleasure, since there's no other motive for killing innocents and they take such glee at thwarting any attempt to keep guns out of such hands

Wrong again. Preventing progressives from violating civil liberties for fun does not harm anyone's civil rights. Neither does it cost any lives.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 11:14 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
everything you say about BLM and Trayvon Martin, amongst other posts are racist.

Wrong again. Pointing out that these people are would-be murderers is not racist.

I know you don't like facts. But reality is not racism.

The only racism here is your assumption that progressive extremists like the BLM thugs represent the views of all black people.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 11:15 pm
glitterbag wrote:
He wants to violate civil rights for fun, or whatever he thinks is fun,

Wrong again. It's progressives who always demand to do that.

glitterbag wrote:
or he is confused,

Wrong again. It is you double-digit types who get confused. I'm immune to confusion.

glitterbag wrote:
or he is on the spectrum, or.....let's face it, who cares?

Wrong again. It's the fact that you are not capable of producing an intelligent argument so you rely on childish name-calling.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 11:16 pm
Sturgis wrote:
But he has an IQ ... or so he says.

Why does it bother you so much that I'm smarter than you are?

Being smarter than you are certainly doesn't bother me.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 11:17 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
Idiocy Quotient?

Your childish name-calling won't change the fact that you cannot point out any untrue statements in my posts.
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 11:41 pm
Sturgis wrote:
Yep. That'd be my guess

Your childish name-calling won't change the fact that you are not capable of producing an intelligent argument.

Sturgis wrote:
(though he will say I can't prove it or that anything he sputters is wrong)

If you were smarter you'd be able to draw a useful conclusion from the fact that you can't find any untrue statements in my posts.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 11:45 pm
Some one has responded 6 times, but I have no idea what they are trying to say!!!!! Hurahh...the ignore feature, I have an IQ of 389, like a 1966 GTO.
Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2020 11:47 pm
More of your childishness because you aren't capable of producing an intelligent argument.

And shame on Barack Obama for murdering Pontiac.
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2020 12:01 am
You will notice it's modeled very closely on your childishness because it's mocking the dumbness of your argument.

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