your crowd spends time making up nd misrepresenting facts by mere phraseology. Thats all you got?
"pistol Grips" as a constant chant is something presented by the slow headed.
So while most of you (not all) have your heads ad posteriori, (and had your ilk been paying attention), may I reiterate that MJ started out with the argument that the MASS shootings were accomplished by guns capable of delivering scads of bullets down range and at greater effective distances. I KNEW WHAT HE MEANT, and all you and Einstein proclaim is that he was arguing anti-pistol grips.
We recognize that more gun murders are committed by auto pistols(and are usually involve folks who know each other or are caught in crossfires), the potential for mass murders of innocent people adds another dimension for weaponry that can more easily be controlled by law. You guys , by comparing statistics, seem to want to DIISMISS the mass murders by "Military style semi autos with large mag delivery of ammo". Believe it or not, not all murders are commited by crazy folks. Most of the mass murders seem to have been, I think they know they can score bigger numbers with larger magazines and semi auto fire.
Dont keep being a douche bag, I think youre capable of arguing more effectively (more like McGentrix or the late Gungasnake) both of whom who , at least, tried to have facts by their side to cobble arguments that are really more thought provoking.
The "pistol grips"mantra is bozo talk , witless , and wrong headed. (especially when it came from one who apparently had never handled several classes of weaponry yet "knowingly" preached about it and claimed his answers were" indisputable ")
Im not sure where YOUR OPINIONS come from, you seem to just agree with a person, or hunt down another, but with a fairly evidence-free discourse.
I dont feel compelled to argue with you or Einstein because you both use trite- 'lite" arguments that get really tiresome to even acknowledge.