Youve already drawn a conclusion that Trumps actions are legal and even if not, are not impeachable. We sit a canyon chasm apart on that kind of thinking.
If they are provably true (thats what this phase of investigation is about, its more like a Grand Jury), then the hrges are Bribery or Extortion. Im probably going to be using that now that the committee and the Speaker have named it.
At least one of those is highlighted by name in the US Constitution as originally ratified.
s far as Oral. I dont insist he stop sounding a little slow headed, but Its my option to rmind him.
When he spaks in mantras and spews two lines about
1pistol grips
2 civil rights "for un"
Both are idiotic silly, stupid phrses that hve no business in a discussion from someone so slf satisfied.
Ive found his "Knowledge" of guns to be based on one single point, and, as far as real-world experience, Gunga snake and I took him a bit apart when he failed to explain how we target with a shotgun.
You keep up your sides argumnts, at least theyre better thought out than his.
We will see how close the rel evidence presents itself. I already know our country is so polarized that , as long as the Senate is run by the GOP, he probably wont be convicted.
This is entirely different than Clinton's impeachment, 2 yars wre wasted trying to find anything on the Clinton case. Only after he delivered himself via "Happy Pants" and then ;ying about it , did he have anything impeachable. I think he should have been found guilty and removed from office. We then would perhaps have been spared the GWB years and his inability to understand macro-economics.
This president has delivered himself via his evil sidekick . He has NOT denied the phone call and the underlying story has merely to be proven to the Senate. Even if found Not guilty you really think America would trust a "walking felon" for another term???. I think the battle for thw presidency will b from the declared independents. You guys are summing up that"If hes not found guilty, hes a shoe-in for reelection".
I think the US public is not at all stupid and malleable to his Circus Act.