I don't particularly care to talk about regulation (or just about any subject) with people who have no interest in regulations (or the corresponding 'any subject). How could anything productive, or even interesting disagreement, come out of it? If you get any response at all, it's usually one eyed nitpicking, purely for the sake of argument, rather than any exchange of ideas.
You avoid like the plague saying you're actually interested in discussing regulation.
All of the below, I've said before in this thread. My interest in regulation is keeping guns out of the hands of:
- domestically violent people
- people with criminal history for violence
- mentally ill
- there seems to be another category that I'm not remembering off the top of my head
As a personal view, I think semi-auto's aren't needed (even though I really enjoyed shooting them as a teenager).
And of course, everyone should be licensed, which is one of the necessities if you want to regulate.
Of course, I've also said that each country needs to decide what regulation is appropriate for itself.
So yes, I've discussed regulation throughout my posts in this thread. It's no secret, and I'm pretty sure you've seen me say most of this.
And I did mean what I said - there's little point discussing regulation (and I mean a detailed discussion) with a person who has no interest in regulation. Why you feel the need to try and turn
'whether or not you are interested in it' into a big dance, I really don't know.